class JetCalibrator : public xAH::Algorithm¶
A wrapper to a few JetETMiss packages. By setting the configuration parameters detailed in the header documentation, one can:
calibrate a given jet collection
apply systematic variations for JES
apply systematic variations for JER
decorate the jet with the decision of the Jet Cleaning tool
When considering systematics, a new
is created for each systematic variation. The names are then saved in a vector for downstream algorithms to use.Public Functions
virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob(EL::Job &job)¶
virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput(bool firstFile)¶
virtual EL::StatusCode initialize()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode execute()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode finalize()¶
virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize()¶
Public Members
std::string m_inContainerName = ""¶
The name of the input container for this algorithm to read from
std::string m_outContainerName = ""¶
The name of the nominal output container written by the algorithm to
If the algorithm applies systematic variations, for each shallow copy saved to
, the systematic name will be appended to this.
std::string m_jetAlgo = ""¶
set to
std::string m_outputAlgo = ""¶
name of vector holding names of jet systematics given by the JetEtmiss Tools
bool m_writeSystToMetadata = false¶
Write systematics names to metadata.
bool m_recalibrateHLTJets = false¶
whether to run HLT jet re-calibration
std::string m_HLTVertexContainerName = "HLT_IDVertex_FS"¶
vertex container name to use for HLT jet re-calibration
std::string m_HLTAvgMuDecor = "EventInfo.AvgMu"¶
HLT average mu decoration on EventInfo after formatting.
std::string m_EvtInfoHLTNPVDecor = ""¶
location of the HLT NPV on EventInfo object (e.g. EventInfo.NPV) this defaults to an empty string and is only configured in JetCalibrationTool when a non-empty string is provided
std::string m_calibGSCDepth = ""¶
GSCDepth property to override GSCDepth in config file when set to a non-empty string and GSC is in the calibration sequence.
std::string m_calibConfigDir = ""¶
config for JetCalibrationTool ConfigDir, set it to override tool defaults
std::string m_calibConfigData = "JES_data2017_2016_2015_Recommendation_Aug2018_rel21.config"¶
config for JetCalibrationTool for Data
std::string m_calibConfigFullSim = "JES_data2017_2016_2015_Recommendation_Aug2018_rel21.config"¶
config for JetCalibrationTool for Full Sim MC
std::string m_calibConfigAFII = "JES_MC16Recommendation_AFII_EMTopo_April2018_rel21.config"¶
config for JetCalibrationTool for AFII MC
std::string m_calibSequence = ""¶
List of calibration steps. Auto-configured to the Jet/Etmiss recommendation if left blank.
std::string m_uncertConfig = ""¶
config for Jet Uncertainty Tool
std::string m_uncertMCType = ""¶
MC type for Jet Uncertainty Tool (need to be set for FullSim)
std::string m_overrideCalibArea = ""¶
Override CalibArea tag (default recommended)
std::string m_overrideUncertCalibArea = ""¶
Override uncertainties CalibArea tag (default recommended)
std::string m_overrideAnalysisFile = ""¶
Set analysis-specific jet flavour composition file for JetUncertainties (default: unknown comp.)
std::string m_overrideUncertPath = ""¶
Override uncertainties path (not recommended)
bool m_forceInsitu = false¶
when running data “_Insitu” is appended to calibration sequence
bool m_forceSmear = false¶
when running FullSim “_Smear” is appended to calibration sequence
bool m_jetCalibToolsDEV = false¶
when using DEV mode of JetCalibTools
bool m_addGhostMuonsToJets = false¶
Run muon-to-jet ghost association (recommended for MET)
bool m_doCleaning = true¶
enable to apply jet cleaning decoration
std::string m_jetCleanCutLevel = "LooseBad"¶
Cut Level.
bool m_saveAllCleanDecisions = false¶
Save all cleaning decisions as decorators.
bool m_jetCleanUgly = false¶
Do Ugly cleaning ( i.e. TileGap 3 )
bool m_sort = true¶
Sort the processed container elements by transverse momentum.
bool m_cleanParent = false¶
Apply jet cleaning to parent jet.
bool m_applyFatJetPreSel = false¶
bool m_useLargeRTruthLabelingTool = true¶
Use large-R jet truth labeling tool (needed for systematics)
std::string m_truthLabelName = "R10TruthLabel_R21Consolidated"¶
Name of the large-R jet truth labeling definition.
bool m_isTruthJetCol = false¶
Flag to indicate if using a truth jet collection.
bool m_useTRUTH3 = true¶
Flag to indicate if input xAOD uses TRUTH3 style containers.
std::string m_truthParticleContainerName = "TruthParticles"¶
Name of the truth particle container if not using TRUTH3 containers.
std::string m_truthBosonContainerName = "TruthBosonsWithDecayParticles"¶
Name of the truth boson container if using TRUTH3 containers.
std::string m_truthTopQuarkContainerName = "TruthTopQuarkWithDecayParticles"¶
Name of the truth top quark container if using TRUTH3 containers.
bool m_doJetTileCorr = false¶
jet tile correction
bool m_pseudoData = false¶
needed in case want to treat MC as pseudoData for JER uncertainty propagation
bool m_mcAndPseudoData = false¶
Treat MC as usual, then run the JER uncertainties on it a second time treating it as pseudodata. Overrides m_pseudodata if true.
Private Functions
EL::StatusCode executeSystematic(const CP::SystematicSet &thisSyst, const xAOD::JetContainer *inJets, std::pair<xAOD::JetContainer*, xAOD::ShallowAuxContainer*> &calibJetsSC, std::vector<std::string> &vecOutContainerNames, bool isPDCopy)¶
EL::StatusCode initializeUncertaintiesTool(asg::AnaToolHandle<ICPJetUncertaintiesTool> &uncToolHandle, bool isData)¶
Private Members
bool m_runSysts = false¶
set to true if systematics asked for and exist
int m_numEvent¶
int m_numObject¶
std::string m_calibConfig¶
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> m_systList¶
asg::AnaToolHandle<IJetCalibrationTool> m_JetCalibrationTool_handle = {"JetCalibrationTool", this}¶
asg::AnaToolHandle<ICPJetUncertaintiesTool> m_JetUncertaintiesTool_handle = {"JetUncertaintiesTool", this}¶
asg::AnaToolHandle<ICPJetUncertaintiesTool> m_pseudodataJERTool_handle = {"PseudodataJERTool", this}¶
asg::AnaToolHandle<IJetSelector> m_JetCleaningTool_handle = {"JetCleaningTool", this}¶
std::vector<asg::AnaToolHandle<IJetSelector>> m_AllJetCleaningTool_handles¶
std::vector<std::string> m_decisionNames¶