Program Listing for File JetHists.cxx¶
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#include <xAODAnaHelpers/JetHists.h>
#include "xAODBTagging/BTaggingUtilities.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h> /* hypot */
ANA_MSG_SOURCE(msgJetHists, "JetHists")
using std::vector;
JetHists :: JetHists (std::string name, std::string detailStr, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& titlePrefix) :
IParticleHists(name, detailStr, prefix, titlePrefix),
m_infoSwitch(new HelperClasses::JetInfoSwitch(m_detailStr)),
{ }
JetHists :: ~JetHists () {
if(m_infoSwitch) delete m_infoSwitch;
StatusCode JetHists::initialize() {
using namespace msgJetHists;
ANA_CHECK( IParticleHists::initialize());
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", m_name.c_str());
// details for jet cleaning
if( m_infoSwitch->m_clean ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding clean plots");
// units?
m_jetTime = book(m_name, "JetTimming" , m_titlePrefix+"Jet Timming", 120, -80, 80);
m_LArQuality = book(m_name, "LArQuality" , m_titlePrefix+"LAr Quality", 120, -600, 600);
m_hecq = book(m_name, "HECQuality" , m_titlePrefix+"HEC Quality", 120, -10, 10);
m_negE = book(m_name, "NegativeE" , m_titlePrefix+"Negative Energy", 120, -10, 10);
m_avLArQF = book(m_name, "AverageLArQF" , m_titlePrefix+"<LAr Quality Factor>" , 120, 0, 1000);
m_bchCorrCell = book(m_name, "BchCorrCell" , m_titlePrefix+"BCH Corr Cell" , 120, 0, 600);
m_N90Const = book(m_name, "N90Constituents", m_titlePrefix+"N90 Constituents" , 120, 0, 40);
//m_LArBadHVEFrac =book(m_name, "LArBadHVEFrac", m_titlePrefix+" jet LAr Bad HV Energy Fraction", 120, 0, 1);
//m_LArBadHVNCell =book(m_name, "LArBadHVNCell", m_titlePrefix+" jet LAr Bad HV N_{cells}", 120, -0.5,499.5);
// Range is [0, 2] instead of [0, 1] to include tail of events that spill over 1
m_ChargedFraction = book(m_name, "ChargedFraction", m_titlePrefix+" Sum of charged tracks p_{T}/jet p_{T}", 120, 0, 2);
//m_OotFracClusters5 =book(m_name, "OotFracClusters5", m_titlePrefix+" jet OotFracClusters5" , 120, 0, 1);
//m_OotFracClusters10 =book(m_name, "OotFracClusters10", m_titlePrefix+" jet OotFracClusters10" , 120, 0, 1);
//m_LeadingClusterPt =book(m_name, "LeadingClusterPt", m_titlePrefix+" jet Leading Cluster P_{T}" , 120, 0, 1000);
//m_LeadingClusterSecondLambda =book(m_name, "LeadingClusterSecondLambda", m_titlePrefix+" jet LeadingClusterSecondLambda", 120, 0, 1000e3);
//m_LeadingClusterCenterLambda =book(m_name, "LeadingClusterCenterLambda", m_titlePrefix+" jet LeadingClusterCenterLambda", 120, 0, 5000);
//m_LeadingClusterSecondR =book(m_name, "LeadingClusterSecondR", m_titlePrefix+" jet LeadingClusterSecondR" , 120, 0, 300e3);
//m_clean_passLooseBad =book(m_name, "clean_passLooseBad", m_titlePrefix+" jet LooseBad Cleaning Flag" , 2, -0.5, 1.5);
//m_clean_passLooseBadUgly =book(m_name, "clean_passLooseBadUgly", m_titlePrefix+" jet LooseBadUgly Cleaning Flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
//m_clean_passTightBad =book(m_name, "clean_passTightBad", m_titlePrefix+" jet TightBad Cleaning Flag" , 2, -0.5, 1.5);
//m_clean_passTightBadUgly =book(m_name, "clean_passTightBadUgly", m_titlePrefix+" jet TightBadUgly Cleaning Flag", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
// details for jet energy information
if( m_infoSwitch->m_energy ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding energy plots");
m_HECf = book(m_name, "HECFrac", m_titlePrefix+"HEC Fraction" , 120, 0, 5);
m_EMf = book(m_name, "EMFrac", m_titlePrefix+"EM Fraction" , 120, 0, 2);
m_actArea = book(m_name, "ActiveArea", m_titlePrefix+"Jet Active Area" , 120, 0, 1);
m_centroidR = book(m_name, "CentroidR", m_titlePrefix+"CentroidR" , 120, 0, 600);
//m_FracSamplingMax = book(m_name, "FracSamplingMax", m_titlePrefix+" jet FracSamplingMax" , 120, 0, 1);
//m_FracSamplingMaxIndex = book(m_name, "FracSamplingMaxIndex", m_titlePrefix+" jet FracSamplingMaxIndex" , 22, -0.5, 21.5);
//m_LowEtConstituentsFrac = book(m_name, "LowEtConstituentsFrac", m_titlePrefix+" jet LowEtConstituentsFrac" , 120, 0, 1);
//m_GhostMuonSegmentCount = book(m_name, "GhostMuonSegmentCount", m_titlePrefix+" jet GhostMuonSegmentCount" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
//m_Width = book(m_name, "Width", m_titlePrefix+" jet Width", 100, 0, 0.5);
// details for jet energy in each layer
// plotted as fraction instead of absolute to make the plotting easier
if( m_infoSwitch->m_layer ) {
m_PreSamplerB = book(m_name, "PreSamplerB", "Pre sample barrel", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EMB1 = book(m_name, "EMB1", "EM Barrel 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EMB2 = book(m_name, "EMB2", "EM Barrel 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EMB3 = book(m_name, "EMB3", "EM Barrel 3", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_PreSamplerE = book(m_name, "PreSamplerE", "Pre sample end cap", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EME1 = book(m_name, "EME1", "EM Endcap 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EME2 = book(m_name, "EME2", "EM Endcap 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_EME3 = book(m_name, "EME3", "EM Endcap 3", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_HEC0 = book(m_name, "HEC0", "Hadronic Endcap 0", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_HEC1 = book(m_name, "HEC1", "Hadronic Endcap 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_HEC2 = book(m_name, "HEC2", "Hadronic Endcap 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_HEC3 = book(m_name, "HEC3", "Hadronic Endcap 3", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileBar0 = book(m_name, "TileBar0", "Tile Barrel 0", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileBar1 = book(m_name, "TileBar1", "Tile Barrel 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileBar2 = book(m_name, "TileBar2", "Tile Barrel 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileGap1 = book(m_name, "TileGap1", "Tile Gap 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileGap2 = book(m_name, "TileGap2", "Tile Gap 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileGap3 = book(m_name, "TileGap3", "Tile Gap 3", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileExt0 = book(m_name, "TileExt0", "Tile extended barrel 0", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileExt1 = book(m_name, "TileExt1", "Tile extended barrel 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_TileExt2 = book(m_name, "TileExt2", "Tile extended barrel 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_FCAL0 = book(m_name, "FCAL0", "Foward EM endcap 0", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_FCAL1 = book(m_name, "FCAL1", "Foward EM endcap 1", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
m_FCAL2 = book(m_name, "FCAL2", "Foward EM endcap 2", 120, -0.1, 1.1);
// LAr calo barrel
// PreSamplerB 0
// EMB1 1
// EMB2 2
// EMB3 3
// LAr calo endcap
// PreSamplerE 4
// EME1 5
// EME2 6
// EME3 7
// Hadronic endcap
// HEC0 8
// HEC1 9
// HEC2 10
// HEC3 11
// Tile barrel
// TileBar0 12
// TileBar1 13
// TileBar2 14
// Tile gap (ITC & scint)
// TileGap1 15
// TileGap2 16
// TileGap3 17
// Tile extended barrel
// TileExt0 18
// TileExt1 19
// TileExt2 20
// Forward EM endcap
// FCAL0 21
// FCAL1 22
// FCAL2 23
// Mini FCAL
//m_chf = book(m_name, "chfPV" , "PV(chf)" , 120, 0, 600);
// details for jet resolutions
if( m_infoSwitch->m_resolution ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding resolution plots");
// 1D
m_jetGhostTruthPt = book(m_name, "jetGhostTruthPt", "jet ghost truth p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600);
// 2D
m_jetPt_vs_resolution = book(m_name, "jetPt_vs_resolution",
"jet p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600,
"resolution", 30, -5, 35
m_jetGhostTruthPt_vs_resolution = book(m_name, "jetGhostTruthPt_vs_resolution",
"jet ghost truth p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600,
"resolution", 30, -5, 35
// details for jet energy information
if( m_infoSwitch->m_truth ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding truth plots");
m_truthLabelID = book(m_name, "TruthLabelID", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Label" , 40, -10.5, 29.5);
m_hadronConeExclTruthLabelID = book(m_name, "HadronConeExclTruthLabelID", m_titlePrefix+"HadronConeExclTruthLabelID" , 40, -10.5, 29.5);
m_truthCount = book(m_name, "TruthCount", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Count" , 60, -10.5, 49.5);
m_truthPt = book(m_name, "TruthPt", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Pt", 100, 0, 100.0);
m_truthDr_B = book(m_name, "TruthLabelDeltaR_B", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Label dR(b)" , 120, -0.1, 1.0);
m_truthDr_C = book(m_name, "TruthLabelDeltaR_C", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Label dR(c)" , 120, -0.1, 1.0);
m_truthDr_T = book(m_name, "TruthLabelDeltaR_T", m_titlePrefix+"Truth Label dR(tau)" , 120, -0.1, 1.0);
//m_PartonTruthLabelID= book(m_name, "PartonTruthLabelID", m_titlePrefix+"jet PartonTruthLabelID", 22, -0.5, 21.5);
//m_GhostTruthAssociationFraction= book(m_name, "GhostTruthAssociationFraction", m_titlePrefix+" jet GhostTruthAssociationFraction", 100, 0, 1);
//m_truth_pt_m = book(m_name, "truth_pt_m" , m_titlePrefix+" jet truth p_{T} [GeV]", 100, 0, 1000);
//m_truth_pt_l = book(m_name, "truth_pt_l" , m_titlePrefix+" jet truth p_{T} [GeV]", 100, 0, 5000);
//m_truth_eta = book(m_name, "truth_eta" , m_titlePrefix+" jet truth #eta", 100, -3 , 3);
//m_truth_phi = book(m_name, "truth_phi" , m_titlePrefix+" jet truth #phi", 100, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
if( m_infoSwitch->m_truthDetails ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding detailed truth plots");
m_truthCount_BhadFinal = book(m_name, "GhostBHadronsFinalCount", "Truth Count BHad (final)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthCount_BhadInit = book(m_name, "GhostBHadronsInitialCount", "Truth Count BHad (initial)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthCount_BQFinal = book(m_name, "GhostBQuarksFinalCount", "Truth Count BQuark (final)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthPt_BhadFinal = book(m_name, "GhostBHadronsFinalPt", "Truth p_{T} BHad (final)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthPt_BhadInit = book(m_name, "GhostBHadronsInitialPt", "Truth p_{T} BHad (initial)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthPt_BQFinal = book(m_name, "GhostBQuarksFinalPt", "Truth p_{T} BQuark (final)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthCount_ChadFinal = book(m_name, "GhostCHadronsFinalCount", "Truth Count CHad (final)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthCount_ChadInit = book(m_name, "GhostCHadronsInitialCount", "Truth Count CHad (initial)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthCount_CQFinal = book(m_name, "GhostCQuarksFinalCount", "Truth Count CQuark (final)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthPt_ChadFinal = book(m_name, "GhostCHadronsFinalPt", "Truth p_{T} CHad (final)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthPt_ChadInit = book(m_name, "GhostCHadronsInitialPt", "Truth p_{T} CHad (initial)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthPt_CQFinal = book(m_name, "GhostCQuarksFinalPt", "Truth p_{T} CQuark (final)" , 100, 0, 100);
m_truthCount_TausFinal = book(m_name, "GhostTausFinalCount", "Truth Count Taus (final)" , 10, -0.5, 9.5);
m_truthPt_TausFinal = book(m_name, "GhostTausFinalPt", "Truth p_{T} Taus (final)" , 100, 0, 100);
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding JVC plots");
