APReweight Member List

This is the complete list of members for APReweight, including all inherited members.
_empty_weightAPReweightBase [protected]
_IDAPReweightBase [protected]
_isQuietAPReweightBase [protected]
_isTrigAPReweightBase [protected]
_NIDAPReweightBase [protected, static]
_scaleAPReweightBase [protected]
_syst_uncert_globalAPReweightBase [protected]
APReweight(TTree *denominator, std::string denominator_branch, TTree *numerator, std::string numerator_branch, unsigned int n_bins, double x_min, double x_max, bool isTrig=false)APReweight
APReweight(std::vector< double > denominator, std::vector< double > numerator, unsigned int n_bins, double x_min, double x_max, bool isTrig=false)APReweight
APReweight(TH1 *denominator_in, TH1 *numerator_in, bool isTrig=false)APReweight
GetBin(double value) const APReweight
GetBinWeight(unsigned int bin) const APReweight
GetDenominatorHist() const APReweight
GetID() const APReweightBase
GetNumeratorHist() const APReweight
GetSampleScale() const APReweight
GetWeight(double value) const APReweight
NBins() const APReweight
ReadEfficiency(TH1 *efficiency_in, TH1 *err_low_in, TH1 *err_high_in=0)APReweight
SetQuietMode(bool isQuiet=true)APReweight
SetSystUncert(double rel_uncert)APReweight
~APReweight()APReweight [virtual]
~APReweightBase()APReweightBase [virtual]
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Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1