/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.29/AthContainers/AthContainers/IndexTrackingPolicy.h File Reference

Describes the possible index tracking policies. More...

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namespace  SG

Constructor from a payload object.



Detailed Description

Describes the possible index tracking policies.

scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
Jan, 2013 If the payload of a container does not derive from SG::AuxElement, then the container does not track indices (and thus cannot have associated aux data). If it does, whether a container will track indices (and potentially have aux data) is governed by both the ownership policy and the index tracking policy. The default value for the index tracking policy is DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES. In that case, we track indices if this container owns its elements (OWN_ELEMENTS) and we don't if the container does not down its elements (VIEW_ELEMENTS). This is the usual case. However, the index tracking policy may also be set to ALWAYS_TRACK_INDICES or NEVER_TRACK_INDICES to override this. (The major foreseen use case for this is to allow index tracking for a view container populated with objects allocated from a DataPool.)
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