m_JVC = book(m_name, "JVC", m_titlePrefix+"JVC", 100, -5, 5);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTag || m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTagHLT ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding btagging plots");
m_COMB = book(m_name, "COMB", m_titlePrefix+"COMB" , 100, -20, 40);
m_JetFitter = book(m_name, "JetFitter", m_titlePrefix+"JetFitter" , 100, -10, 10);
// counts (e.g. numbers of jets) vs. proton-proton Interactions
m_actualMu = book(m_name, "actualMu", "number vs. actual #mu", 50, 0, 100);
if(m_infoSwitch->m_btag_jettrk) {
m_trkSum_ntrk = book(m_name, "trkSum_ntrk", "trkSum_ntrk" , 40, -0.5, 39.5);
m_trkSum_sPt = book(m_name, "trkSum_sPt", "trkSum_sPt" , 100, -10, 200.0);
m_trkSum_vPt = book(m_name, "trkSum_vPt", "trkSum_vPt" , 100, -10, 200.0);
m_trkSum_vAbsEta = book(m_name, "trkSum_vAbsEta", "trkSum_vAbsEta" , 50, -0.1, 3.0);
m_width = book(m_name, "width", "width" , 100, -0.1, 0.5);
m_n_trk_sigd0cut = book(m_name, "n_trk_sigd0cut", "n_trk_sigd0cut" , 30, -0.5, 29.5);
m_trk3_d0sig = book(m_name, "trk3_d0sig", "trk3_d0sig" , 100, -20., 20.0);
m_trk3_z0sig = book(m_name, "trk3_z0sig", "trk3_z0sig" , 100, -20., 20.0);
m_sv_scaled_efc = book(m_name, "sv_scaled_efc", "sv_scaled_efc" , 100, -0.1, 10.1);
m_jf_scaled_efc = book(m_name, "jf_scaled_efc", "jf_scaled_efc" , 100, -0.1, 10.1);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_jetFitterDetails ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding JetFitter Detail plots");
m_jf_nVTX = book(m_name, "JetFitter_nVTX" , "JetFitter_nVTX" , 10, -0.5, 9.5 );
m_jf_nSingleTracks = book(m_name, "JetFitter_nSingleTracks" , "JetFitter_nSingleTracks" , 10, -0.5, 9.5 );
m_jf_nTracksAtVtx = book(m_name, "JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx" , "JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx" , 20, -0.5, 19.5 );
m_jf_mass = book(m_name, "JetFitter_mass" , "JetFitter_mass" , 100, 0, 10 );
m_jf_energyFraction = book(m_name, "JetFitter_energyFraction", "JetFitter_energyFraction", 100, -0.1, 1.1 );
m_jf_significance3d = book(m_name, "JetFitter_significance3d", "JetFitter_significance3d", 100, 0, 100 );
m_jf_deltaeta = book(m_name, "JetFitter_deltaeta" , "JetFitter_deltaeta" , 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_jf_deltaeta_l = book(m_name, "JetFitter_deltaeta_l" , "JetFitter_deltaeta" , 100, -0.4, 0.4);
m_jf_deltaphi = book(m_name, "JetFitter_deltaphi" , "JetFitter_deltaphi" , 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_jf_deltaR = book(m_name, "JetFitter_deltaR" , "JetFitter_deltaR" , 100, -0.01, 0.5);
m_jf_deltaphi_l = book(m_name, "JetFitter_deltaphi_l" , "JetFitter_deltaphi" , 100, -0.4, 0.4);
m_jf_N2Tpar = book(m_name, "JetFitter_N2Tpair" , "JetFitter_N2Tpair" , 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_jf_pb = book(m_name, "JetFitter_pb" , "JetFitter_pb" , 100, -0.1, 1);
m_jf_pc = book(m_name, "JetFitter_pc" , "JetFitter_pc" , 100, -0.1, 1);
m_jf_pu = book(m_name, "JetFitter_pu" , "JetFitter_pu" , 100, -0.1, 1);
m_jf_mass_unco = book(m_name, "JetFitter_mass_unco" , "JetFitter_mass_unco" , 100, -0.1, 10);
m_jf_dR_flight = book(m_name, "JetFitter_dR_flight" , "JetFitter_dR_flight" , 100, -0.1, 1);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_svDetails ) {
if(m_debug) Info("JetHists::initialize()", "adding JetFitter Detail plots");
m_SV0 = book(m_name, "SV0", "SV0" , 100, -20, 200);
m_sv0_NGTinSvx = book(m_name, "SV0_NGTinSvx", "SV0_NGTinSvx", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_sv0_N2Tpair = book(m_name, "SV0_N2Tpair ", "SV0_N2Tpair ", 40, -9.5, 29.5);
m_sv0_massvx = book(m_name, "SV0_massvx ", "SV0_massvx ", 100, -0.1, 8);
m_sv0_efracsvx = book(m_name, "SV0_efracsvx", "SV0_efracsvx", 100, -0.1, 1.2);
m_sv0_normdist = book(m_name, "SV0_normdist", "SV0_normdist", 100, -10, 70);
m_SV1_pu = book(m_name, "SV1_pu", "SV1_pu" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_SV1_pb = book(m_name, "SV1_pb", "SV1_pb" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_SV1_pc = book(m_name, "SV1_pc", "SV1_pc" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_SV1 = book(m_name, "SV1", "SV1" , 100, -5, 15);
m_SV1_c = book(m_name, "SV1_c", "SV1_c" , 100, -5, 15);
m_SV1_cu = book(m_name, "SV1_cu", "SV1_cu" , 100, -5, 15);
m_sv1_NGTinSvx = book(m_name, "SV1_NGTinSvx", "SV1_NGTinSvx", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_sv1_N2Tpair = book(m_name, "SV1_N2Tpair ", "SV1_N2Tpair ", 40, -9.5, 29.5);
m_sv1_massvx = book(m_name, "SV1_massvx ", "SV1_massvx ", 100, -0.1, 8);
m_sv1_efracsvx = book(m_name, "SV1_efracsvx", "SV1_efracsvx", 100, -0.1, 1.2);
m_sv1_normdist = book(m_name, "SV1_normdist", "SV1_normdist", 100, -10, 70);
m_SV1_Lxy = book(m_name, "SV1_Lxy", "SV1_Lxy", 100, -1, 70);
m_SV1_sig3d = book(m_name, "SV1_sig3d", "SV1_sig3d", 100, 0, 100);
m_SV1_L3d = book(m_name, "SV1_L3d", "SV1_L3d", 100, -1, 70);
m_SV1_distmatlay = book(m_name, "SV1_distmatlay","SV1_distmatlay", 100, -1, 30);
m_SV1_dR = book(m_name, "SV1_dR", "SV1_dR", 100, -0.1, 2);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_ipDetails ) {
m_IP2D_pu = book(m_name, "IP2D_pu", "IP2D_pu" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP2D_pb = book(m_name, "IP2D_pb", "IP2D_pb" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP2D_pc = book(m_name, "IP2D_pc", "IP2D_pc" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP2D = book(m_name, "IP2D", "IP2D" , 100, -10, 40);
m_IP2D_c = book(m_name, "IP2D_c", "IP2D_c" , 100, -10, 40);
m_IP2D_cu = book(m_name, "IP2D_cu", "IP2D_cu" , 100, -10, 40);
m_nIP2DTracks = book(m_name, "nIP2DTracks" , "nIP2DTracks" , 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_IP2D_gradeOfTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_gradeOfTracks" , "IP2D_gradeOfTracks" , 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks" , "IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks", 5, -0.5, 4.5);
m_IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -2.0, 2.0);
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -15.0, 15.0);
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l = book(m_name, "IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l", "IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -50.0, 50.0);
m_IP2D_errD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_errD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP2D_errD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, 0.0, 1.0);
m_IP2D_weightBofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_weightBofTracks" , "IP2D_weightBofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
m_IP2D_weightCofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_weightCofTracks" , "IP2D_weightCofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
m_IP2D_weightUofTracks = book(m_name, "IP2D_weightUofTracks" , "IP2D_weightUofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
m_IP3D_pu = book(m_name, "IP3D_pu", "IP3D_pu" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP3D_pb = book(m_name, "IP3D_pb", "IP3D_pb" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP3D_pc = book(m_name, "IP3D_pc", "IP3D_pc" , 100, -0.1, 1.1);
m_IP3D = book(m_name, "IP3D", "IP3D" , 100, -20, 40);
m_IP3D_c = book(m_name, "IP3D_c", "IP3D_c" , 100, -20, 40);
m_IP3D_cu = book(m_name, "IP3D_cu", "IP3D_cu" , 100, -20, 40);
m_nIP3DTracks = book(m_name, "nIP3DTracks" , "nIP3DTracks" , 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_IP3D_gradeOfTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_gradeOfTracks" , "IP3D_gradeOfTracks" , 20, -0.5, 19.5);
m_IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks" , "IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks", 5, -0.5, 4.5);
m_IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -2.0, 2.0);
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -15.0, 15.0);
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l = book(m_name, "IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l", "IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -50.0, 50.0);
m_IP3D_errD0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_errD0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_errD0wrtPVofTracks", 100, 0.0, 1.0);
m_IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -2.0, 2.0);
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -15.0, 15.0);
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks_l = book(m_name, "IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks_l", "IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks", 100, -50.0, 50.0);
m_IP3D_errZ0wrtPVofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_errZ0wrtPVofTracks" , "IP3D_errZ0wrtPVofTracks", 100, 0.0, 1.0);
m_IP3D_weightBofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_weightBofTracks" , "IP3D_weightBofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
m_IP3D_weightCofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_weightCofTracks" , "IP3D_weightCofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
m_IP3D_weightUofTracks = book(m_name, "IP3D_weightUofTracks" , "IP3D_weightUofTracks" , 100, -0.1, 1.5);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_substructure ){
m_tau1 = book(m_name, "Tau1", "#Tau_{1}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau2 = book(m_name, "Tau2", "#Tau_{2}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau3 = book(m_name, "Tau3", "#Tau_{3}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau21 = book(m_name, "Tau21", "#Tau_{21}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau32 = book(m_name, "Tau32", "#Tau_{32}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau1_wta = book(m_name, "Tau1_wta", "#Tau_{1}^{wta}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau2_wta = book(m_name, "Tau2_wta", "#Tau_{2}^{wta}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau3_wta = book(m_name, "Tau3_wta", "#Tau_{3}^{wta}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau21_wta = book(m_name, "Tau21_wta", "#Tau_{21}^{wta}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_tau32_wta = book(m_name, "Tau32_wta", "#Tau_{32}^{wta}", 100, 0, 1.0);
m_numConstituents = book(m_name, "numConstituents", "num. constituents", 501, -0.5, 500.5);
// Tracks in Jet
if( m_infoSwitch->m_tracksInJet ){
m_nTrk = book(m_name, "nTrk", "nTrk", 100, -0.5, 99.5);
m_tracksInJet = new TracksInJetHists(m_name+"trk_", "");
m_tracksInJet -> initialize( );
if( m_infoSwitch->m_byEta){
m_jetPt_eta_0_1 = book(m_name, "jetPt_eta_0_1", "p_{T} [GeV]",100, 0, 1000);
m_jetPt_eta_1_2 = book(m_name, "jetPt_eta_1_2", "p_{T} [GeV]",100, 0, 1000);
m_jetPt_eta_2_2p5 = book(m_name, "jetPt_eta_2_2p5", "p_{T} [GeV]",100, 0, 1000);
m_jetPt_eta_1_2p5 = book(m_name, "jetPt_eta_1_2p5", "p_{T} [GeV]",100, 0, 1000);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS ){
m_bs_online_vz = book(m_name, "bs_online_vz", "bs_online_vz", 200, -5, 5);
m_bs_online_vz_l = book(m_name, "bs_online_vz_l","bs_online_vz_l", 200, -100, 100);
m_bs_online_vy = book(m_name, "bs_online_vy", "bs_online_vy", 200, -2, 2);
m_bs_online_vx = book(m_name, "bs_online_vx", "bs_online_vx", 200, -2, 2);
m_eta_bs_online_vz_0_1 = book(m_name, "eta_bs_online_vz_0_1", "Jet #eta", 80, -4, 4);
m_eta_bs_online_vz_1_1p5 = book(m_name, "eta_bs_online_vz_1_1p5", "Jet #eta", 80, -4, 4);
m_eta_bs_online_vz_1p5_2 = book(m_name, "eta_bs_online_vz_1p5_2", "Jet #eta", 80, -4, 4);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS || m_infoSwitch->m_hltVtxComp ){
m_vtxClass = book(m_name, "vtxClass", "vtxClass", 3, -0.5, 2.5);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_hltVtxComp ){
