Class PhotonSelector¶
Defined in File PhotonSelector.h
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public xAH::Algorithm
(Class Algorithm)
Class Documentation¶
class PhotonSelector : public xAH::Algorithm
Public Functions
virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob(EL::Job &job)
virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput(bool firstFile)
virtual EL::StatusCode initialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode execute()
virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode finalize()
virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize()
bool executeSelection(const xAOD::PhotonContainer *inPhotons, float mcEvtWeight, bool countPass, ConstDataVector<xAOD::PhotonContainer> *selectedPhotons)
virtual bool passCuts(const xAOD::Photon *photon)
Public Members
bool m_useCutFlow = true
std::string m_inContainerName = ""
configuration variables input container name
std::string m_outContainerName = ""
output container name
std::string m_inputAlgoSystNames = ""
output auxiliary container name
std::string m_outputAlgoSystNames = "PhotonSelector_Syst"
bool m_decorateSelectedObjects = true
decorate selected objects - default “passSel”
bool m_createSelectedContainer = true
fill using SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS to be light weight
int m_nToProcess = -1
look at n objects
int m_pass_min = -1
minimum number of objects passing cuts
int m_pass_max = -1
maximum number of objects passing cuts
float m_pT_max = 1e8
require pT < pt_max
float m_pT_min = 1e8
require pT > pt_min
float m_eta_max = 1e8
require |eta| < eta_max
bool m_vetoCrack = true
require |eta| outside crack region
bool m_doAuthorCut = true
bool m_doOQCut = true
bool m_applyDeadHVCellVeto = false
Apply veto dead HV cells, affects only 2016 data.
bool m_readOQFromDerivation = false
read object quality from derivation, rather than calculating it on the fly
std::string m_photonIdCut = "None"
Name of ID variable to cut
std::string m_MinIsoWPCut = ""
reject objects which do not pass this isolation cut - default = “” (no cut)
std::string m_IsoWPList = "FixedCutTightCaloOnly,FixedCutTight,FixedCutLoose"
decorate objects with ‘isIsolated_*’ flag for each WP in this input list - default = all current ASG WPs