Program Listing for File BasicEventSelection.cxx¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (Root/BasicEventSelection.cxx
// EL include(s):
#include <EventLoop/Job.h>
#include <EventLoop/Worker.h>
#include "EventLoop/OutputStream.h"
// EDM include(s):
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeper.h"
#include "xAODCutFlow/CutBookkeeperContainer.h"
// package include(s):
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/HelperFunctions.h>
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/BasicEventSelection.h>
#include "PATInterfaces/CorrectionCode.h"
//#include "AsgMessaging/StatusCode.h"
// tools
#include "GoodRunsLists/GoodRunsListSelectionTool.h"
#include "PileupReweighting/PileupReweightingTool.h"
#include "TrigConfxAOD/xAODConfigTool.h"
//#include "PMGTools/PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool.h"
// For reading metadata
#include "AsgTools/AsgMetadataTool.h"
#include "xAODMetaData/FileMetaData.h"
// ROOT include(s):
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TTreeFormula.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "xAODCore/tools/IOStats.h"
#include "xAODCore/tools/ReadStats.h"
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
BasicEventSelection :: BasicEventSelection () :
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: setupJob (EL::Job& job)
// Here you put code that sets up the job on the submission object
// so that it is ready to work with your algorithm, e.g. you can
// request the D3PDReader service or add output files. Any code you
// put here could instead also go into the submission script. The
// sole advantage of putting it here is that it gets automatically
// activated/deactivated when you add/remove the algorithm from your
// job, which may or may not be of value to you.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Calling setupJob");
// let's initialize the algorithm to use the xAODRootAccess package
xAOD::Init("BasicEventSelection").ignore(); // call before opening first file
EL::OutputStream outForCFlow(m_cutFlowStreamName);
if(!job.outputHas(m_cutFlowStreamName) ){ job.outputAdd ( outForCFlow ); }
EL::OutputStream outForMetadata(m_metaDataStreamName);
if(!job.outputHas(m_metaDataStreamName) ){ job.outputAdd ( outForMetadata ); }
EL::OutputStream outForDuplicates(m_duplicatesStreamName);
if(!job.outputHas(m_duplicatesStreamName) ){ job.outputAdd ( outForDuplicates ); }
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: histInitialize ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done at the very
// beginning on each worker node, e.g. create histograms and output
// trees. This method gets called before any input files are
// connected.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Calling histInitialize");
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algInitialize());
// write the metadata hist to this file so algos downstream can pick up the pointer
TFile *fileMD = wk()->getOutputFile (m_metaDataStreamName);
// event counts from meta data
if ( !m_histEventCount ) {
m_histEventCount = new TH1D("MetaData_EventCount", "MetaData_EventCount", 6, 0.5, 6.5);
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(1, "nEvents initial");
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(2, "nEvents selected");
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(3, "sumOfWeights initial");
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(4, "sumOfWeights selected");
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(5, "sumOfWeightsSquared initial");
m_histEventCount -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(6, "sumOfWeightsSquared selected");
TFile *fileSumW = wk()->getOutputFile (m_metaDataStreamName);
// event counts from meta data
if ( !m_histSumW ) {
m_histSumW = new TH1D("MetaData_SumW", "MetaData_SumW", 1, -0.5, 0.5);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Creating histograms");
// write the cutflows to this file so algos downstream can pick up the pointer
TFile *fileCF = wk()->getOutputFile (m_cutFlowStreamName);
// Note: the following code is needed for anyone developing/running in ROOT 6.04.10+
// Bin extension is not done anymore via TH1::SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin), but with TH1::SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes)
//initialise event cutflow, which will be picked ALSO by the algos downstream where an event selection is applied (or at least can be applied)
// use 1,1,2 so Fill(bin) and GetBinContent(bin) refer to the same bin
m_cutflowHist = new TH1D("cutflow", "cutflow", 1, 1, 2);
// use 1,1,2 so Fill(bin) and GetBinContent(bin) refer to the same bin
m_cutflowHistW = new TH1D("cutflow_weighted", "cutflow_weighted", 1, 1, 2);
// initialise object cutflows, which will be picked by the object selector algos downstream and filled.
m_el_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_electrons_1", "cutflow_electrons_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_el_cutflowHist_2 = new TH1D("cutflow_electrons_2", "cutflow_electrons_2", 1, 1, 2);
m_mu_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_muons_1", "cutflow_muons_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_mu_cutflowHist_2 = new TH1D("cutflow_muons_2", "cutflow_muons_2", 1, 1, 2);
m_ph_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_photons_1", "cutflow_photons_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_tau_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_taus_1", "cutflow_taus_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_tau_cutflowHist_2 = new TH1D("cutflow_taus_2", "cutflow_taus_2", 1, 1, 2);
m_jet_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_jets_1", "cutflow_jets_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_trk_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_trks_1", "cutflow_trks_1", 1, 1, 2);
m_truth_cutflowHist_1 = new TH1D("cutflow_truths_1", "cutflow_truths_1", 1, 1, 2);
// start labelling the bins for the event cutflow
m_cutflow_all = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("all");
m_cutflow_init = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("init");
// extra cutflows
// create histograms when m_doRunByRunCutflows is set to true
// later check if !isMC() for filling so that these only get
// filled when running on data
if (m_doRunByRunCutflows) {
m_runByrun_beforeCuts = new TH1D("runByrun_cutflow_beforeCuts", "Run-by-Run cutflow before cuts", 1, 1, 2);
m_runByrun_afterCuts = new TH1D("runByrun_cutflow_afterCuts", "Run-by-Run cutflow after cuts", 1, 1, 2);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Finished creating histograms");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: fileExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done exactly once for every
// single file, e.g. collect a list of all lumi-blocks processed
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Calling fileExecute");
// get TEvent and TStore - must be done here b/c we need to retrieve CutBookkeepers container from TEvent!
