APWeightEntry Member List

This is the complete list of members for APWeightEntry, including all inherited members.
APWeightEntry(unsigned int val_denominator, unsigned int val_numerator, double scale, bool isTrig=false)APWeightEntry
GetCoords() const APWeightEntry
GetExpectancy() const APWeightEntry
GetID() const APWeightEntry
GetOriginalDimensions() const APWeightEntry
GetStatUncertHigh() const APWeightEntry
GetStatUncertLow() const APWeightEntry
GetSysUncert() const APWeightEntry
GetSysUncert2() const APWeightEntry
GetValDenominator() const APWeightEntry
GetValNumerator() const APWeightEntry
GetVariance() const APWeightEntry
IsNaN() const APWeightEntry
IsTrig() const APWeightEntry
ReadEfficiency(double efficiency, double err_low, double err_high)APWeightEntry
SetCoordinates(std::vector< int > coords, std::vector< int > n_dim_origin) (defined in APWeightEntry)APWeightEntry
SetID(unsigned int id)APWeightEntry
SetSystUncert(double rel_uncert)APWeightEntry
~APWeightEntry()APWeightEntry [virtual]
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1