/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.31/CxxUtils/CxxUtils/noreturn.h File Reference

Macro to mark a method as not returning. Expands to the c++11 noreturn attribute if we're using c++11, otherwise to the GNU noreturn attribute if we're using gcc, otherwise expands to just the declaration. More...

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#define ATH_HAS_NORETURN   0
#define ATH_NORETURN(X)   X

Detailed Description

Macro to mark a method as not returning. Expands to the c++11 noreturn attribute if we're using c++11, otherwise to the GNU noreturn attribute if we're using gcc, otherwise expands to just the declaration.

scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov>
Feb, 2014 Use like:

ATH_NORETURN (void func (int a, double b));

Be careful if the return type contains commas (in a template argument list) --- you may need a typedef in that case.

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