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
// get the MetaData tree once a new file is opened, with
TTree* MetaData = dynamic_cast<TTree*>( wk()->inputFile()->Get("MetaData") );
if ( !MetaData ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "MetaData tree not found! Exiting.");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Meta data - CutBookkepers
// Metadata for intial N (weighted) events are used to correctly normalise MC
// if running on a MC DAOD which had some skimming applied at the derivation stage
//check if file is from a DxAOD
bool m_isDerivation = !MetaData->GetBranch("StreamAOD");
if ( m_useMetaData ) {
// Check for potential file corruption
// If there are some Incomplete CBK, throw a WARNING,
// unless ALL of them have inputStream == "unknownStream"
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* incompleteCBC(nullptr);
if ( !m_event->retrieveMetaInput(incompleteCBC, "IncompleteCutBookkeepers").isSuccess() ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve IncompleteCutBookkeepers from MetaData! Exiting.");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
bool allFromUnknownStream(true);
if ( incompleteCBC->size() != 0 ) {
std::string stream("");
for ( auto cbk : *incompleteCBC ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("Incomplete cbk name: " << cbk->name() << " - stream: " << cbk->inputStream());
if ( cbk->inputStream() != "unknownStream" ) {
allFromUnknownStream = false;
stream = cbk->inputStream();
if ( !allFromUnknownStream ) { ANA_MSG_WARNING("Found incomplete CBK from stream: " << stream << ". This is not necessarily a sign of file corruption (incomplete CBK appear when 'maxevents' is set in the AOD jo, for instance), but you may still want to check input file for potential corruption..." ); }
// Now, let's find the actual information
const xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer* completeCBC(nullptr);
if ( !m_event->retrieveMetaInput(completeCBC, "CutBookkeepers").isSuccess() ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve CutBookkeepers from MetaData! Exiting.");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Find the smallest cycle number, the original first processing step/cycle
int minCycle(10000);
for ( auto cbk : *completeCBC ) {
if ( !( cbk->name().empty() ) && ( minCycle > cbk->cycle() ) ){ minCycle = cbk->cycle(); }
// Now, let's actually find the right one that contains all the needed info...
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* allEventsCBK(nullptr);
const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* DxAODEventsCBK(nullptr);
if ( m_isDerivation ) {
if(m_derivationName != ""){
ANA_MSG_INFO("Override auto config to look at DAOD made by Derivation Algorithm: " << m_derivationName);
ANA_MSG_INFO("Will autoconfig to look at DAOD made by Derivation Algorithm.");
int maxCycle(-1);
for ( const xAOD::CutBookkeeper* cbk: *completeCBC )
// Find initial book keeper
ANA_MSG_INFO("Complete cbk name: " << cbk->name() << " - stream: " << cbk->inputStream() );
if( cbk->cycle() > maxCycle && cbk->name() == "AllExecutedEvents" && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD" )
allEventsCBK = cbk;
maxCycle = cbk->cycle();
// Find derivation book keeper
if ( m_isDerivation )
if(m_derivationName != "")
if ( cbk->name() == m_derivationName )
DxAODEventsCBK = cbk;
else if( cbk->name().find("Kernel") != std::string::npos )
ANA_MSG_INFO("Auto config found DAOD made by Derivation Algorithm: " << cbk->name());
DxAODEventsCBK = cbk;
} // is derivation
// Find and record AOD-level sumW information for all alternate weights
// The nominal AllExecutedEvents will be filled later, due to posibility of multiple CBK entries
if(cbk->name().substr(0,37) == "AllExecutedEvents_NonNominalMCWeight_" && cbk->name().length()!=17 && cbk->inputStream() == "StreamAOD")
// Extract weight index from name
int32_t idx=std::stoi(cbk->name().substr(37));
// Fill histogram, making sure that there is space
// Note will fill bin index = idx+1
m_histSumW->Fill(idx, cbk->sumOfEventWeights());
if(allEventsCBK == nullptr) {
ANA_MSG_WARNING("No allEventsCBK found (this is expected for DataScouting, otherwise not). Event numbers set to 0.");
m_MD_initialNevents = 0;
m_MD_initialSumW = 0;
m_MD_initialSumWSquared = 0;
else {
m_MD_initialNevents = allEventsCBK->nAcceptedEvents();
m_MD_initialSumW = allEventsCBK->sumOfEventWeights();
m_MD_initialSumWSquared = allEventsCBK->sumOfEventWeightsSquared();
if ( m_isDerivation && !DxAODEventsCBK ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "No CutBookkeeper corresponds to the selected Derivation Framework algorithm name. Check it with your DF experts! Aborting.");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_MD_finalNevents = ( m_isDerivation ) ? DxAODEventsCBK->nAcceptedEvents() : m_MD_initialNevents;
m_MD_finalSumW = ( m_isDerivation ) ? DxAODEventsCBK->sumOfEventWeights() : m_MD_initialSumW;
m_MD_finalSumWSquared = ( m_isDerivation ) ? DxAODEventsCBK->sumOfEventWeightsSquared() : m_MD_initialSumWSquared;
// Write metadata event bookkeepers to histogram
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Meta data from this file:");
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Initial events = " << static_cast<unsigned int>(m_MD_initialNevents) );
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Selected events = " << static_cast<unsigned int>(m_MD_finalNevents) );
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Initial sum of weights = " << m_MD_initialSumW);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Selected sum of weights = " << m_MD_finalSumW);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Initial sum of weights squared = " << m_MD_initialSumWSquared);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Selected sum of weights squared = " << m_MD_finalSumWSquared);
m_cutflowHist ->Fill(m_cutflow_all, m_MD_initialNevents);
m_cutflowHistW->Fill(m_cutflow_all, m_MD_initialSumW);
m_histSumW->Fill(0., m_MD_initialSumW);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(1, m_MD_initialNevents);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(2, m_MD_finalNevents);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(3, m_MD_initialSumW);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(4, m_MD_finalSumW);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(5, m_MD_initialSumWSquared);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(6, m_MD_finalSumWSquared);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: changeInput (bool /*firstFile*/)
// Here you do everything you need to do when we change input files,
// e.g. resetting branch addresses on trees. If you are using
// D3PDReader or a similar service this method is not needed.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: initialize ()
// Here you do everything that you need to do after the first input
// file has been connected and before the first event is processed,
// e.g. create additional histograms based on which variables are
