Program Listing for File IParticleHistsAlgo.cxx¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (Root/IParticleHistsAlgo.cxx
#include <EventLoop/Job.h>
#include <EventLoop/StatusCode.h>
#include <EventLoop/Worker.h>
#include <xAODBase/IParticleContainer.h>
#include <xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h>
#include <AthContainers/ConstDataVector.h>
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/IParticleHistsAlgo.h>
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/HelperFunctions.h>
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/HelperClasses.h>
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
IParticleHistsAlgo :: IParticleHistsAlgo (std::string className) :
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: setupJob (EL::Job& job)
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: histInitialize ()
ANA_MSG_INFO( m_name );
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algInitialize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo::AddHists( std::string name ) {
std::string fullname(m_name);
fullname += name; // add systematic
IParticleHists* particleHists = new IParticleHists( fullname, m_detailStr, m_histPrefix, m_histTitle ); // add systematic
particleHists->m_debug = msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG);
ANA_CHECK( particleHists->initialize());
particleHists->record( wk() );
m_plots[name] = particleHists;
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: fileExecute () { return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: changeInput (bool /*firstFile*/) { return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: initialize ()
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( m_name);
// in case anything was missing or blank...
if( m_inContainerName.empty() || m_detailStr.empty() ){
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "One or more required configuration values are empty");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// only running 1 collection
if(m_inputAlgo.empty()) { AddHists( "" ); }
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: execute ()
return execute<IParticleHists, xAOD::IParticleContainer>();
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: postExecute () { return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: finalize () {
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( m_name );
for( auto plots : m_plots ) {
delete plots.second;
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode IParticleHistsAlgo :: histFinalize () {
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algFinalize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;