/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.30/CxxUtils/Root/StringUtils.cxx File Reference

namespace for misc string utility More...

#include "CxxUtils/StringUtils.h"
#include "StringUtils_aux.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>


namespace  CxxUtils

Copy the elements of a sequence for which a predicate is true.


size_t CxxUtils::StringUtils::getStringWidth (const std::string &str)
 calculate the width of a string
void CxxUtils::StringUtils::writeFixedWidth (std::ostream &os, const std::string &input, size_t width, const std::string &align)
 writes a string to a given stream with a fixed width
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::findParenthesisMatch (const std::string &str, size_type nextpos, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose)
 finds the nearest matching parenthesis in a string from a given position
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::rfindParenthesisMatch (const std::string &str, size_type nextpos, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose)
 reverse-finds the nearest matching parenthesis in a string from a given position
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::findFree (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose, size_type startpos)
 finds the next "free" occurrence of needle in haystack
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::rfindFree (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose, size_type startpos)
 reverse-finds the next "free" occurrence of needle in haystack
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::findFreeOf (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needles, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose, size_type startpos)
 finds the next "free" occurrence of any needle in haystack
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::rfindFreeOf (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needles, const std::string &paropen, const std::string &parclose, size_type startpos)
 reverse-finds the next "free" occurrence of any needle in haystack
std::string CxxUtils::StringUtils::replaceSymbols (const std::string &str, StringUtils::FORMAT inputFormat, StringUtils::FORMAT outputFormat)
 replaces unicode, latex and html symbols with one another as desired
std::string CxxUtils::StringUtils::replaceSpecialScript (const std::string &str, StringUtils::SPECIALSCRIPT inputType, StringUtils::SPECIALSCRIPT outputType)
 replaces unicode superscript and subscript with the corresponding ascii characters and vice-versa
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::findBeginSpecialScript (const std::string &str, StringUtils::SPECIALSCRIPT scripttype, size_type pos)
 finds the next entity of a certain type of special script
size_type CxxUtils::StringUtils::findEndSpecialScript (const std::string &str, StringUtils::SPECIALSCRIPT scripttype, size_type pos)
 finds the next entity not belonging to a certain type of special script
std::string CxxUtils::StringUtils::stripUnprintableCharacters (const std::string &str, bool allowNonAscii)
 removes all non-printable characters from a string
StringUtils::FORMAT CxxUtils::StringUtils::guessFormat (const std::string &input)
 guesses the format of a string
size_t CxxUtils::StringUtils::readLaTeXToken (const std::string &latex, std::string &token, size_t start)
 reads the next LaTeX token
std::string CxxUtils::StringUtils::convertText (const std::string &input, StringUtils::FORMAT inputFormat, StringUtils::FORMAT outputFormat)
 converts a string from one format into another
std::string CxxUtils::StringUtils::convertText (const std::string &input, StringUtils::FORMAT outputFormat)
 converts a string into any format

Detailed Description

namespace for misc string utility

carsten burgard <cburgarc@cern.ch>
May, 2014 This file provides a set of StringUtils that go beyond the capabilities of typical string utility functions (such as provided by boost). This includes fail-proof trimming of strings with multibyte characters and control sequences and parsing helpers that understand and respect parenthesis.

Also implemented are functions that allow easy conversion between HTML-type strings, LaTeX-type strings, unicode strings and plain ascii strings. The aim of these methods is converting symbols and mathematical expressions in strings, including subscript and superscript and special mathematical or greek symbols - they are not intended as a replacement for conversion of entire documents and do not respect text or background colors, sectioning commands, annotations, document meta-information, non-textual elements, custom macro definitions, javascript, or any other features beyond basic text markup.

carsten burgard <cburgarc@cern.ch>
May, 2014
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1