// available in the input files. You can also create all of your
// histograms and trees in here, but be aware that this method
// doesn't get called if no events are processed. So any objects
// you create here won't be available in the output if you have no
// input events.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Initializing BasicEventSelection... ");
// if truth level make sure parameters are set properly
if( m_truthLevelOnly ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Truth only! Turn off trigger stuff");
m_triggerSelection = "";
m_extraTriggerSelection = "";
m_applyTriggerCut = m_storeTrigDecisions = m_storePassL1 = m_storePassHLT = m_storeTrigKeys = false;
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Truth only! Turn off GRL");
m_applyGRLCut = false;
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Truth only! Turn off Pile-up Reweight");
m_doPUreweighting = false;
m_doPUreweightingSys = false;
// get TEvent and TStore
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(eventInfo, m_eventInfoContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Is MC? " << isMC() );
//Protection in case GRL does not apply to this run
if ( m_applyGRLCut ) {
std::string runNumString = std::to_string(eventInfo->runNumber());
if ( m_GRLExcludeList.find( runNumString ) != std::string::npos ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "RunNumber is in GRLExclusion list, setting applyGRL to false");
m_applyGRLCut = false;
m_cleanPowheg = false;
if ( eventInfo->runNumber() == 426005 ) { // Powheg+Pythia J5
m_cleanPowheg = true;
ANA_MSG_INFO( "This is J5 Powheg - cleaning that nasty huge weight event");
//m_reweightSherpa22 = false;
//if( isMC() &&
// ( (eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() >= 363331 && eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() <= 363483 ) ||
// (eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() >= 363102 && eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() <= 363122 ) ||
// (eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() >= 363361 && eventInfo->mcChannelNumber() <= 363435 ) ) ){
// ANA_MSG_INFO( "This is Sherpa 2.2 dataset and should be reweighted. An extra weight will be saved to EventInfo called \"weight_Sherpa22\".");
// m_reweightSherpa22 = true;
// //Choose Jet Truth container, WZ has more information and is favored by the tool
// std::string pmg_TruthJetContainer = "";
// if( m_event->contains<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt4TruthWZJets") ){
// pmg_TruthJetContainer = "AntiKt4TruthWZJets";
// } else if( m_event->contains<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt4TruthJets") ){
// pmg_TruthJetContainer = "AntiKt4TruthJets";
// } else {
// ANA_MSG_WARNING( "No Truth Jet Container found for Sherpa 22 reweighting, weight_Sherpa22 will not be set.");
// m_reweightSherpa22 = false;
// }
// //Initialize Tool
// if( m_reweightSherpa22 ){
// ANA_CHECK( m_reweightSherpa22_tool_handle.setProperty( "TruthJetContainer", pmg_TruthJetContainer ));
// ANA_CHECK( m_reweightSherpa22_tool_handle.setProperty( "OutputLevel", msg().level() ));
// ANA_CHECK( m_reweightSherpa22_tool_handle.retrieve());
// ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_reweightSherpa22_tool_handle);
// }
//}//if isMC and a Sherpa 2.2 sample
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Setting up histograms based on isMC()");
if ( ( !isMC() && m_checkDuplicatesData ) || ( isMC() && m_checkDuplicatesMC ) ) {
m_cutflow_duplicates = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("Duplicates");
if ( !isMC() ) {
if ( m_applyGRLCut ) {
m_cutflow_grl = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("GRL");
m_cutflow_lar = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("LAr");
m_cutflow_tile = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("tile");
m_cutflow_SCT = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("SCT");
m_cutflow_core = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("core");
if ( m_applyJetCleaningEventFlag ) {
m_cutflow_jetcleaning = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("JetCleaning");
if ( !isMC() ) {
if ( m_applyIsBadBatmanFlag ) {
m_cutflow_isbadbatman = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("IsBadBatman");
m_cutflow_npv = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("NPV");
if ( !m_triggerSelection.empty() && m_applyTriggerCut ) {
m_cutflow_trigger = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin("Trigger");
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Histograms set up!");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create TTree for bookeeeping duplicated events
TFile *fileDPL = wk()->getOutputFile (m_duplicatesStreamName);
m_duplicatesTree = new TTree("duplicates","Info on duplicated events");
m_duplicatesTree->Branch("runNumber", &m_duplRunNumber, "runNumber/I");
m_duplicatesTree->Branch("eventNumber", &m_duplEventNumber, "eventNumber/L");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Setting Up Tools");
// 1.
// initialize the GoodRunsListSelectionTool
std::vector<std::string> vecStringGRL;
std::string grl;
std::istringstream ss(m_GRLxml);
while ( std::getline(ss, grl, ',') ) {
std::string file = PathResolverFindCalibFile(grl);
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Found GRL: " << file);
ANA_CHECK( m_grl_handle.setProperty("GoodRunsListVec", vecStringGRL));
ANA_CHECK( m_grl_handle.setProperty("PassThrough", false));
ANA_CHECK( m_grl_handle.setProperty("OutputLevel", msg().level()));
ANA_CHECK( m_grl_handle.retrieve());
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_grl_handle);
// 2.
// initialize the Trig::TrigDecisionTool
if( !m_triggerSelection.empty() || !m_extraTriggerSelection.empty() ||
m_applyTriggerCut || m_storeTrigDecisions || m_storePassL1 || m_storePassHLT || m_storeTrigKeys ) {
ANA_CHECK( m_trigConfTool_handle.setProperty("OutputLevel", msg().level()));
ANA_CHECK( m_trigConfTool_handle.retrieve());
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_trigConfTool_handle);
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "ConfigTool", m_trigConfTool_handle ));
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "TrigDecisionKey", "xTrigDecision" ));
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "OutputLevel", msg().level() ));
if ( m_useRun3navigation )
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "NavigationFormat", "TrigComposite") );
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "HLTSummary", m_HLTSummary) );
} else {
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.setProperty( "NavigationFormat", "TriggerElement") );
ANA_CHECK( m_trigDecTool_handle.retrieve());
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_trigDecTool_handle);
// parse extra triggers list and split by comma
std::string token;
std::istringstream ss(m_extraTriggerSelection);
while (std::getline(ss, token, ',')) {
}//end trigger configuration
// 3.