m_vtx_offline_x0 = book(m_name, "vtx_offline_x0", "vtx_offline_x0", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_offline_y0 = book(m_name, "vtx_offline_y0", "vtx_offline_y0", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_offline_z0 = book(m_name, "vtx_offline_z0", "vtx_offline_z0", 100, -200, 200);
m_vtx_offline_z0_s = book(m_name, "vtx_offline_z0_s", "vtx_offline_z0_s", 100, -10, 10);
m_vtx_online_x0 = book(m_name, "vtx_online_x0", "vtx_online_x0", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_online_y0 = book(m_name, "vtx_online_y0", "vtx_online_y0", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_online_z0 = book(m_name, "vtx_online_z0", "vtx_online_z0", 100, -200, 200);
m_vtx_online_z0_s = book(m_name, "vtx_online_z0_s","vtx_online_z0_s", 100, -10, 10);
m_vtx_online_x0_raw = book(m_name, "vtx_online_x0_raw", "vtx_online_x0_raw", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_online_y0_raw = book(m_name, "vtx_online_y0_raw", "vtx_online_y0_raw", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
m_vtx_online_z0_raw = book(m_name, "vtx_online_z0_raw", "vtx_online_z0_raw", 100, -200, 200);
m_vtxOnlineValid = book(m_name, "vtx_online_valid", "vtx_online_valid", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
m_vtxOfflineValid = book(m_name, "vtx_offline_valid", "vtx_offline_valid", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
m_vtxDiffx0 = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_x0", "vtx_diff_x0", 100, -0.1, 0.1);
m_vtxDiffx0_l = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_x0_l", "vtx_diff_x0_l", 100, -1, 1);
m_vtxDiffy0 = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_y0", "vtx_diff_y0", 100, -0.1, 0.1);
m_vtxDiffy0_l = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_y0_l", "vtx_diff_y0_l", 100, -1, 1);
m_vtxDiffz0 = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_z0", "vtx_diff_z0", 100, -100, 100);
m_vtxDiffz0_m = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_z0_m", "vtx_diff_z0_m", 100, -20, 20);
m_vtxDiffz0_s = book(m_name, "vtx_diff_z0_s", "vtx_diff_z0_s", 100, -5, 5);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0 = book(m_name, "vtx_bkg_diff_z0", "vtx_bkg_diff_z0", 100, -100, 100);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_m = book(m_name, "vtx_bkg_diff_z0_m", "vtx_bkg_diff_z0_m", 100, -20, 20);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_s = book(m_name, "vtx_bkg_diff_z0_s", "vtx_bkg_diff_z0_s", 100, -5, 5);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_vtx_offline_z0 = book(m_name, "vtxDiffz0_vs_vtx_offline_z0",
"vtx_offline_z0", 100, -200, 200,
"vtx_diff_z0", 100, -100, 100);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtx_offline_z0 = book(m_name, "vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtx_offline_z0",
"vtx_offline_z0", 100, -200, 200,
"vtx_diff_z0", 100, -10, 10);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffx0 = book(m_name, "vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffx0",
"vtx_diff_x0", 100, -0.1, 0.1,
"vtx_diff_z0", 100, -10, 10);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffy0 = book(m_name, "vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffy0",
"vtx_diff_y0", 100, -0.1, 0.1,
"vtx_diff_z0", 100, -10, 10);
m_vtxClass_vs_jetPt = book(m_name, "vtxClass_vs_jetPt",
"jetPt", 100, 0, 1000,
"vtxClass", 4, -1.1, 3.1);
m_vtx_online_y0_vs_vtx_online_z0 = book(m_name, "vtx_online_y0_vs_vtx_online_z0",
"vtx_online_z0", 100, -50, 50,
"vtx_online_y0", -50, 50);
m_vtx_online_x0_vs_vtx_online_z0 = book(m_name, "vtx_online_x0_vs_vtx_online_z0",
"vtx_online_z0", 100, -50, 50,
"vtx_online_x0", -50, 50);
m_vtxDiffx0_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxDiffx0_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx_diff_x0", -0.1, 0.1);
m_vtxDiffy0_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxDiffy0_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx_diff_y0", -0.1, 0.1);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxDiffz0_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx_diff_z0", -5, 5);
m_vtxClass_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxClass_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtxClass", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff1_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff1_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (1mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff10_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff10_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (10mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff1_raw_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff1_raw_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (1mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff10_raw_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff10_raw_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (10mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff1_noDummy_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff1_noDummy_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (1mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
m_vtxEff10_noDummy_vs_lBlock = book(m_name, "vtxEff10_noDummy_vs_lBlock", "LumiBlock", 200, 0, 2000, "vtx eff (10mm)", -0.1, 1.1);
Double_t runBins[]= { 297730, 298595, 298609, 298633, 298687, 298690, 298771, 298773, 298862, 298967, 299055, 299144, 299147, 299184, 299243, 299584, 300279, 300345, 300415, 300418, 300487, 300540, 300571, 300600, 300655, 300687, 300784, 300800, 300863, 300908, 301912, 301918, 301932, 301973, 302053, 302137, 302265, 302269, 302300, 302347, 302380, 302391, 302393, 302737, 302831, 302872, 302919, 302925, 302956, 303007, 303079, 303201, 303208, 303264, 303266, 303291, 303304, 303338, 303421, 303499, 303560, 303638, 303832, 303846, 303892, 303943, 304006, 304008, 304128, 304178, 304198, 304211, 304243, 304308, 304337, 304409, 304431, 304494, 305380, 305543, 305571, 305618, 305671, 305674, 305723, 305727, 305735, 305777, 305811, 305920, 306269, 306278, 306310, 306384, 306419, 306442, 306448, 306451, 307126, 307195, 307259, 307306, 307354, 307358, 307394, 307454, 307514, 307539, 307569, 307601, 307619, 307656, 307710, 307716, 307732, 307861, 307935, 308047, 308084, 309375, 309390, 309440, 309516, 309640, 309674, 309759, 310015, 310247, 310249, 310341, 310370, 310405, 310468, 310473, 310634, 310691, 310738, 310809, 310863, 310872, 310969, 311071, 311170, 311244, 311287, 311321, 311365, 311402, 311473, 311481, 311500 };
int nRunBins=150;
m_lumiB_runN = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
m_lumiB_runN_bs_online_vz = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN_bs_online_vz", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
m_lumiB_runN_bs_den = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN_bs_den", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
m_lumiB_runN_vtxClass = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN_vtxClass", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
//m_lumiB_runN_vtxDiffz0 = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN_vtxDiffz0", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
m_lumiB_runN_lumiB = book(m_name, "lumiB_runN_lumiB", "Lumi Block", 2000, 0, 2000, "Run Number", nRunBins, runBins);
// trackPV
//m_NumTrkPt1000PV = book(m_name, "NumTrkPt1000PV", m_titlePrefix+" jet N_{trk,P_{T}>1 GeV}" , 50, -0.5, 49.5);
//m_SumPtTrkPt1000PV = book(m_name, "SumPtTrkPt1000PV", m_titlePrefix+" jet #sum_{trk,P_{T}>1 GeV}" , 100, 0, 1000);
//m_TrackWidthPt1000PV = book(m_name, "TrackWidthPt1000P",m_titlePrefix+" jet w_{trk,P_{T}>1 GeV}" , 100, 0, 0.5);
//m_NumTrkPt500PV = book(m_name, "NumTrkPt500PV", m_titlePrefix+" jet N_{trk,P_{T}>500 MeV}" , 50, -0.5, 49.5);
//m_SumPtTrkPt500PV = book(m_name, "SumPtTrkPt500PV", m_titlePrefix+" jet #sum_{trk,P_{T}>500 MeV}", 100, 0, 1000);
//m_TrackWidthPt500PV = book(m_name, "TrackWidthPt500P", m_titlePrefix+" jet w_{trk,P_{T}>500 MeV}" , 100, 0, 0.5);
//m_JVFPV = book(m_name, "JVFPV", m_titlePrefix+" jet JVF_{PV}" , 100, 0, 0.5);
// trackAll or trackPV
if(m_infoSwitch->m_trackAll || m_infoSwitch->m_trackPV)
//m_Jvt = book(m_name, "Jvt", m_titlePrefix+" jet JVT" , 100, -0.2, 1);
//m_JvtJvfcorr= book(m_name, "JvtJvfcorr", m_titlePrefix+" jet corrJVF" , 100, -1 , 1);
//m_JvtRpt = book(m_name, "JvtRpt", m_titlePrefix+" jet R_{p_{T}}" , 100, 0 , 1.5);
// charge
//m_charge= book(m_name, "charge", m_titlePrefix+"charge", 100, -10, 10);
// Average Mu
m_avgMu = book(m_name, "avgMu", "Average Mu", 101, -0.5, 100);
m_jetPt_avgMu_00_15 = book(m_name, "jetPt_avgMu_00_15", "jet p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600);
m_jetPt_avgMu_15_25 = book(m_name, "jetPt_avgMu_15_25", "jet p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600);
m_jetPt_avgMu_25 = book(m_name, "jetPt_avgMu_25", "jet p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600);
m_avgMu_vs_jetPt = book(m_name, "avgMu_vs_jetPt",
"jet p_{T} [GeV]", 120, 0, 600,
"Average Mu", 51, -0.5, 50);
// Eta-Phi Map
m_etaPhi = book(m_name, "etaPhi", m_titlePrefix+"#eta", 100, -2.5, 2.5,
m_titlePrefix+"#phi", 120, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi() );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void JetHists::record(EL::IWorker* wk) {
m_tracksInJet -> record( wk );
StatusCode JetHists::execute( const xAOD::Jet* jet, float eventWeight, const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo ) {
return execute(static_cast<const xAOD::IParticle*>(jet), eventWeight, eventInfo);
StatusCode JetHists::execute( const xAOD::IParticle* particle, float eventWeight, const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo ) {
using namespace msgJetHists;
ANA_CHECK( IParticleHists::execute(particle, eventWeight, eventInfo));
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: in execute " <<std::endl;
const xAOD::Jet* jet=dynamic_cast<const xAOD::Jet*>(particle);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: got jet " << jet << std::endl;
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "Cannot convert IParticle to Jet" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// clean
if( m_infoSwitch->m_clean ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_clean " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> jetTime ("Timing");
if( jetTime.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_jetTime -> Fill( jetTime( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> LArQuality ("LArQuality");
if( LArQuality.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_LArQuality -> Fill( LArQuality( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> hecq ("HECQuality");
if( hecq.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_hecq -> Fill( hecq( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> negE ("NegativeE");
if( negE.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_negE -> Fill( negE( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> avLArQF ("AverageLArQF");
if( avLArQF.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_avLArQF -> Fill( avLArQF( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> bchCorrCell ("BchCorrCell");
if( bchCorrCell.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_bchCorrCell -> Fill( bchCorrCell( *jet ), eventWeight );
// 0062 N90Cells?
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> N90Const ("N90Constituents");
if( N90Const.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_N90Const -> Fill( N90Const( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> ChargedFraction ("ChargedFraction");
if( ChargedFraction.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_ChargedFraction -> Fill( ChargedFraction( *jet ), eventWeight );
// 0030 LArBadHVEnergy,
// 0031 LArBadHVRatio,
// 0035 NumTowers,
// 0057 isBadLoose,
// 0058 isBadMedium,
// 0059 isBadTight,
// 0060 isUgly,
