Adaptor class: xAOD::Electron (or xAOD::Photon) to TTree for MVA calibration
This class is a TTree with 0 events that recreates the structure of the TTree used during the training of the MVA calibration. In this way the same input (in the same format and computed with the same code) is exposed to egammaMVACalib (via egammaMVATool).
The structure of the TTree is dynamically created, given the set of Branches needed. The name of the branches is the same used during the training, and follow the convenctions of PhotonD3PD. By the way this tool should not be intended as a xOAD->D3PD converter.
Developer note: the structure is dynamic, only the needed branches are created. In addition the class holds the internal variables linked to the branches. Since variables are of different types this means to have different containers. This is the simplest implementation, but not very maintainable. TODO: Consider the usage of type erasure, for example with boost::variant.