// initialize the CP::PileupReweightingTool
if ( m_doPUreweighting ) {
std::vector<std::string> PRWFiles;
std::vector<std::string> lumiCalcFiles;
std::string tmp_lumiCalcFileNames = m_lumiCalcFileNames;
std::string tmp_PRWFileNames = m_PRWFileNames;
// Parse all comma seperated files
while ( tmp_PRWFileNames.size() > 0) {
size_t pos = tmp_PRWFileNames.find_first_of(',');
if ( pos == std::string::npos ) {
pos = tmp_PRWFileNames.size();
PRWFiles.push_back(tmp_PRWFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_PRWFileNames.erase(0, pos);
} else {
PRWFiles.push_back(tmp_PRWFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_PRWFileNames.erase(0, pos+1);
while ( tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.size() > 0) {
size_t pos = tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.find_first_of(',');
if ( pos == std::string::npos ) {
pos = tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.size();
lumiCalcFiles.push_back(tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.erase(0, pos);
} else {
lumiCalcFiles.push_back(tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.erase(0, pos+1);
// Find trigger specific lumicalc files
if ( !isMC() ) {
for ( const std::string &lumiCalcFile : lumiCalcFiles) {
size_t pos = lumiCalcFile.find_first_of(':');
if ( pos != std::string::npos ) {
m_triggerUnprescaleList.push_back(lumiCalcFile.substr(pos + 1));
if ( !m_triggerUnprescaleList.empty() ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("*** Trigger chains used for data unprescaling:");
for ( const std::string &trigger : m_triggerUnprescaleList ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "\t " << trigger );
{ ANA_CHECK( autoconfigurePileupRWTool() ); }
if ( isMC() ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Adding Pileup files for CP::PileupReweightingTool:");
for( unsigned int i=0; i < PRWFiles.size(); ++i){
ANA_MSG_INFO( "\t- " <<;
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("ConfigFiles", PRWFiles));
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Adding LumiCalc files for CP::PileupReweightingTool:");
for( unsigned int i=0; i < lumiCalcFiles.size(); ++i){
ANA_MSG_INFO( "\t- " <<;
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("LumiCalcFiles", lumiCalcFiles));
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("UsePeriodConfig", m_periodConfig) );
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("OutputLevel", msg().level() ));
if ( !m_triggerUnprescaleList.empty() ) {
// We need to make an instance of ITrigDecisionTool:
asg::AnaToolHandle<Trig::ITrigDecisionTool> iTrigDecTool_handle {"Trig::TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool"};
if ( !iTrigDecTool_handle.isUserConfigured() ) {
ANA_MSG_FATAL("A configured " << iTrigDecTool_handle.typeAndName() << " must have been previously created!");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
ANA_CHECK( iTrigDecTool_handle.retrieve() );
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("TrigDecisionTool", iTrigDecTool_handle ));
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.retrieve());
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_pileup_tool_handle);
// As a check, let's see the number of events in our file (long long int)
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Number of events in file = " << m_event->getEntries());
// Initialize counter for number of entries
m_eventCounter = 0;
ANA_MSG_INFO( "BasicEventSelection succesfully initialized!");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: execute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done on every single
// events, e.g. read input variables, apply cuts, and fill
// histograms and trees. This is where most of your actual analysis
// code will go.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Basic Event Selection");
// Print every 1000 entries, so we know where we are:
if ( (m_eventCounter % 1000) == 0 ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Entry number = " << m_eventCounter);
ANA_MSG_VERBOSE( "Store Content:");
if(msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) m_store->print();
ANA_MSG_VERBOSE( "End Content");
// Print triggers used for first entry only
// and fill the trigger expression for
// unprescaling data
std::string TriggerExpression = "";
if ( !m_triggerSelection.empty() ) {
if (m_eventCounter == 0) {
if (m_eventCounter == 0) ANA_MSG_INFO( "*** Triggers used (in OR) are:\n");
auto printingTriggerChainGroup = m_trigDecTool_handle->getChainGroup(m_triggerSelection);
std::vector<std::string> triggersUsed = printingTriggerChainGroup->getListOfTriggers();
for ( unsigned int iTrigger = 0; iTrigger < triggersUsed.size(); ++iTrigger ) {
if (m_eventCounter == 0) ANA_MSG_INFO("\t" <<;
if ( iTrigger != triggersUsed.size() - 1) TriggerExpression.append(" || ");
if ( m_eventCounter == 0 && !m_extraTriggerSelection.empty() ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "*** Extra Trigger Info Saved are :\n");
for ( const std::string &trigName : m_extraTriggerSelectionList ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t" << trigName.c_str());
ANA_MSG_INFO("\tEvaluates to:");
auto printingTriggerChainGroup = m_trigDecTool_handle->getChainGroup(trigName);
std::vector<std::string> triggersUsed = printingTriggerChainGroup->getListOfTriggers();
for ( unsigned int iTrigger = 0; iTrigger < triggersUsed.size(); ++iTrigger ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t- "<<;
// Grab event
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(eventInfo, m_eventInfoContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
// Declare an 'eventInfo' decorator with the MC event weight
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > mcEvtWeightDecor("mcEventWeight");
static SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > mcEvtWeightAcc("mcEventWeight");
float mcEvtWeight(1.0);
// Check if need to create xAH event weight
if ( !mcEvtWeightDecor.isAvailable(*eventInfo) ) {
if ( isMC() ) {
const std::vector< float > weights = eventInfo->mcEventWeights(); // The weight (and systs) of all the MC events used in the simulation
if ( weights.size() > 0 ) mcEvtWeight = weights[0];
//for ( auto& it : weights ) { ANA_MSG_INFO( "event weight: %2f.", it ); }
// kill the powheg event with a huge weight
if( m_cleanPowheg ) {
if( eventInfo->eventNumber() == 1652845 ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("Dropping huge weight event. Weight should be 352220000");
ANA_MSG_INFO("WEIGHT : " << mcEvtWeight);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; // go to next event
// Decorate event with the *total* MC event weight
mcEvtWeightDecor(*eventInfo) = mcEvtWeight;
} else {
mcEvtWeight = mcEvtWeightAcc(*eventInfo);
// Fill cutflows for run-by-run checks on data before cuts
