HSG3TrigLeptonSFTool Class Reference

Short description for the class. More...

#include <HSG3TrigLeptonSFTool.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 HSG3TrigLeptonSFTool (const std::string &dir, Double_t intLumiJ, Double_t intLumiK, Double_t intLumiL, Double_t intLumiM)
Double_t MuEff_CB_HSG3 (const std::string &period, Bool_t isData, const TLorentzVector &muon) const
std::pair< Double_t, Double_t > MuEffErr_CB_HSG3 (const std::string &period, Bool_t isData, const TLorentzVector &muon) const

Detailed Description

Short description for the class.

Longer description for the class...

2012-10-27 03:18:33 +0200 (Sat, 27 Oct 2012)

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