TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool Class Reference

Calculate the egamma scale factors in pure ROOT For each scale factor declare a tool and use addFileName to add root files containing scale factors. After adding root files call initialize() In the event loop use calculate(const PATCore::ParticleDataType::DataType dataType, const unsigned int runnumber, const double cluster_eta, const double et) This returns a TResult. The scale factor and its uncertainty are obtained by calling getScaleFactor() or getTotalUncertainty (See header file of TResult in package PATCore) For a short documentation see the included README file. More...

#include <TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.h>

Detailed Description

Calculate the egamma scale factors in pure ROOT For each scale factor declare a tool and use addFileName to add root files containing scale factors. After adding root files call initialize() In the event loop use calculate(const PATCore::ParticleDataType::DataType dataType, const unsigned int runnumber, const double cluster_eta, const double et) This returns a TResult. The scale factor and its uncertainty are obtained by calling getScaleFactor() or getTotalUncertainty (See header file of TResult in package PATCore) For a short documentation see the included README file.

Calculate the egamma scale factors in pure ROOT.

Karsten Koeneke, Felix Buehrer
January 2013
Karsten Koeneke, Felix Buehrer
July 2012

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