MVAUtils::BDT Member List

This is the complete list of members for MVAUtils::BDT, including all inherited members.
BDT(TTree *tree)MVAUtils::BDT
BDT(TMVA::MethodBDT *bdt)MVAUtils::BDT
GetGradBoostMVA(const std::vector< float > &values) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetGradBoostMVA(const std::vector< float * > &pointers) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetMultiResponse(const std::vector< float > &values, unsigned int numClasses) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetMultiResponse(const std::vector< float * > &pointers, unsigned int numClasses) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetNTrees() const MVAUtils::BDT [inline]
GetOffset() const MVAUtils::BDT [inline]
GetPointers() const MVAUtils::BDT [inline]
GetResponse(const std::vector< float > &values) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetResponse(const std::vector< float * > &pointers) const MVAUtils::BDT
GetResponse() const MVAUtils::BDT [inline]
GetValues() const MVAUtils::BDT
newTree(const std::vector< int > &vars, const std::vector< float > &values)MVAUtils::BDT
newTree(const TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)MVAUtils::BDT
PrintForest() const MVAUtils::BDT
PrintTree(Node::index_t index) const MVAUtils::BDT
SetPointers(std::vector< float * > &pointers)MVAUtils::BDT [inline]
WriteTree(TString name="BDT")MVAUtils::BDT
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1