CP::EffiCollection Member List
This is the complete list of members for
CP::EffiCollection, including all inherited members.
Calo enum value (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
CaloLowPt enum value (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
Central enum value (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
CentralLowPt enum value (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
CheckConsistency() (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
CollectionType enum name (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
EffiCollection() (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
EffiCollection(const std::string &file_central, const std::string &file_calo, const std::string &file_forward, const std::string &file_lowpt_central, const std::string &file_lowpt_caloo, SystematicSet sys, CP::MuonEfficiencyType effType, double lowPtTransition=20000.) (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
EffiCollection(const EffiCollection *Nominal, const std::string &file_central, const std::string &file_calo, const std::string &file_forward, const std::string &file_lowpt_central, const std::string &file_lowpt_caloo, SystematicSet sys, CP::MuonEfficiencyType effType, double lowPtTransition=20000.) (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
EffiCollection(const EffiCollection &other) (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
Forward enum value (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
nBins() const (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
operator=(const EffiCollection &other) (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
retrieveContainer(CollectionType Type) const (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | [protected] |
retrieveSF(const xAOD::Muon &mu, unsigned int RunNumber) | CP::EffiCollection | |
SeySystematicBin(unsigned int Bin) (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
sysname() const (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | |
~EffiCollection() (defined in CP::EffiCollection) | CP::EffiCollection | [virtual] |