TPhotonMCShifterTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for TPhotonMCShifterTool, including all inherited members.
centers (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
FF_bin (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
FF_int_bin (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
fillBins() (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
Fudge_DE(double deltae, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_E277(double e277, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Eratio(double eratio, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_F1(double f1, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Fside(double fside, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Reta(double reta, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Rhad(double rhad, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Rhad1(double rhad1, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Rphi(double rphi, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_W1(double w1, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Weta2(double weta2, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
Fudge_Wtot(double wtot, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
FudgeShowers(double pt, double eta2, double &rhad1, double &rhad, double &e277, double &reta, double &rphi, double &weta2, double &f1, double &fside, double &wtot, double &w1, double &deltae, double &eratio, int isConv, int preselection=-999) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
FudgeShowers(float pt, float eta2, float &rhad1, float &rhad, float &e277, float &reta, float &rphi, float &weta2, float &f1, float &fside, float &wtot, float &w1, float &deltae, float &eratio, int isConv, int preselection=-999) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
FudgeShowers(std::vector< float > clE, std::vector< float > eta2, std::vector< float > &rhad1, std::vector< float > &rhad, std::vector< float > &e277, std::vector< float > &reta, std::vector< float > &rphi, std::vector< float > &weta2, std::vector< float > &f1, std::vector< float > &fside, std::vector< float > &wtot, std::vector< float > &w1, std::vector< float > &deltae, std::vector< float > &eratio, std::vector< int > isConv, int preselection=-999) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
getEratio(std::vector< float > emaxs1, std::vector< float > Emax2)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline, static]
GetFF(int var, double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_DE(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_E277(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Eratio(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_F1(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Fside(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Reta(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Rhad(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Rhad1(double pt, double eta2, int conv)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Rphi(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_W1(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Weta2(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFF_Wtot(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_DE(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_E277(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Eratio(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_F1(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Fside(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Reta(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Rhad(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Rhad1(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Rphi(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_W1(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Weta2(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFerr_Wtot(double pt, double eta2, int conv) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
GetFFmap(int var, double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_DE(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_E277(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Eratio(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_F1(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Fside(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Reta(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Rhad(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Rhad1(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Rphi(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_W1(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Weta2(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetFFmap_Wtot(double eta, int isConv, int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
GetPreselection() (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
interpolate(double pt, double eta2, TH2D *hist) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
interpolateErrors(double pt, double eta2, TH2D *hist) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
LoadFFs(int preselection) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
NBINS (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
pt_ratio (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
SetVerbose(bool verbose=true) (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool [inline]
temp_FF (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
temp_FF_err (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
TPhotonMCShifterTool() (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
~TPhotonMCShifterTool() (defined in TPhotonMCShifterTool)TPhotonMCShifterTool
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