IRegSelSvc Member List

This is the complete list of members for IRegSelSvc, including all inherited members.
DetHashIDList(DETID detectorID, const IRoiDescriptor &roi, std::vector< IdentifierHash > &IDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetHashIDList(DETID detectorID, long layer, const IRoiDescriptor &roi, std::vector< IdentifierHash > &IDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetHashIDList(DETID detectorID, std::vector< IdentifierHash > &IDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetHashIDList(DETID detectorID, long layer, std::vector< IdentifierHash > &IDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetROBIDListUint(DETID detectorID, const IRoiDescriptor &roi, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputROBIDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetROBIDListUint(DETID detectorID, long layer, const IRoiDescriptor &roi, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputROBIDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetROBIDListUint(DETID detectorID, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputROBIDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DetROBIDListUint(DETID detectorID, long layer, std::vector< uint32_t > &outputROBIDList)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
DisableMissingROBs(const std::vector< uint32_t > &vec)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
getDeltaZ() const =0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
GetEtaPhi(DETID detectorID, IdentifierHash hashId, double *etaMin, double *etaMax, double *phiMin, double *phiMax)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
handle(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS)=0IRegSelSvc [pure virtual]
interfaceID()IRegSelSvc [inline, static]
~IRegSelSvc()IRegSelSvc [inline, virtual]
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1