Program Listing for File ClusterHists.cxx¶
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#include "xAODAnaHelpers/ClusterHists.h"
#include <math.h>
ANA_MSG_SOURCE(msgClusterHists, "ClusterHists")
ClusterHists :: ClusterHists (std::string name, std::string detailStr) :
HistogramManager(name, detailStr)
ClusterHists :: ~ClusterHists () {}
StatusCode ClusterHists::initialize() {
// These plots are always made
m_ccl_n = book(m_name, "n", "cluster multiplicity", 80, 0, 800);
m_ccl_e = book(m_name, "e", "cluster e [GeV]", 100, -5, 15);
m_ccl_eta = book(m_name, "eta", "cluster #eta", 80, -4, 4);
m_ccl_phi = book(m_name, "phi", "cluster #phi", 120, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
// 2D plots
m_ccl_eta_vs_phi = book(m_name, "eta_vs_phi", "cluster #phi", 120, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), "cluster #eta", 80, -4, 4);
m_ccl_e_vs_eta = book(m_name, "e_vs_eta", "cluster #eta", 80, -4, 4, "cluster e [GeV]", 100, -5, 15);
m_ccl_e_vs_phi = book(m_name, "e_vs_phi", "cluster #phi", 120, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), "cluster e [GeV]", 100, -5, 15);
// if worker is passed to the class add histograms to the output
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode ClusterHists::execute( const xAOD::CaloClusterContainer* ccls, float eventWeight ) {
using namespace msgClusterHists;
xAOD::CaloClusterContainer::const_iterator ccl_itr = ccls->begin();
xAOD::CaloClusterContainer::const_iterator ccl_end = ccls->end();
for( ; ccl_itr != ccl_end; ++ccl_itr ) {
ANA_CHECK( this->execute( (*ccl_itr), eventWeight ));
m_ccl_n -> Fill( ccls->size(), eventWeight );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode ClusterHists::execute( const xAOD::CaloCluster* ccl, float eventWeight ) {
float cclE = ccl->e()/1e3;
float cclEta = ccl->eta();
float cclPhi = ccl->phi();
m_ccl_e -> Fill( cclE, eventWeight );
m_ccl_eta -> Fill( cclEta, eventWeight );
m_ccl_phi -> Fill( cclPhi, eventWeight );
// 2D plots
m_ccl_eta_vs_phi -> Fill( cclPhi, cclEta, eventWeight );
m_ccl_e_vs_eta -> Fill( cclEta, cclE, eventWeight );
m_ccl_e_vs_phi -> Fill( cclPhi, cclE, eventWeight );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;