// 0063 OotFracClusters10,
// 0064 OotFracClusters5,
// 0065 OotFracCells5,
// 0066 OotFracCells10,
} // fillClean
// Pileup
float actualMu = eventInfo->actualInteractionsPerCrossing();
m_actualMu->Fill(actualMu, eventWeight);
if (m_infoSwitch->m_byAverageMu)
float averageMu = eventInfo->averageInteractionsPerCrossing();
m_avgMu->Fill(averageMu, eventWeight);
// energy
if( m_infoSwitch->m_energy ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_energy " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> HECf ("HECFrac");
if( HECf.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_HECf -> Fill( HECf( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> EMf ("EMFrac");
if( EMf.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_EMf -> Fill( EMf( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> centroidR ("CentroidR");
if( centroidR.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_centroidR -> Fill( centroidR( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> samplingMax ("SamplingMax");
if( samplingMax.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_samplingMax -> Fill( samplingMax( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> ePerSamp ("EnergyPerSampling");
if( ePerSamp.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_ePerSamp -> Fill( ePerSamp( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> fracSampMax ("FracSamplingMax");
if( fracSampMax.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_fracSampMax -> Fill( fracSampMax( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> lowEtFrac ("LowEtConstituentsFrac");
if( lowEtFrac.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_lowEtFrac -> Fill( lowEtFrac( *jet ), eventWeight );
// 0036 Offset,
// 0037 OriginIndex ,
if( m_infoSwitch->m_layer ){
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_layer " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > ePerSamp ("EnergyPerSampling");
if( ePerSamp.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
vector<float> ePerSampVals = ePerSamp( *jet );
float jetE = jet->e();
m_PreSamplerB -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EMB1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EMB2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EMB3 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_PreSamplerE -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EME1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EME2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_EME3 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_HEC0 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_HEC1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_HEC2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_HEC3 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileBar0 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileBar1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileBar2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileGap1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileGap2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileGap3 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileExt0 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileExt1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_TileExt2 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_FCAL0 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_FCAL1 -> Fill( / jetE );
m_FCAL2 -> Fill( / jetE );
// area
if ( m_fillArea ) {
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> actArea ("ActiveArea");
if( actArea.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_actArea -> Fill( actArea( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> voroniA ("VoronoiArea");
if( voroniA.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_voroniA -> Fill( voroniA( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> voroniAE ("VoronoiAreaE");
if( voroniAE.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_voroniAE -> Fill( voroniAE( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> voroniAPx ("VoronoiAreaPx");
if( voroniAPx.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_voroniAPx -> Fill( voroniAPx( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> voroniAPy ("CentroidR");
if( voroniAPy.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_voroniAPy -> Fill( voroniAPy( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> voroniAPz ("CentroidR");
if( voroniAPz.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_voroniAPz -> Fill( voroniAPz( *jet ), eventWeight );
// tracks
if ( m_fillTrks ) {
// 0040 TrackMF,
// 0041 TrackMFindex,
// 0049 WIDTH,
// 0067 NumTrkPt1000,
// 0068 NumTrkPt500,
// 0069 SumPtTrkPt1000,
// 0070 SumPtTrkPt500,
// 0071 TrackWidthPt1000,
// 0072 TrackWidthPt500,
// 0012 GhostTrackCount,
// 0011 GhostMuonSegmentCount,
// 0027 HighestJVFVtx,
} */
// isolation
if ( m_fillIso ) {
// 0024 IsoKR20Par,
// 0025 IsoKR20Perp,
// substructure
if( m_fillSubstructure) {
// 0029 KtDR,
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> ktDR ("KtDR");
if( ktDR.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_ktDR -> Fill( ktDR( *jet ), eventWeight );
// 0050 YFlip12,
// 0051 YFlip13,
// 0074 Tau1,
// 0075 Tau2,
// 0076 Tau3,
// 0077 Dip12,
// 0078 Dip13,
// 0079 Dip23,
// 0080 DipExcl12,
// 0081 ThrustMin,
// 0082 ThrustMaj,
// 0083 FoxWolfram0,
// 0084 FoxWolfram1,
// 0085 FoxWolfram2,
// 0086 FoxWolfram3,
// 0087 FoxWolfram4,
// 0088 Sphericity,
// 0089 Aplanarity,
// truth
// 0073 PtTruth,
// 0013 GhostTruthParticleCount,
// 0028 JetLabel,
// 0042 TruthMF,
// 0043 TruthMFindex,
if( m_infoSwitch->m_truth ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_truth " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> TruthLabelID ("TruthLabelID");
if( TruthLabelID.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthLabelID -> Fill( TruthLabelID( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> PartonTruthLabelID ("PartonTruthLabelID");
if( PartonTruthLabelID.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthLabelID -> Fill( PartonTruthLabelID( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> HadronConeExclTruthLabelID ("HadronConeExclTruthLabelID");
if( HadronConeExclTruthLabelID.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_hadronConeExclTruthLabelID -> Fill( HadronConeExclTruthLabelID( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> TruthCount ("TruthCount");
if( TruthCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount -> Fill( TruthCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> TruthPt ("TruthPt");
if( TruthPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt -> Fill( TruthPt( *jet )/1000, eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> TruthLabelDeltaR_B ("TruthLabelDeltaR_B");
if( TruthLabelDeltaR_B.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthDr_B -> Fill( TruthLabelDeltaR_B( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> TruthLabelDeltaR_C ("TruthLabelDeltaR_C");
if( TruthLabelDeltaR_C.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthDr_C -> Fill( TruthLabelDeltaR_C( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> TruthLabelDeltaR_T ("TruthLabelDeltaR_T");
if( TruthLabelDeltaR_T.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthDr_T -> Fill( TruthLabelDeltaR_T( *jet ), eventWeight );
if( m_infoSwitch->m_truthDetails ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_truthDetails " <<std::endl;
// B-Hadron Details
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostBHadronsFinalCount ("GhostBHadronsFinalCount");
if( GhostBHadronsFinalCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_BhadFinal -> Fill( GhostBHadronsFinalCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostBHadronsInitialCount ("GhostBHadronsInitialCount");
if( GhostBHadronsInitialCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_BhadInit -> Fill( GhostBHadronsInitialCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostBQuarksFinalCount ("GhostBQuarksFinalCount");
if( GhostBQuarksFinalCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_BQFinal -> Fill( GhostBQuarksFinalCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostBHadronsFinalPt ("GhostBHadronsFinalPt");
if( GhostBHadronsFinalPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_BhadFinal -> Fill( GhostBHadronsFinalPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostBHadronsInitialPt ("GhostBHadronsInitialPt");
if( GhostBHadronsInitialPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_BhadInit -> Fill( GhostBHadronsInitialPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostBQuarksFinalPt ("GhostBQuarksFinalPt");
if( GhostBQuarksFinalPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_BQFinal -> Fill( GhostBQuarksFinalPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
// C-Hadron Details
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostCHadronsFinalCount ("GhostCHadronsFinalCount");
if( GhostCHadronsFinalCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_ChadFinal -> Fill( GhostCHadronsFinalCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostCHadronsInitialCount ("GhostCHadronsInitialCount");
if( GhostCHadronsInitialCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_ChadInit -> Fill( GhostCHadronsInitialCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostCQuarksFinalCount ("GhostCQuarksFinalCount");
if( GhostCQuarksFinalCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_CQFinal -> Fill( GhostCQuarksFinalCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostCHadronsFinalPt ("GhostCHadronsFinalPt");
if( GhostCHadronsFinalPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_ChadFinal -> Fill( GhostCHadronsFinalPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostCHadronsInitialPt ("GhostCHadronsInitialPt");
if( GhostCHadronsInitialPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_ChadInit -> Fill( GhostCHadronsInitialPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostCQuarksFinalPt ("GhostCQuarksFinalPt");
if( GhostCQuarksFinalPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_CQFinal -> Fill( GhostCQuarksFinalPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
// Tau Details
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> GhostTausFinalCount ("GhostTausFinalCount");
if( GhostTausFinalCount.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthCount_TausFinal -> Fill( GhostTausFinalCount( *jet ), eventWeight );
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> GhostTausFinalPt ("GhostTausFinalPt");
if( GhostTausFinalPt.isAvailable( *jet ) ) {
m_truthPt_TausFinal -> Fill( GhostTausFinalPt( *jet ), eventWeight );
// JVC
// if(m_infoSwitch->m_JVC) {
// if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_JVC " << std::endl;
// m_JVC->Fill(jet->JVC, eventWeight);
// }
// BTagging
if( m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTag || m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTagHLT ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_flavorTag " <<std::endl;
const xAOD::BTagging *btag_info(0);
btag_info = xAOD::BTaggingUtilities::getBTagging(*jet);
}else if(m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTagHLT){
btag_info = jet->auxdata< const xAOD::BTagging* >("HLTBTag");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<double> SV0_significance3DAcc ("SV0_significance3D");
if ( SV0_significance3DAcc.isAvailable(*btag_info) ) {
m_COMB -> Fill( btag_info->SV1_loglikelihoodratio() + btag_info->IP3D_loglikelihoodratio() , eventWeight );
m_JetFitter -> Fill( btag_info->JetFitter_loglikelihoodratio() , eventWeight );
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_btag_jettrk " <<std::endl;
