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AnalysisBase-25.2.43 AnalysisBase-25.2.42 AnalysisBase-25.2.41 AnalysisBase-25.2.40 AnalysisBase-25.2.39 AnalysisBase-25.2.38 AnalysisBase-25.2.37 AnalysisBase-25.2.36 AnalysisBase-25.2.35 AnalysisBase-25.2.34 AnalysisBase-25.2.33 AnalysisBase-25.2.32 AnalysisBase-25.2.31

The xAOD analysis framework, born out of ProofAna…or not.

Welcome to the xAODAnaHelpers wiki! This is an xAOD Analysis Framework built for Run II of ATLAS.

Supported releases

xAODAnaHelpers supports 21 and 22 releases. This documentation is for R22, please follow this link to see the documentation for R21.

Latest Version


If you need to add a new release to be supported, please make sure you update the GitHub Actions ci.yml workflow file first.

We support the following releases: AnalysisBase,25.2.43, AnalysisBase,25.2.42, AnalysisBase,25.2.41, AnalysisBase,25.2.40, AnalysisBase,25.2.39, AnalysisBase,25.2.38, AnalysisBase,25.2.37, AnalysisBase,25.2.36, AnalysisBase,25.2.35, AnalysisBase,25.2.34, AnalysisBase,25.2.33, AnalysisBase,25.2.32, AnalysisBase,25.2.31,

Python Code Quality

Code Health

Indices and tables