JetREcTool Class Reference

#include <JetRecTool.h>

Detailed Description

David Adams.
January 2014

This is the top-level tool for jet reconstruction. It creates a new jet collection from finding, grooming or copy. There is a one-to-one correpondence between jet collections and JetRecTool instances.

Properties are as follows: OutputContainer: Name of the output jet collection InputCollection: Name of the input jet collection. Required for grooming or copy. If InputTool is defined, the collection name is taked from the output collection name of that tool. The configured value of this property should be identical to that or blank. InputTool: Handle for the JetRecTool called to create the input collection if it is not already found in the event store. JetPseudojetRetriever: Tool used to retrieve the pseudojet cluster sequence associated with a jet. If undefined, one is created. PseudoJetGetters: Array of handles for the tools used to retrieve pseudojet collections. These collections are merged and used as input for jet finding. JetFinder: Handle for the tool used to find jets. JetGroomer: Handle for the tool used to groom jets. JetModifiers: Array of handles of tools used to modify the jet collection, e.g. to add moments sort or filter. JetConsumers: Tools consuming jets to run after building jets

This tool may be used to build jets in any one of three ways: 1. To find jets, the JetFinder and PseudoJetGetters must be defined. InputCollection, InputTool and JetGroomer should not be defined. 2. To groom jets, the JetGroomer and InputCollection or InputTool must be defined. The JetFinder should not be defined. 3. To copy jets, the InputCollection or InputTool must be defined. The tool may also be used to call a sequence of pseudojet builders without building any jets. In this case, none of OutputCollection, InputCollection, InputTool, JetFinder or jetGroomer should be defined and the array of jet modifiers should be empty.

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