unsigned trkSum_ntrk = btag_info->isAvailable<unsigned>("trkSum_ntrk") ? btag_info->auxdata<unsigned>("trkSum_ntrk") : -1;
float trkSum_sPt = btag_info->isAvailable<float >("trkSum_SPt" ) ? btag_info->auxdata<float >("trkSum_SPt" ) : -1000;//<== -1 GeV
float trkSum_vPt = 0;
float trkSum_vAbsEta= -10;
if (trkSum_ntrk>0) {
trkSum_vPt = btag_info->isAvailable<float>("trkSum_VPt" ) ? btag_info->auxdata<float>("trkSum_VPt" ) : -1000;
trkSum_vAbsEta= btag_info->isAvailable<float>("trkSum_VEta") ? fabs(btag_info->auxdata<float>("trkSum_VEta")) : -10 ;
m_trkSum_ntrk -> Fill( trkSum_ntrk , eventWeight );
m_trkSum_sPt -> Fill( trkSum_sPt/1000 , eventWeight );
m_trkSum_vPt -> Fill( trkSum_vPt/1000 , eventWeight );
m_trkSum_vAbsEta -> Fill( trkSum_vAbsEta , eventWeight );
/*** Generating MVb variables ***/
std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > > associationLinks;
bool trksOK=btag_info->variable<std::vector<ElementLink<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer> > > ("IP3D", "TrackParticleLinks", associationLinks );
std::vector<float> vectD0, vectD0Signi, vectZ0, vectZ0Signi; vectD0.clear(), vectD0Signi.clear(), vectZ0.clear(), vectZ0Signi.clear();
trksOK &= btag_info->variable< std::vector<float> > ("IP3D", "valD0wrtPVofTracks", vectD0 );
trksOK &= btag_info->variable< std::vector<float> > ("IP3D", "sigD0wrtPVofTracks", vectD0Signi);
trksOK &= btag_info->variable< std::vector<float> > ("IP3D", "valZ0wrtPVofTracks", vectZ0 );
trksOK &= btag_info->variable< std::vector<float> > ("IP3D", "sigZ0wrtPVofTracks", vectZ0Signi);
if (vectD0.size() and vectD0Signi.size() and vectZ0.size() and vectZ0Signi.size()) {
trksOK &= associationLinks.size() == vectD0.size();
trksOK &= associationLinks.size() == vectZ0.size();
trksOK &= associationLinks.size() == vectD0Signi.size();
trksOK &= associationLinks.size() == vectZ0Signi.size();
int ntrks = associationLinks.size();
int n_trk_d0cut = 0;
if (trksOK) {
float sum_pt = 0., sum_pt_dr = 0.;
std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > trk_d0_z0;
unsigned trkIndex=0;
for(auto trkIter = associationLinks.begin(); trkIter != associationLinks.end(); ++trkIter) {
const xAOD::TrackParticle* aTemp = **trkIter;
TLorentzVector trk;
trk.SetPtEtaPhiM(aTemp->pt(), aTemp->eta(), aTemp->phi(), 0.);
// no need for a dedicated selection here, the tracks are already
// selected by the IP3D algorithm
const float d0sig =;
const float z0sig =;
if (std::fabs(d0sig) > 1.8)
// track width components
sum_pt += trk.Pt();
const float dRtoJet = trk.DeltaR(jet->p4());
sum_pt_dr += dRtoJet * trk.Pt();
// for 3rd higest d0/z0 significance
trk_d0_z0.push_back(std::make_pair(d0sig, z0sig));
} //end of trk loop
// sort by highest signed d0 sig
std::sort(trk_d0_z0.begin(), trk_d0_z0.end(), [](const std::pair<float, float>& a, const std::pair<float, float>& b) {
return a.first > b.first;
} );
//Assign MVb variables
float width = sum_pt > 0 ? sum_pt_dr / sum_pt : 0;
int n_trk_sigd0cut = n_trk_d0cut;
float trk3_d0sig = trk_d0_z0.size() > 2 ? trk_d0_z0[2].first : -100;
float trk3_z0sig = trk_d0_z0.size() > 2 ? trk_d0_z0[2].second : -100;
m_width -> Fill(width, eventWeight);
m_n_trk_sigd0cut -> Fill(n_trk_sigd0cut, eventWeight);
m_trk3_d0sig -> Fill(trk3_d0sig, eventWeight);
m_trk3_z0sig -> Fill(trk3_z0sig, eventWeight);
int sv1_ntkv; btag_info->variable<int> ("SV1", "NGTinSvx", sv1_ntkv);
float sv1_efrc; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "efracsvx", sv1_efrc);
float sv_scaled_efc = sv1_ntkv>0 ? sv1_efrc * (static_cast<float>(ntrks) / sv1_ntkv) : -1;
int jf_ntrkv; btag_info->variable<int>("JetFitter", "nTracksAtVtx", jf_ntrkv);
int jf_nvtx1t; btag_info->variable<int>("JetFitter", "nSingleTracks", jf_nvtx1t);
float jf_efrc; btag_info->variable<float>("JetFitter", "energyFraction", jf_efrc);
float jf_scaled_efc = (jf_ntrkv + jf_nvtx1t)>0 ? jf_efrc * (static_cast<float>(ntrks) / (jf_ntrkv + jf_nvtx1t)) : -1;
m_sv_scaled_efc->Fill(sv_scaled_efc, eventWeight);
m_jf_scaled_efc->Fill(jf_scaled_efc, eventWeight);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_jetFitterDetails " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > jf_nVTXAcc ("JetFitter_nVTX");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > jf_nSingleTracks ("JetFitter_nSingleTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > jf_nTracksAtVtx ("JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > jf_mass ("JetFitter_mass");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > jf_energyFraction("JetFitter_energyFraction");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > jf_significance3d("JetFitter_significance3d");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > jf_deltaeta ("JetFitter_deltaeta");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > jf_deltaphi ("JetFitter_deltaphi");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > jf_N2Tpar ("JetFitter_N2Tpair");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< double > jf_pb ("JetFitterCombNN_pb");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< double > jf_pc ("JetFitterCombNN_pc");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< double > jf_pu ("JetFitterCombNN_pu");
if(jf_nVTXAcc.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_nVTX ->Fill(jf_nVTXAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_nSingleTracks.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_nSingleTracks ->Fill(jf_nSingleTracks (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_nTracksAtVtx.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_nTracksAtVtx ->Fill(jf_nTracksAtVtx (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_mass.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_mass ->Fill(jf_mass (*btag_info)/1000, eventWeight);
if(jf_energyFraction.isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_jf_energyFraction ->Fill(jf_energyFraction(*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_significance3d.isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_jf_significance3d ->Fill(jf_significance3d(*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_deltaeta.isAvailable (*btag_info)){
m_jf_deltaeta ->Fill(jf_deltaeta (*btag_info), eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaeta_l ->Fill(jf_deltaeta (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_deltaphi.isAvailable (*btag_info)){
m_jf_deltaR ->Fill(hypot(jf_deltaphi(*btag_info),jf_deltaeta(*btag_info)), eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaphi ->Fill(jf_deltaphi (*btag_info), eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaphi_l ->Fill(jf_deltaphi (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_N2Tpar.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_N2Tpar ->Fill(jf_N2Tpar (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_pb.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_pb ->Fill(jf_pb (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_pc.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_pc ->Fill(jf_pc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(jf_pu.isAvailable (*btag_info)) m_jf_pu ->Fill(jf_pu (*btag_info), eventWeight);
float jf_mass_unco; btag_info->variable<float>("JetFitter", "massUncorr" , jf_mass_unco);
float jf_dR_flight; btag_info->variable<float>("JetFitter", "dRFlightDir", jf_dR_flight);
m_jf_mass_unco->Fill(jf_mass_unco/1000, eventWeight);
m_jf_dR_flight->Fill(jf_dR_flight, eventWeight);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_svDetails " <<std::endl;
// SV0
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > sv0_NGTinSvxAcc ("SV0_NGTinSvx");
// @brief SV0 : Number of 2-track pairs
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > sv0_N2TpairAcc ("SV0_N2Tpair");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv0_masssvxAcc ("SV0_masssvx");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv0_efracsvxAcc ("SV0_efracsvx");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv0_normdistAcc ("SV0_normdist");
if(sv0_NGTinSvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv0_NGTinSvx -> Fill( sv0_NGTinSvxAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv0_N2TpairAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv0_N2Tpair -> Fill( sv0_N2TpairAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv0_masssvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv0_massvx -> Fill( sv0_masssvxAcc (*btag_info)/1000, eventWeight);
if(sv0_efracsvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv0_efracsvx -> Fill( sv0_efracsvxAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv0_normdistAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv0_normdist -> Fill( sv0_normdistAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
double sv0;
btag_info->variable<double>("SV0", "significance3D", sv0);
m_SV0 -> Fill( sv0 , eventWeight );
// SV1
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > sv1_NGTinSvxAcc ("SV1_NGTinSvx");
// @brief SV1 : Number of 2-track pairs
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< int > sv1_N2TpairAcc ("SV1_N2Tpair");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv1_masssvxAcc ("SV1_masssvx");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv1_efracsvxAcc ("SV1_efracsvx");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< float > sv1_normdistAcc ("SV1_normdist");
if(sv1_NGTinSvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv1_NGTinSvx -> Fill( sv1_NGTinSvxAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv1_N2TpairAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv1_N2Tpair -> Fill( sv1_N2TpairAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv1_masssvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv1_massvx -> Fill( sv1_masssvxAcc (*btag_info)/1000, eventWeight);
if(sv1_efracsvxAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv1_efracsvx -> Fill( sv1_efracsvxAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
if(sv1_normdistAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)) m_sv1_normdist -> Fill( sv1_normdistAcc (*btag_info), eventWeight);
double sv1_pu = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("SV1", "pu", sv1_pu);
double sv1_pb = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("SV1", "pb", sv1_pb);
double sv1_pc = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("SV1", "pc", sv1_pc);
m_SV1_pu -> Fill(sv1_pu , eventWeight );
m_SV1_pb -> Fill(sv1_pb , eventWeight );
m_SV1_pc -> Fill(sv1_pc , eventWeight );
m_SV1 -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(sv1_pb,sv1_pu) , eventWeight );
m_SV1_c -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(sv1_pb,sv1_pc) , eventWeight );
m_SV1_cu -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(sv1_pc,sv1_pu) , eventWeight );
float sv1_Lxy; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "Lxy" , sv1_Lxy);
float sv1_sig3d; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "significance3d" , sv1_sig3d);
float sv1_L3d; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "L3d" , sv1_L3d);
float sv1_distmatlay; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "dstToMatLay" , sv1_distmatlay);
float sv1_dR; btag_info->variable<float>("SV1", "deltaR" , sv1_dR );
m_SV1_Lxy -> Fill(sv1_Lxy, eventWeight);
m_SV1_sig3d -> Fill(sv1_sig3d, eventWeight);
m_SV1_L3d -> Fill(sv1_L3d, eventWeight);
m_SV1_distmatlay -> Fill(sv1_distmatlay, eventWeight);
m_SV1_dR -> Fill(sv1_dR, eventWeight);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_ipDetails " <<std::endl;
// IP2D
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<int> > IP2D_gradeOfTracksAcc ("IP2D_gradeOfTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<bool> > IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc("IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP2D_weightBofTracksAcc ("IP2D_weightBofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP2D_weightCofTracksAcc ("IP2D_weightCofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP2D_weightUofTracksAcc ("IP2D_weightUofTracks");