uint32_t runNumberForCutflow = (uint32_t) eventInfo->runNumber();
if (m_doRunByRunCutflows && !isMC()) {
m_runByrun_beforeCuts->Fill(TString(std::to_string(runNumberForCutflow)), 1.);
// Declare an 'eventInfo' decorator with the Sherpa 2.2 reweight to multijet truth
//if ( m_reweightSherpa22 ){
// static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > weight_Sherpa22Decor("weight_Sherpa22");
// // Check if weight needs to be added
// if ( !weight_Sherpa22Decor.isAvailable(*eventInfo) ) {
// float weight_Sherpa22 = -999.;
// weight_Sherpa22 = m_reweightSherpa22_tool_handle->getWeight();
// weight_Sherpa22Decor( *eventInfo ) = weight_Sherpa22;
// ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Setting Sherpa 2.2 reweight to " << weight_Sherpa22);
// } // If not already decorated
//} // if m_reweightSherpa22
// Fill initial bin of cutflow
if( !m_useMetaData )
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_all, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_all, mcEvtWeight);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(1, 1);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(2, 1);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(3, mcEvtWeight);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(4, mcEvtWeight);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(5, mcEvtWeight*mcEvtWeight);
m_histEventCount -> Fill(6, mcEvtWeight*mcEvtWeight);
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_init, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_init, mcEvtWeight);
// Check current event is not a duplicate
// This is done by checking against the std::set of <runNumber,eventNumber> filled for all previous events
if ( ( !isMC() && m_checkDuplicatesData ) || ( isMC() && m_checkDuplicatesMC ) ) {
std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> thispair = std::make_pair(eventInfo->runNumber(),eventInfo->eventNumber());
if ( m_RunNr_VS_EvtNr.find(thispair) != m_RunNr_VS_EvtNr.end() ) {
ANA_MSG_WARNING("Found duplicated event! runNumber = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(eventInfo->runNumber()) << ", eventNumber = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(eventInfo->eventNumber()) << ". Skipping this event");
// Bookkeep info in duplicates TTree
m_duplRunNumber = eventInfo->runNumber();
m_duplEventNumber = eventInfo->eventNumber();
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; // go to next event
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_duplicates, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_duplicates, mcEvtWeight);
// Update Pile-Up Reweighting
if ( m_doPUreweighting ) {
ANA_CHECK(m_pileup_tool_handle->apply( *eventInfo )); // NB: this call automatically decorates eventInfo with:
// 1.) the PU weight ("PileupWeight")
// 2.) the corrected mu ("corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing")
// 3.) the random run number ("RandomRunNumber")
// 4.) the random lumiblock number ("RandomLumiBlockNumber")
// static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > correctedAvgMu("corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing");
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > correctedAndScaledAvgMu("correctedScaled_averageInteractionsPerCrossing");
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > correctedMu("corrected_actualInteractionsPerCrossing");
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > correctedAndScaledMu("correctedScaled_actualInteractionsPerCrossing");
correctedAndScaledAvgMu( *eventInfo ) = m_pileup_tool_handle->getCorrectedAverageInteractionsPerCrossing( *eventInfo, true );
correctedMu( *eventInfo ) = m_pileup_tool_handle->getCorrectedActualInteractionsPerCrossing( *eventInfo );
correctedAndScaledMu( *eventInfo ) = m_pileup_tool_handle->getCorrectedActualInteractionsPerCrossing( *eventInfo, true );
if ( isMC() && m_doPUreweightingSys ) {
CP::SystematicSet tmpSet;tmpSet.insert(CP::SystematicVariation("PRW_DATASF",1));
m_pileup_tool_handle->applySystematicVariation( tmpSet ).ignore();
eventInfo->auxdecor< float >( "PileupWeight_UP" )= m_pileup_tool_handle->getCombinedWeight( *eventInfo );
m_pileup_tool_handle->applySystematicVariation( tmpSet ).ignore();
eventInfo->auxdecor< float >( "PileupWeight_DOWN")= m_pileup_tool_handle->getCombinedWeight( *eventInfo );
if ( m_actualMuMin > 0 ) {
// apply minimum pile-up cut
if ( eventInfo->actualInteractionsPerCrossing() < m_actualMuMin ) { // veto event
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if ( m_actualMuMax > 0 ) {
// apply maximum pile-up cut
if ( eventInfo->actualInteractionsPerCrossing() > m_actualMuMax ) { // veto event
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// If data, check if event passes GRL and event cleaning
if ( !isMC() ) {
// Get the streams that the event was put in
if (m_checkStreams){
const std::vector< xAOD::EventInfo::StreamTag > streams = eventInfo->streamTags();
for ( auto& stream : streams ) {
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "event has fired stream: " << );
// GRL
if ( m_applyGRLCut ) {
if ( !m_grl_handle->passRunLB( *eventInfo ) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; // go to next event
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_grl, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_grl, mcEvtWeight);
// Apply event cleaning to remove events due to
// problematic regions of the detector, and incomplete events.
// Apply to data.
if ( m_applyEventCleaningCut && (eventInfo->errorState(xAOD::EventInfo::LAr)==xAOD::EventInfo::Error ) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_lar, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_lar, mcEvtWeight);
if ( m_applyEventCleaningCut && (eventInfo->errorState(xAOD::EventInfo::Tile)==xAOD::EventInfo::Error ) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_tile, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_tile, mcEvtWeight);
if ( m_applyEventCleaningCut && (eventInfo->errorState(xAOD::EventInfo::SCT)==xAOD::EventInfo::Error) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_SCT, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_SCT, mcEvtWeight);
if ( m_applyCoreFlagsCut && (eventInfo->isEventFlagBitSet(xAOD::EventInfo::Core, 18) ) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_core, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_core, mcEvtWeight);
// more info:
if ( m_applyJetCleaningEventFlag && eventInfo->isAvailable<char>("DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad") ) {
if(eventInfo->auxdataConst<char>("DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad")<1) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_jetcleaning, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_jetcleaning, mcEvtWeight);
// n.b. this cut should only be applied in 2015+16 data, and not to MC!
