/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.30/TestTools/TestTools/random.h File Reference

Very simple random numbers for regression testing. More...

#include <stdint.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Athena_test::RNG
 Generator compatible with the STL RandomNumberGenerator. More...
struct  Athena_test::URNG
 Generator compatible with the C++11 STL UniformRandomNumberGenerator. More...


namespace  Athena_test


uint32_t Athena_test::rng_seed (uint32_t &seed)
 Generate a random number between 0 and rngmax.
float Athena_test::randf_seed (uint32_t &seed, float rmax, float rmin=0)
 Generate a floating-point random number between rmin and rmax.
int Athena_test::randi_seed (uint32_t &seed, int rmax, int rmin=0)
 Generate an integer random number between rmin and rmax.
uint32_t Athena_test::rng ()
int Athena_test::randi (int rmax, int rmin=0)
float Athena_test::randf (float rmax, float rmin=0)


uint32_t Athena_test::seed = 1

Detailed Description

Very simple random numbers for regression testing.

scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
Aug, 2014 This file provides a few very simple random number generators useful for regression testing. These are 32-bit LCGs, with constants taken from Numerical Recipes. These numbers will have poor quality; however, the results should be completely reproducible across platforms. For regression testing, that's often all that's really needed.
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