if(IP2D_gradeOfTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
unsigned int nIP2DTracks = IP2D_gradeOfTracksAcc(*btag_info).size();
m_nIP2DTracks -> Fill( nIP2DTracks, eventWeight);
for(int grade : IP2D_gradeOfTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_gradeOfTracks->Fill(grade, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(bool flag : IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks->Fill(flag, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float d0 : IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill(d0, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float d0Sig : IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) {
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks ->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_weightBofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightB : IP2D_weightBofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_weightBofTracks->Fill(weightB, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_weightCofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightC : IP2D_weightCofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_weightCofTracks->Fill(weightC, eventWeight);
if(IP2D_weightUofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightU : IP2D_weightUofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP2D_weightUofTracks->Fill(weightU, eventWeight);
double ip2_pu = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP2D", "pu", ip2_pu);
double ip2_pb = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP2D", "pb", ip2_pb);
double ip2_pc = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP2D", "pc", ip2_pc);
m_IP2D_pu -> Fill(ip2_pu , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_pb -> Fill(ip2_pb , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_pc -> Fill(ip2_pc , eventWeight );
m_IP2D -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip2_pb,ip2_pu) , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_c -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip2_pb,ip2_pc) , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_cu -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip2_pc,ip2_pu) , eventWeight );
// IP3D
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<int> > IP3D_gradeOfTracksAcc ("IP3D_gradeOfTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<bool> > IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc("IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc("IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_weightBofTracksAcc ("IP3D_weightBofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_weightCofTracksAcc ("IP3D_weightCofTracks");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< vector<float> > IP3D_weightUofTracksAcc ("IP3D_weightUofTracks");
if(IP3D_gradeOfTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
unsigned int nIP3DTracks = IP3D_gradeOfTracksAcc(*btag_info).size();
m_nIP3DTracks -> Fill( nIP3DTracks, eventWeight);
for(int grade : IP3D_gradeOfTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_gradeOfTracks->Fill(grade, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(bool flag : IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks->Fill(flag, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float d0 : IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill(d0, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float d0Sig : IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)){
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks ->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float z0 : IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks->Fill(z0, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float z0Sig : IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracksAcc(*btag_info)){
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks ->Fill(z0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(z0Sig, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_weightBofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightB : IP3D_weightBofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_weightBofTracks->Fill(weightB, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_weightCofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightC : IP3D_weightCofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_weightCofTracks->Fill(weightC, eventWeight);
if(IP3D_weightUofTracksAcc .isAvailable(*btag_info)){
for(float weightU : IP3D_weightUofTracksAcc(*btag_info)) m_IP3D_weightUofTracks->Fill(weightU, eventWeight);
double ip3_pu = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP3D", "pu", ip3_pu);
double ip3_pb = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP3D", "pb", ip3_pb);
double ip3_pc = -30; btag_info->variable<double>("IP3D", "pc", ip3_pc);
m_IP3D_pu -> Fill(ip3_pu , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_pb -> Fill(ip3_pb , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_pc -> Fill(ip3_pc , eventWeight );
m_IP3D -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip3_pb,ip3_pu) , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_c -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip3_pb,ip3_pc) , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_cu -> Fill( btag_info->calcLLR(ip3_pc,ip3_pu) , eventWeight );
vector<float> chfs = jet->getAttribute< vector<float> >(xAOD::JetAttribute::SumPtTrkPt1000);
float chf(-1);
if( pvLoc >= 0 && pvLoc < (int)chfs.size() ) {
m_chf -> Fill( pvLoc ) , eventWeight );
// testing
if( m_infoSwitch->m_resolution ) {
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_resolution " <<std::endl;
//float ghostTruthPt = jet->getAttribute( xAOD::JetAttribute::GhostTruthPt );
float ghostTruthPt = jet->auxdata< float >( "GhostTruthPt" );
m_jetGhostTruthPt -> Fill( ghostTruthPt/1e3, eventWeight );
float resolution = jet->pt()/ghostTruthPt - 1;
m_jetPt_vs_resolution -> Fill( jet->pt()/1e3, resolution, eventWeight );
m_jetGhostTruthPt_vs_resolution -> Fill( ghostTruthPt/1e3, resolution, eventWeight );
if( m_infoSwitch->m_substructure ){
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_substructure " <<std::endl;
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau1("Tau1");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau2("Tau2");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau3("Tau3");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau1_wta("Tau1_wta");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau2_wta("Tau2_wta");
static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> Tau3_wta("Tau3_wta");
if(Tau1.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau1->Fill( Tau1(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau2.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau2->Fill( Tau2(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau3.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau3->Fill( Tau3(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau1.isAvailable(*jet) && Tau2.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau21->Fill( Tau2(*jet)/Tau1(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau2.isAvailable(*jet) && Tau3.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau32->Fill( Tau3(*jet)/Tau2(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau1_wta.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau1_wta->Fill( Tau1_wta(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau2_wta.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau2_wta->Fill( Tau2_wta(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau3_wta.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau3_wta->Fill( Tau3_wta(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau1_wta.isAvailable(*jet) && Tau2_wta.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau21_wta->Fill( Tau2_wta(*jet)/Tau1_wta(*jet), eventWeight );
if(Tau2_wta.isAvailable(*jet) && Tau3_wta.isAvailable(*jet)) m_tau32_wta->Fill( Tau3_wta(*jet)/Tau2_wta(*jet), eventWeight );
m_numConstituents->Fill( jet->numConstituents(), eventWeight );
if(m_debug) std::cout << m_name << "::Matching tracks in Jet: " << m_infoSwitch->m_tracksInJet << std::endl;
if( m_infoSwitch->m_tracksInJet ){
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: m_tracksInJet " <<std::endl;
const vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> matchedTracks = jet->auxdata< vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> >(m_infoSwitch->m_trackName);
const xAOD::Vertex *pvx = jet->auxdata<const xAOD::Vertex*>(m_infoSwitch->m_trackName+"_vtx");
m_nTrk->Fill(matchedTracks.size(), eventWeight);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "Track Size " << matchedTracks.size() << std::endl;
for(auto& trkPtr: matchedTracks){
ANA_CHECK( m_tracksInJet->execute(trkPtr, jet, pvx, eventWeight, eventInfo));
if( m_infoSwitch->m_byEta ){
if (fabs(jet->eta()) < 1) m_jetPt_eta_0_1 -> Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, eventWeight);
else if ( fabs(jet->eta()) < 2 ){ m_jetPt_eta_1_2 -> Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, eventWeight); m_jetPt_eta_1_2p5 -> Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, eventWeight);}
else if ( fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5 ){ m_jetPt_eta_2_2p5 -> Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, eventWeight); m_jetPt_eta_1_2p5 -> Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, eventWeight);}
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS ){
float bs_online_vx = jet->auxdata< float >("bs_online_vx");
float bs_online_vy = jet->auxdata< float >("bs_online_vy");
float bs_online_vz = jet->auxdata< float >("bs_online_vz");
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBSTool ){
// Over-ride with onlineBSToolInfo
bs_online_vx = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSx);
bs_online_vy = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSy);
bs_online_vz = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSz);
m_bs_online_vy -> Fill( bs_online_vy , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vx -> Fill( bs_online_vx , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vz -> Fill( bs_online_vz , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vz_l -> Fill( bs_online_vz , eventWeight);
if (fabs(bs_online_vz) < 1) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_0_1 -> Fill( jet->eta(), eventWeight); }
else if ( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 1.5 ) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_1_1p5 -> Fill( jet->eta(), eventWeight); }
else if ( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 2 ) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_1p5_2 -> Fill( jet->eta(), eventWeight); }
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->lumiBlock();
uint32_t runNumber = eventInfo->runNumber();
if( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 900){
m_lumiB_runN_bs_online_vz -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * bs_online_vz);
m_lumiB_runN_bs_den -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight );
if( m_infoSwitch->m_hltVtxComp || m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS ){
const xAOD::Vertex *online_pvx = jet->auxdata<const xAOD::Vertex*>("HLTBJetTracks_vtx");
const xAOD::Vertex *online_pvx_bkg = jet->auxdata<const xAOD::Vertex*>("HLTBJetTracks_vtx_bkg");
const xAOD::Vertex *offline_pvx = jet->auxdata<const xAOD::Vertex*>("offline_vtx");
// Use of vtxClass is new, hadDummyPV is old but need backward compatibility.
