SH::SampleGrid Member List

This is the complete list of members for SH::SampleGrid, including all inherited members.
addReplaceMeta(TNamed *meta_swallow)SH::Sample
addSamples(SampleHandler &result)SH::Sample
addTag(const std::string &tag)SH::Sample
ClassDef(SampleGrid, 1) (defined in SH::SampleGrid)SH::SampleGrid [protected]
contains(const std::string &name) const SH::Sample
doAddSamples(SampleHandler &result)SH::Sample [protected, virtual]
doMakeFileList() const SH::SampleGrid [protected, virtual]
doMakeLocal() const SH::SampleGrid [protected, virtual]
doReadHist(const std::string &name) const SH::Sample [protected, virtual]
doUpdateLocation(const std::string &from, const std::string &to)SH::Sample [protected, virtual]
fetchMeta(const Sample &source)SH::Sample
fileName(std::size_t index) const SH::Sample
getContains(const std::string &name) const SH::Sample [protected, virtual]
getFileName(std::size_t index) const SH::SampleGrid [protected, virtual]
getMeta(const std::string &name)SH::Sample
getMeta(const std::string &name) const SH::Sample
getMetaDouble(const std::string &name, double def_val=0) const SH::Sample
getMetaString(const std::string &name, const std::string &def_val="") const SH::Sample
getNumEntries() const SH::Sample
getNumFiles() const SH::SampleGrid [protected, virtual]
makeFileList() const SH::Sample
makeLocal() const SH::Sample
makeTChain() const SH::Sample
makeTDSet() const SH::Sample
meta() const SH::Sample
name() const SH::Sample
name(std::string val_name)SH::Sample
numFiles() const SH::Sample
print() const SH::Sample
printContent() const SH::Sample
RCU_DEPRECATED("use meta() instead, or (preferably) access of meta-data by name") TCollection *metaDataList()SH::Sample
RCU_DEPRECATED("use meta() instead, or (preferably) access of meta-data by name") const TCollection *metaDataList() const SH::Sample
readHist(const std::string &name) const SH::Sample
removeMeta(const std::string &name)SH::Sample
Sample(const std::string &name)SH::Sample [protected]
SampleGrid(const std::string &name)SH::SampleGrid
SamplePtr (defined in SH::Sample)SH::Sample [friend]
setMetaDouble(const std::string &name, double value)SH::Sample
setMetaString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)SH::Sample
tags() const SH::Sample
tags(const TagList &tags)SH::Sample
testInvariant() const SH::SampleGrid
updateLocation(const std::string &from, const std::string &to)SH::Sample
~Sample()SH::Sample [virtual]
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1