// details here:
if ( m_applyIsBadBatmanFlag && eventInfo->isAvailable<char>("DFCommonJets_isBadBatman") && !isMC() ) {
if(eventInfo->auxdataConst<char>("DFCommonJets_isBadBatman")>0) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_isbadbatman, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_isbadbatman, mcEvtWeight);
// Primary Vertex 'quality' cut
const xAOD::VertexContainer* vertices(nullptr);
if ( !m_truthLevelOnly && m_applyPrimaryVertexCut ) {
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(vertices, m_vertexContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
if ( !HelperFunctions::passPrimaryVertexSelection( vertices, m_PVNTrack ) ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_npv, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_npv, mcEvtWeight);
// Trigger decision cut
if ( !m_triggerSelection.empty() || m_storeTrigDecisions ) {
auto triggerChainGroup = m_trigDecTool_handle->getChainGroup(m_triggerSelection);
if ( m_applyTriggerCut ) {
// additional DEBUG logging to validate conditional logic
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Applying trigger cut corresponding to chain group " << m_triggerSelection);
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Is Trigger-Level Analysis (TLA) data = " << int(m_isTLAData));
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Trigger chain group is passed = " << int(m_isTLAData ? triggerChainGroup->isPassed(TrigDefs::requireDecision) : triggerChainGroup->isPassed()));
// different behaviour for isPassed depending on whether you are running on TLA data or not
// if running on TLA data, we only store the HLT part of the trigger decision i.e. the L1 part
// will always be "false", so we need to use TrigDefs::requireDecision to limit the decision
// to being satisfied by the HLT leg(s) of the trigger chain
// TODO: check performance of this method when using trigger chains with the SAME HLT leg but different L1 seed
// e.g. HLT_j20_pf_ftf_L1J100 vs. HLT_j20_pf_ftf_L1HT190-J15s5pETA21
if ( (m_isTLAData && !triggerChainGroup->isPassed(TrigDefs::requireDecision)) || (!m_isTLAData && !triggerChainGroup->isPassed()) ) {
// if (!triggerChainGroup->isPassed(TrigDefs::requireDecision)) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_trigger, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_trigger, mcEvtWeight);
// save passed triggers in eventInfo
if ( m_storeTrigDecisions ) {
std::vector<std::string> passedTriggers;
std::vector<std::string> disabledTriggers;
std::vector<float> triggerPrescales;
std::vector<float> triggerPrescalesLumi;
std::vector<std::string> isPassedBitsNames;
std::vector<unsigned int> isPassedBits;
// Save info for the triggers used to skim events
for ( auto &trigName : triggerChainGroup->getListOfTriggers() ) {
auto trigChain = m_trigDecTool_handle->getChainGroup( trigName );
if ( (m_isTLAData && trigChain->isPassed(TrigDefs::requireDecision)) || (!m_isTLAData && trigChain->isPassed()) ) {
passedTriggers.push_back( trigName );
triggerPrescales.push_back( trigChain->getPrescale() );
bool doLumiPrescale = std::find(m_triggerUnprescaleList.begin(), m_triggerUnprescaleList.end(), trigName) != m_triggerUnprescaleList.end();
if ( doLumiPrescale ) {
triggerPrescalesLumi.push_back( m_pileup_tool_handle->getDataWeight( *eventInfo, trigName, true ) );
} else {
triggerPrescalesLumi.push_back( -1 );
isPassedBitsNames.push_back( trigName );
isPassedBits .push_back( m_trigDecTool_handle->isPassedBits(trigName) );
if(trigChain->getPrescale()<1) disabledTriggers.push_back( trigName );
// Save info for extra triggers
if ( !m_extraTriggerSelection.empty() ) {
for ( const std::string &trigName : m_extraTriggerSelectionList ) {
auto trigChain = m_trigDecTool_handle->getChainGroup( trigName );
if ( (m_isTLAData && trigChain->isPassed(TrigDefs::requireDecision)) || (!m_isTLAData && trigChain->isPassed()) ) {
passedTriggers.push_back( trigName );
triggerPrescales.push_back( trigChain->getPrescale() );
bool doLumiPrescale = true;
for ( const std::string &trigPart : trigChain->getListOfTriggers() ) {
if (std::find(m_triggerUnprescaleList.begin(), m_triggerUnprescaleList.end(), trigPart) == m_triggerUnprescaleList.end()) doLumiPrescale = false;
if ( doLumiPrescale ) {
triggerPrescalesLumi.push_back( m_pileup_tool_handle->getDataWeight( *eventInfo, trigName, true ) );
} else {
triggerPrescalesLumi.push_back( -1 );
isPassedBitsNames.push_back( trigName );
isPassedBits .push_back( m_trigDecTool_handle->isPassedBits(trigName) );
if(trigChain->getPrescale()<1) disabledTriggers.push_back( trigName );
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< std::string > > dec_passedTriggers("passedTriggers");
dec_passedTriggers ( *eventInfo ) = passedTriggers;
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< std::string > > dec_disabledTriggers("disabledTriggers");
dec_disabledTriggers( *eventInfo ) = disabledTriggers;
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< float > > dec_triggerPrescales("triggerPrescales");
dec_triggerPrescales( *eventInfo ) = triggerPrescales;
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< float > > dec_triggerPrescalesLumi("triggerPrescalesLumi");
dec_triggerPrescalesLumi( *eventInfo ) = triggerPrescalesLumi;
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< unsigned int > > dec_isPassedBits("isPassedBits");
dec_isPassedBits( *eventInfo ) = isPassedBits;
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< std::vector< std::string > > dec_isPassedBitsNames("isPassedBitsNames");
dec_isPassedBitsNames( *eventInfo ) = isPassedBitsNames;
if ( m_storePrescaleWeight ) {
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > weight_prescale("weight_prescale");
weight_prescale(*eventInfo) = triggerChainGroup->getPrescale();
if ( m_storePassL1 ) {
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > passL1("passL1");
passL1(*eventInfo) = ( m_triggerSelection.find("L1_") != std::string::npos ) ? (int)m_trigDecTool_handle->isPassed(m_triggerSelection.c_str()) : -1;
if ( m_storePassHLT ) {
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > passHLT("passHLT");
if (!m_isTLAData) {
passHLT(*eventInfo) = ( m_triggerSelection.find("HLT_") != std::string::npos ) ? (int)m_trigDecTool_handle->isPassed(m_triggerSelection.c_str()) : -1;
} else {
passHLT(*eventInfo) = ( m_triggerSelection.find("HLT_") != std::string::npos ) ? (int)m_trigDecTool_handle->isPassed(m_triggerSelection.c_str(), TrigDefs::requireDecision) : -1;
} // if giving a specific list of triggers to look at
if ( m_storeTrigKeys ) {
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > masterKey("masterKey");
masterKey(*eventInfo) = m_trigConfTool_handle->masterKey();
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > L1PSKey("L1PSKey");
