Community ========= Tutorials --------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: (outdated) Brian Tuan's Tutorial Email List ---------- For other inquiries in which you don't have a Github account or prefer to ask a question to the community at large, please feel free to both subscribe and email to `atlas-sw-xAODAnaHelpersFW `_. Who uses us? ------------ The following list are packages / analyses searches that depend on xAH. We thank them for their hard work and hope they continue to use us! - `ttH->multileptonic final state `__ + HTop - former HSG8 group - `dijet `__ - `multijet `__ - `hh->4b `__ - `VBF + invisible `__ - `g->tt susy multi-b-jet `__ - Jet/MET - Jet Cleaning - `jet inputs to reconstruction `__ - Punch-through studies - `Multijet balance `__ - `Standard Model inclusive jet cross section `__ - `Voronoi Area Pileup Subtraction `__ - `Trigger-Level Analysis `__ - `Jet trigger group performance studies `__ - `Dijet+ISR Analysis `__ - `SM Full Run 2 Z+HF analysis `__ - `SM Full Run 2 W+jets analysis `__