char vtxClass = jet->auxdata< char >("hadDummyPV");
int vtxClassInt = int(vtxClass);
if( vtxClass == '0') vtxClassInt = 0;
if( vtxClass == '1') vtxClassInt = 1;
if( vtxClass == '2') vtxClassInt = 2;
m_vtxClass -> Fill(vtxClassInt, eventWeight);
if(online_pvx) m_vtxOnlineValid ->Fill(1.0, eventWeight);
else m_vtxOnlineValid ->Fill(0.0, eventWeight);
if(offline_pvx) m_vtxOfflineValid->Fill(1.0, eventWeight);
else m_vtxOfflineValid->Fill(0.0, eventWeight);
//if(hadDummyPV) m_vtxClass ->Fill(1.0, eventWeight);
//else m_vtxClass ->Fill(0.0, eventWeight);
if(offline_pvx && online_pvx && online_pvx_bkg){
float online_x0_raw = online_pvx->x();
float online_y0_raw = online_pvx->y();
float online_z0_raw = online_pvx->z();
online_x0_raw = 0;
online_y0_raw = 0;
online_z0_raw = 0;
m_vtx_offline_x0 -> Fill(offline_pvx->x(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0 -> Fill(online_pvx->x(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0_raw -> Fill(online_x0_raw, eventWeight);
float vtxDiffx0 = online_pvx->x() - offline_pvx->x();
m_vtxDiffx0 ->Fill(vtxDiffx0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffx0_l->Fill(vtxDiffx0, eventWeight);
m_vtx_offline_y0 -> Fill(offline_pvx->y(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0 -> Fill(online_pvx->y(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0_raw -> Fill(online_y0_raw, eventWeight);
float vtxDiffy0 = online_pvx->y() - offline_pvx->y();
m_vtxDiffy0 ->Fill(vtxDiffy0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffy0_l->Fill(vtxDiffy0, eventWeight);
m_vtx_offline_z0 -> Fill(offline_pvx->z(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_z0 -> Fill(online_pvx->z(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_z0_raw -> Fill(online_z0_raw, eventWeight);
float vtxDiffz0 = online_pvx->z() - offline_pvx->z();
float vtxDiffz0_raw = online_z0_raw - offline_pvx->z();
m_vtxDiffz0 ->Fill(vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_m->Fill(vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s->Fill(vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
float vtxBkgDiffz0 = online_pvx_bkg->z() - offline_pvx->z();
m_vtxBkgDiffz0 ->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_m->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_s->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtx_offline_z0->Fill(offline_pvx->z(), vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_vtx_offline_z0 ->Fill(offline_pvx->z(), vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffx0 ->Fill(vtxDiffx0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffy0 ->Fill(vtxDiffy0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxClass_vs_jetPt ->Fill(jet->pt()/1e3, vtxClassInt, eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0_vs_vtx_online_z0 -> Fill(online_pvx->z(), online_pvx->y(), eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0_vs_vtx_online_z0 -> Fill(online_pvx->z(), online_pvx->x(), eventWeight);
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->lumiBlock();
m_vtxDiffx0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffx0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffy0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffy0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxClass_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxClassInt, eventWeight);
bool correctVtx1 = (fabs(vtxDiffz0) < 1);
bool correctVtx10 = (fabs(vtxDiffz0) < 10);
m_vtxEff1_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff1_noDummy_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_noDummy_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10, eventWeight);
bool correctVtx1_raw = (fabs(vtxDiffz0_raw) < 1);
bool correctVtx10_raw = (fabs(vtxDiffz0_raw) < 10);
m_vtxEff1_raw_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1_raw, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_raw_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10_raw, eventWeight);
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->lumiBlock();
uint32_t runNumber = eventInfo->runNumber();
m_lumiB_runN -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight);
m_lumiB_runN_vtxClass -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * vtxClassInt);
m_lumiB_runN_lumiB -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * lumiBlock);
//if(offline_pvx && online_pvx){
// float vtxDiffz0 = online_pvx->z() - offline_pvx->z();
// m_lumiB_runN_vtxDiffz0 -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * vtxDiffz0);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: leave " <<std::endl;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode JetHists::execute( const xAH::Jet* jet, float eventWeight, const xAH::EventInfo* eventInfo ) {
return execute(static_cast<const xAH::Particle*>(jet), eventWeight, eventInfo);
StatusCode JetHists::execute( const xAH::Particle* particle, float eventWeight, const xAH::EventInfo* eventInfo ) {
using namespace msgJetHists;
ANA_CHECK( IParticleHists::execute(particle, eventWeight));
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: in execute " <<std::endl;
const xAH::Jet* jet = dynamic_cast<const xAH::Jet*>(particle);
if(m_debug) std::cout << "JetHists: got jet " << jet << std::endl;
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "Cannot convert IParticle to Jet" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_jetTime ->Fill(jet->Timing ,eventWeight);
m_LArQuality ->Fill(jet->LArQuality ,eventWeight);
m_hecq ->Fill(jet->HECQuality ,eventWeight);
m_negE ->Fill(jet->NegativeE ,eventWeight);
m_avLArQF ->Fill(jet->AverageLArQF ,eventWeight);
m_bchCorrCell ->Fill(jet->BchCorrCell ,eventWeight);
m_N90Const ->Fill(jet->N90Constituents ,eventWeight);
//m_LArQmean ->Fill(jet->AverageLArQF/65535 ,eventWeight);
//m_LArBadHVEFrac ->Fill(jet->LArBadHVEFrac ,eventWeight);
//m_LArBadHVNCell ->Fill(jet->LArBadHVNCell ,eventWeight);
m_ChargedFraction ->Fill(jet->ChargedFraction ,eventWeight);
//m_OotFracClusters5 ->Fill(jet->OotFracClusters5 ,eventWeight);
//m_OotFracClusters10 ->Fill(jet->OotFracClusters10 ,eventWeight);
//m_LeadingClusterPt ->Fill(jet->LeadingClusterPt ,eventWeight);
//m_LeadingClusterSecondR ->Fill(jet->LeadingClusterSecondR ,eventWeight);
//m_clean_passLooseBad ->Fill(jet->clean_passLooseBad ,eventWeight);
//m_clean_passLooseBadUgly ->Fill(jet->clean_passLooseBadUgly ,eventWeight);
//m_clean_passTightBad ->Fill(jet->clean_passTightBad ,eventWeight);
//m_clean_passTightBadUgly ->Fill(jet->clean_passTightBadUgly ,eventWeight);
m_HECf ->Fill(jet->HECFrac, eventWeight);
m_EMf ->Fill(jet->EMFrac, eventWeight);
m_centroidR ->Fill(jet->CentroidR, eventWeight);
//m_FracSamplingMax ->Fill(jet->FracSamplingMax, eventWeight);
//m_FracSamplingMaxIndex ->Fill(jet->FracSamplingMaxIndex, eventWeight);
//m_Width ->Fill(jet->Width, eventWeight);
// m_NumTrkPt1000PV ->Fill(jet->NumTrkPt1000PV , eventWeight);
// m_SumPtTrkPt1000PV ->Fill(jet->SumPtTrkPt1000PV , eventWeight);
// m_TrackWidthPt1000PV->Fill(jet->TrackWidthPt1000PV, eventWeight);
// m_NumTrkPt500PV ->Fill(jet->NumTrkPt500PV , eventWeight);
// m_SumPtTrkPt500PV ->Fill(jet->SumPtTrkPt500PV , eventWeight);
// m_TrackWidthPt500PV ->Fill(jet->TrackWidthPt500PV , eventWeight);
// m_JVFPV ->Fill(jet->JVFPV , eventWeight);
if(m_infoSwitch->m_trackPV || m_infoSwitch->m_trackAll)
// m_Jvt ->Fill(jet->Jvt , eventWeight);
// m_JvtJvfcorr->Fill(jet->JvtJvfcorr , eventWeight);
// m_JvtRpt ->Fill(jet->JvtRpt , eventWeight);
m_JVC->Fill(jet->JVC, eventWeight);
if(m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTag || m_infoSwitch->m_flavorTagHLT)
// h_SV0 ->Fill(jet->SV0 , eventWeight);
// h_SV1 ->Fill(jet->SV1 , eventWeight);
// h_IP3D ->Fill(jet->IP3D , eventWeight);
m_COMB ->Fill(jet->SV1IP3D , eventWeight);
//m_JetFitter ->Fill(jet->JetFitter , eventWeight);
if( m_infoSwitch->m_byEta ){
if (fabs(jet->p4.Eta()) < 1) m_jetPt_eta_0_1 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
else if ( fabs(jet->p4.Eta()) < 2 ) {m_jetPt_eta_1_2 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight); m_jetPt_eta_1_2p5 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);}
else if ( fabs(jet->p4.Eta()) < 2.5 ) {m_jetPt_eta_2_2p5 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight); m_jetPt_eta_1_2p5 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);}
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS ){
float bs_online_vx = jet->bs_online_vx;
float bs_online_vy = jet->bs_online_vy;
float bs_online_vz = jet->bs_online_vz;
if( m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBSTool ){
// Over-ride with onlineBSToolInfo
bs_online_vx = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSx);
bs_online_vy = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSy);
bs_online_vz = m_onlineBSTool.getOnlineBSInfo(eventInfo, xAH::OnlineBeamSpotTool::BSData::BSz);
m_bs_online_vx -> Fill( bs_online_vx , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vy -> Fill( bs_online_vy , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vz -> Fill( bs_online_vz , eventWeight);
m_bs_online_vz_l -> Fill( bs_online_vz , eventWeight);
if (fabs(bs_online_vz) < 1) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_0_1 -> Fill( jet->p4.Eta(), eventWeight); }
else if ( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 1.5 ) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_1_1p5 -> Fill( jet->p4.Eta(), eventWeight); }
else if ( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 2 ) { m_eta_bs_online_vz_1p5_2 -> Fill( jet->p4.Eta(), eventWeight); }
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->m_lumiBlock;
uint32_t runNumber = eventInfo->m_runNumber;
if( fabs(bs_online_vz) < 900 ){
m_lumiB_runN_bs_online_vz -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * bs_online_vz);
m_lumiB_runN_bs_den -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight );
if(m_infoSwitch->m_hltVtxComp || m_infoSwitch->m_onlineBS )
// vtxHadDummy is an old var. I am moving to a new variable name here.