L1PSKey(*eventInfo) = m_trigConfTool_handle->lvl1PrescaleKey();
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > HLTPSKey("HLTPSKey");
HLTPSKey(*eventInfo) = m_trigConfTool_handle->hltPrescaleKey();
// Calculate distance to previous empty BCID and previous unpaired BCID, and save as decorations
if( m_calcBCIDInfo && !isMC() && m_trigConfTool_handle.isInitialized() ){
//Distance to previous empty BCID
for (int i = eventInfo->bcid() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
//get the bunch group pattern for bunch crossing i
uint16_t bgPattern = m_trigConfTool_handle->bunchGroupSet()->bgPattern()[i];
bool isEmpty = (bgPattern >> 3) & 0x1;
if (isEmpty){
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > DistEmptyBCID("DistEmptyBCID");
DistEmptyBCID(*eventInfo) = eventInfo->bcid()-i;
}//for each bcid
//Distance to previous unpaired crossing
for (int i = eventInfo->bcid() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
//get the bunch group pattern for bunch crossing i
uint16_t bgPattern = m_trigConfTool_handle->bunchGroupSet()->bgPattern()[i];
bool isUnpaired = !((bgPattern >> 1) & 0x1);
if (isUnpaired){
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > DistLastUnpairedBCID("DistLastUnpairedBCID");
DistLastUnpairedBCID(*eventInfo) = eventInfo->bcid()-i;
}//for each bcid
//Distance to next unpaired crossing
for (int i = eventInfo->bcid() + 1; i <= 3654; i++){
//get the bunch group pattern for bunch crossing i
uint16_t bgPattern = m_trigConfTool_handle->bunchGroupSet()->bgPattern()[i];
bool isUnpaired = !((bgPattern >> 1) & 0x1);
if (isUnpaired){
static SG::AuxElement::Decorator< int > DistNextUnpairedBCID("DistNextUnpairedBCID");
DistNextUnpairedBCID(*eventInfo) = i-eventInfo->bcid();
}// for each bcid
}//if data
// Fill cutflows for run-by-run checks on data after cuts
if (m_doRunByRunCutflows && !isMC()) {
m_runByrun_afterCuts->Fill(TString(std::to_string(runNumberForCutflow)), 1.);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// "Borrowed" from SUSYTools
// Should track official
StatusCode BasicEventSelection::autoconfigurePileupRWTool()
// Don't do this if we aren't supposed to
if (! (isMC() && m_autoconfigPRW ))
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo = 0;
ANA_CHECK( m_event->retrieve( eventInfo, "EventInfo" ) );
// Determine simulation flavour
std::string SimulationFlavour = isFastSim() ? ( isAF3() ? "AF3" : "AFII" ) : "FS";
// Extract campaign automatically from Run Number
std::string mcCampaignMD = "";
uint32_t runNum = eventInfo->runNumber();
case 284500 :
case 300000 :
case 310000 :
case 410000 :
case 450000 :
case 470000 :
default :
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "Could not determine mc campaign from run number! Impossible to autoconfigure PRW. Aborting." );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
std::string mcCampaignMD_v2 = "";
const xAOD::FileMetaData* fmd(nullptr);
if ( !m_event->retrieveMetaInput(fmd, "FileMetaData").isSuccess() || !fmd->value(xAOD::FileMetaData::mcCampaign, mcCampaignMD_v2) ) {
ANA_MSG_WARNING("Failed to retrieve FileMetaData from MetaData! Using MC campaign from run number. PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK this is the correct campaign for your samples!");
} else {
fmd->value(xAOD::FileMetaData::mcCampaign, mcCampaignMD_v2);
std::string MetadataAndRunConflict("");
MetadataAndRunConflict += "autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): access to FileMetaData indicates a " + mcCampaignMD_v2;
MetadataAndRunConflict += " sample, but the run number indiciates " +mcCampaignMD;
MetadataAndRunConflict += ". Prioritizing the value from FileMetaData. This could occur if you are using an MC campaign with outdated pile-up reweighting. PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK your samples!";
ANA_MSG_WARNING( MetadataAndRunConflict );
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Determined MC campaign to be " << mcCampaignMD);
// Extract campaign from user configuration
std::string tmp_mcCampaign = m_mcCampaign;
std::vector<std::string> mcCampaignList;
while ( tmp_mcCampaign.size() > 0) {
size_t pos = tmp_mcCampaign.find_first_of(',');
if ( pos == std::string::npos ) {
pos = tmp_mcCampaign.size();
mcCampaignList.push_back(tmp_mcCampaign.substr(0, pos));
tmp_mcCampaign.erase(0, pos);
else {
mcCampaignList.push_back(tmp_mcCampaign.substr(0, pos));
tmp_mcCampaign.erase(0, pos+1);
// Sanity checks
bool mc2XX_GoodFromProperty = !mcCampaignList.empty();
bool mc2XX_GoodFromMetadata = false;
for(const auto& mcCampaignP : mcCampaignList) mc2XX_GoodFromProperty &= ( mcCampaignP == "mc20a" || mcCampaignP == "mc20d" || mcCampaignP == "mc20e" || mcCampaignP == "mc23a" || mcCampaignP == "mc23c" || mcCampaignP == "mc23d" || mcCampaignP == "mc23e");
if( mcCampaignMD == "mc20a" || mcCampaignMD == "mc20d" || mcCampaignMD == "mc20e" || mcCampaignMD == "mc23a" || mcCampaignMD == "mc23c" || mcCampaignMD == "mc23d" || mcCampaignMD == "mc23e") mc2XX_GoodFromMetadata = true;
if( !mc2XX_GoodFromMetadata && !mc2XX_GoodFromProperty ) {
// ::
std::string MetadataAndPropertyBAD("");
MetadataAndPropertyBAD += "autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): access to FileMetaData failed, but don't panic. You can try to manually set the 'mcCampaign' BasicEventSelection property to ";
MetadataAndPropertyBAD += "'mc20a', 'mc20c', 'mc20d', 'mc20e', 'mc20f', 'mc23a', 'mc23c', 'mc23d', or 'mc23e' and restart your job. If you set it to any other string, you will still incur in this error.";
ANA_MSG_ERROR( MetadataAndPropertyBAD );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// ::
if ( mc2XX_GoodFromProperty && mc2XX_GoodFromMetadata) {
bool MDinP=false;
for(const auto& mcCampaignP : mcCampaignList) MDinP |= (mcCampaignMD==mcCampaignP);
if( !MDinP ) {
// ::
std::string MetadataAndPropertyConflict("");
MetadataAndPropertyConflict += "autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): access to FileMetaData indicates a " + mcCampaignMD;
MetadataAndPropertyConflict += " sample, but the 'mcCampaign' property passed to BasicEventSelection is set to '" +m_mcCampaign;
MetadataAndPropertyConflict += "'. Prioritizing the value set by user: PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK the value you set the 'mcCampaign' property to!";
ANA_MSG_WARNING( MetadataAndPropertyConflict );
// ::
else {
// ::
std::string NoMetadataButPropertyOK("");
NoMetadataButPropertyOK += "autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): access to FileMetaData succeeded, but the 'mcCampaign' property is passed to BasicEventSelection as '";
NoMetadataButPropertyOK += m_mcCampaign;
NoMetadataButPropertyOK += "'. Autoconfiguring PRW accordingly.";
ANA_MSG_WARNING( NoMetadataButPropertyOK );
// ::
// ::
// Retrieve the input file
