Class IParticleHistsAlgo

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class IParticleHistsAlgo : public xAH::Algorithm

Subclassed by ElectronHistsAlgo, JetHistsAlgo, MuonHistsAlgo, PhotonHistsAlgo

Public Functions

IParticleHistsAlgo(std::string className = "IParticleHistsAlgo")
virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob(EL::Job &job)
virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput(bool firstFile)
virtual EL::StatusCode initialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode execute()

Calls execute<IParticleContainer>

virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode finalize()
virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize()
template<class HIST_T, class CONT_T>
inline EL::StatusCode execute()

Fill histograms with particles in a container.

Templated (container type) function that loops over all systematics (or nominal only)

and fills the corresponding histogram objects.

The event weight, in case of Monte Carlo samples, is

mcEventWeight crossSection*filterEfficiency*kfactor

where the sample-weights are taken from SampleHandler and set to 1 by default.

virtual EL::StatusCode AddHists(std::string name)

Calls AddHists<IParticleHists>


name – Name of the systematic

template<class HIST_T>
inline EL::StatusCode AddHists(std::string name)

Create histograms.

Tempalated (histogram colllection class) function that creates all necessary histogram

objects for a given systematic. The class chosen for HIST_T template must inherit from IParticleHists.


name – Name of the systematic

Public Members

std::string m_inContainerName = ""

input container

std::string m_detailStr = ""

which plots will be turned on

std::string m_inputAlgo = ""

name of algo input container comes from - only if

std::string m_histPrefix

Histogram name prefix when using IParticleHistsAlgo directly

std::string m_histTitle

Histogram xaxis title when using IParticleHistsAlgo directly