/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.29/TrigSteeringEvent/TrigSteeringEvent/MessageSvcProvider.h File Reference

Provides message services. More...

#include <iostream>
#include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IMessageSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IService.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"

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class  MessageSvcProvider
 OBSOLETE It is an accessor for messageSvc for objects which were not GAUDI algorithms or tools. More...

Detailed Description

Provides message services.

Simon George <s.george@rhul.ac.uk>
Andrew Lowe <a.j.lowe@rhul.ac.uk> Provides a way of using the Gaudi MessageSvc when it is not easily available, e.g. for data classes. Just include this file in any class that requires message services.
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