if(!mc2XX_GoodFromProperty) {
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Setting MC campgains for CP::PileupReweightingTool:");
for(const auto& mcCampaign : mcCampaignList)
ANA_MSG_INFO( "\t" << mcCampaign.c_str() );
float dsid = -999;
dsid = eventInfo->mcChannelNumber();
int DSID_INT = (int) dsid;
std::vector<std::string> prwConfigFiles;
for(const auto& mcCampaign : mcCampaignList)
std::string prwConfigFile;
// If requested set the PRW file to common PRW file of the processed MC campaign
if (m_useCommonPRWFiles) {
if (mcCampaign == "mc20a") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC20a);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc20d") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC20d);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc20e") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC20e);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc23a") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC23a);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc23c") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC23c);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc23d") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC23d);}
else if (mcCampaign == "mc23e") {prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile(m_commonPRWFileMC23e);}
else {
ANA_MSG_ERROR("autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): no common PRW file known for MC campaign: " << mcCampaign);
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else {
prwConfigFile = PathResolverFindCalibFile("dev/PileupReweighting/share/DSID" + std::to_string(DSID_INT/1000) +"xxx/pileup_" + mcCampaign + "_dsid" + std::to_string(DSID_INT) + "_" + SimulationFlavour + ".root");
TFile testF(,"read");
ANA_MSG_ERROR("autoconfigurePileupRWTool(): Missing PRW config file for DSID " << std::to_string(DSID_INT) << " in campaign " << mcCampaign);
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
prwConfigFiles.push_back( prwConfigFile );
// Add actualMu config files
for(const auto& mcCampaign : mcCampaignList)
if( !m_prwActualMu2016File.empty() && mcCampaign == "mc20a" )
if( !m_prwActualMu2017File.empty() && (mcCampaign == "mc20c" || mcCampaign=="mc20d") )
if( !m_prwActualMu2018File.empty() && (mcCampaign == "mc20e" || mcCampaign=="mc20f") )
if( !m_prwActualMu2022File.empty() && mcCampaign == "mc23a" )
if( !m_prwActualMu2023File.empty() && (mcCampaign == "mc23c" || mcCampaign=="mc23d") )
if( !m_prwActualMu2024File.empty() && (mcCampaign == "mc23e") )
// also need to handle lumicalc files: only use 2015+2016 with mc20a
// and only use 2017 with mc20d and 2018 data with mc20e
// according to instructions on
// Parse lumicalc file names
std::vector<std::string> allLumiCalcFiles;
std::string tmp_lumiCalcFileNames = m_lumiCalcFileNames;
while ( tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.size() > 0) {
size_t pos = tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.find_first_of(',');
if ( pos == std::string::npos ) {
pos = tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.size();
allLumiCalcFiles.push_back(tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.erase(0, pos);
} else {
allLumiCalcFiles.push_back(tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.substr(0, pos));
tmp_lumiCalcFileNames.erase(0, pos+1);
std::vector<std::string> lumiCalcFiles;
for(const auto& mcCampaign : mcCampaignList)
for(const auto& filename : allLumiCalcFiles)
// looking for things of format "stuff/data15_13TeV/stuff" etc
size_t pos = filename.find("data");
std::string year = filename.substr(pos+4, 2);
if (mcCampaign == "mc20a") {
if (year == "15" || year == "16") {
} else if (mcCampaign == "mc20d") {
if (year == "17") {
} else if (mcCampaign == "mc20e") {
if (year == "18") {
} else if (mcCampaign == "mc23a") {
if (year == "22") {
} else if (mcCampaign == "mc23c" || mcCampaign == "mc23d") {
if (year == "23") {
} else if (mcCampaign == "mc23e") {
if (year == "24") {
} else {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "No lumicalc file is suitable for your mc campaign!" );
// Set everything and report on it.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Adding Pileup files for CP::PileupReweightingTool:");
for( unsigned int i=0; i < prwConfigFiles.size(); ++i) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t- " <<;
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("ConfigFiles", prwConfigFiles));
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Adding LumiCalc files for CP::PileupReweightingTool:");
for( unsigned int i=0; i < lumiCalcFiles.size(); ++i) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t- " <<;
ANA_CHECK( m_pileup_tool_handle.setProperty("LumiCalcFiles", lumiCalcFiles));
// Return gracefully
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: postExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done after the main event
// processing. This is typically very rare, particularly in user
// code. It is mainly used in implementing the NTupleSvc.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: finalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of initialize(), meaning it gets
// called after the last event has been processed on the worker node
// and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// initialize() before they are written to disk. This is actually
// fairly rare, since this happens separately for each worker node.
// Most of the time you want to do your post-processing on the
// submission node after all your histogram outputs have been
// merged. This is different from histFinalize() in that it only
// gets called on worker nodes that processed input events.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Number of processed events \t= " << m_eventCounter);
if ( m_trigDecTool_handle.isInitialized() ){
if (asg::ToolStore::contains<Trig::TrigDecisionTool>("ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool") ){
//after execution loop
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode BasicEventSelection :: histFinalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of histInitialize(), meaning it
// gets called after the last event has been processed on the worker
// node and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// histInitialize() before they are written to disk. This is
// actually fairly rare, since this happens separately for each
// worker node. Most of the time you want to do your
// post-processing on the submission node after all your histogram
// outputs have been merged. This is different from finalize() in
// that it gets called on all worker nodes regardless of whether
// they processed input events.
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algFinalize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;