float vtxClass=jet->vtxHadDummy;
m_vtxClass ->Fill(vtxClass , eventWeight);
float online_x0_raw = jet->vtx_online_x0;
float online_y0_raw = jet->vtx_online_y0;
float online_z0_raw = jet->vtx_online_z0;
online_x0_raw = 0;
online_y0_raw = 0;
online_z0_raw = 0;
//if( fabs(bs_online_vy) < 0.1 ){
// std::cout << " -> bs_online_vx" << bs_online_vx << "bs_online_vy" << bs_online_vy << "bs_online_vz" << bs_online_vz << std::endl;
float vtxDiffx0 = jet->vtx_online_x0 - jet->vtx_offline_x0;
m_vtx_offline_x0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_x0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_x0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0_raw ->Fill(online_x0_raw , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffx0 ->Fill(vtxDiffx0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffx0_l ->Fill(vtxDiffx0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_offline_y0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_y0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_y0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0_raw ->Fill(online_y0_raw , eventWeight);
float vtxDiffy0 = jet->vtx_online_y0 - jet->vtx_offline_y0;
m_vtxDiffy0 ->Fill(vtxDiffy0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffy0_l ->Fill(vtxDiffy0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_offline_z0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_z0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_z0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_z0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_offline_z0_s ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_z0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_z0_s ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_z0 , eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_z0_raw ->Fill(online_z0_raw , eventWeight);
float vtxDiffz0 = jet->vtx_online_z0 - jet->vtx_offline_z0;
float vtxDiffz0_raw = online_z0_raw - jet->vtx_offline_z0;
m_vtxDiffz0 ->Fill(vtxDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_m ->Fill(vtxDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s ->Fill(vtxDiffz0 , eventWeight);
//m_vtx_offline_z ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_z0 , eventWeight);
//m_vtx_online_z ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_z0 , eventWeight);
float vtxBkgDiffz0 = jet->vtx_online_bkg_z0 - jet->vtx_offline_z0;
m_vtxBkgDiffz0 ->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_m ->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxBkgDiffz0_s ->Fill(vtxBkgDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtx_offline_z0->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_z0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_vtx_offline_z0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_offline_z0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffx0 ->Fill(vtxDiffx0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_s_vs_vtxDiffy0 ->Fill(vtxDiffy0, vtxDiffz0, eventWeight);
m_vtxClass_vs_jetPt ->Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), vtxClass, eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_y0_vs_vtx_online_z0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_z0, jet->vtx_online_y0, eventWeight);
m_vtx_online_x0_vs_vtx_online_z0 ->Fill(jet->vtx_online_z0, jet->vtx_online_x0, eventWeight);
if(m_infoSwitch->m_vsLumiBlock && eventInfo){
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->m_lumiBlock;
m_vtxDiffx0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffx0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffy0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffy0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxDiffz0_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxDiffz0 , eventWeight);
m_vtxClass_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, vtxClass, eventWeight);
bool correctVtx1 = (fabs(vtxDiffz0) < 1);
bool correctVtx10 = (fabs(vtxDiffz0) < 10);
m_vtxEff1_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff1_noDummy_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_noDummy_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10, eventWeight);
bool correctVtx1_raw = (fabs(vtxDiffz0_raw) < 1);
bool correctVtx10_raw = (fabs(vtxDiffz0_raw) < 10);
m_vtxEff1_raw_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx1_raw, eventWeight);
m_vtxEff10_raw_vs_lBlock ->Fill(lumiBlock, correctVtx10_raw, eventWeight);
uint32_t lumiBlock = eventInfo->m_lumiBlock;
uint32_t runNumber = eventInfo->m_runNumber;
m_lumiB_runN -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight);
m_lumiB_runN_vtxClass -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight * vtxClass);
m_lumiB_runN_lumiB -> Fill(lumiBlock, runNumber, eventWeight*lumiBlock);
m_jf_nVTX ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_nVTX , eventWeight);
m_jf_nSingleTracks ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_nSingleTracks , eventWeight);
m_jf_nTracksAtVtx ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_nTracksAtVtx , eventWeight);
m_jf_mass ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_mass /1000, eventWeight);
m_jf_energyFraction ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_energyFraction , eventWeight);
m_jf_significance3d ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_significance3d , eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaeta ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_deltaeta , eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaeta_l ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_deltaeta , eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaR ->Fill(hypot(jet->JetFitter_deltaphi ,jet->JetFitter_deltaeta), eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaphi ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_deltaphi , eventWeight);
m_jf_deltaphi_l ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_deltaphi , eventWeight);
m_jf_N2Tpar ->Fill(jet->JetFitter_N2Tpar , eventWeight);
// SV0
m_sv0_NGTinSvx -> Fill( jet->sv0_NGTinSvx, eventWeight);
m_sv0_N2Tpair -> Fill( jet->sv0_N2Tpair , eventWeight);
m_sv0_massvx -> Fill( jet->sv0_massvx /1000, eventWeight);
m_sv0_efracsvx -> Fill( jet->sv0_efracsvx, eventWeight);
m_sv0_normdist -> Fill( jet->sv0_normdist, eventWeight);
// SV1
m_sv1_NGTinSvx -> Fill( jet->sv1_NGTinSvx, eventWeight);
m_sv1_N2Tpair -> Fill( jet->sv1_N2Tpair , eventWeight);
m_sv1_massvx -> Fill( jet->sv1_massvx /1000, eventWeight);
m_sv1_efracsvx -> Fill( jet->sv1_efracsvx, eventWeight);
m_sv1_normdist -> Fill( jet->sv1_normdist, eventWeight);
m_SV1_pu -> Fill(jet->sv1_pu , eventWeight );
m_SV1_pb -> Fill(jet->sv1_pb , eventWeight );
m_SV1_pc -> Fill(jet->sv1_pc , eventWeight );
m_SV1_c -> Fill(jet->sv1_c , eventWeight );
m_SV1_cu -> Fill(jet->sv1_cu , eventWeight );
m_SV1_Lxy -> Fill(jet->sv1_Lxy, eventWeight);
m_SV1_sig3d -> Fill(jet->sv1_sig3d, eventWeight);
m_SV1_L3d -> Fill(jet->sv1_L3d, eventWeight);
m_SV1_distmatlay -> Fill(jet->sv1_distmatlay, eventWeight);
m_SV1_dR -> Fill(jet->sv1_dR, eventWeight);
// IP2D
m_nIP2DTracks -> Fill( jet->nIP2DTracks, eventWeight);
for(float grade : jet->IP2D_gradeOfTracks) m_IP2D_gradeOfTracks->Fill(grade, eventWeight);
for(float flag : jet->IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks) m_IP2D_flagFromV0ofTracks->Fill(flag, eventWeight);
if(jet->IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks.size() == jet->IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks.size()){
for(unsigned int i=0; i<jet->IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks.size(); i++){
float d0Sig=jet->IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float d0Val=jet->IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float d0Err=d0Val/d0Sig;
m_IP2D_errD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Err, eventWeight);
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP2D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP2D_valD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Val, eventWeight);
for(float weightB : jet->IP2D_weightBofTracks) m_IP2D_weightBofTracks->Fill(weightB, eventWeight);
for(float weightC : jet->IP2D_weightCofTracks) m_IP2D_weightCofTracks->Fill(weightC, eventWeight);
for(float weightU : jet->IP2D_weightUofTracks) m_IP2D_weightUofTracks->Fill(weightU, eventWeight);
m_IP2D_pu -> Fill(jet->IP2D_pu , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_pb -> Fill(jet->IP2D_pb , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_pc -> Fill(jet->IP2D_pc , eventWeight );
m_IP2D -> Fill( jet->IP2D , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_c -> Fill( jet->IP2D_c , eventWeight );
m_IP2D_cu -> Fill( jet->IP2D_cu , eventWeight );
// IP3D
m_nIP3DTracks -> Fill( jet->nIP3DTracks, eventWeight);
for(float grade : jet->IP3D_gradeOfTracks ) m_IP3D_gradeOfTracks->Fill(grade, eventWeight);
for(float flag : jet->IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks) m_IP3D_flagFromV0ofTracks->Fill(flag, eventWeight);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<jet->IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks.size(); i++){
float d0Sig=jet->IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float d0Val=jet->IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float d0Err=d0Val/d0Sig;
m_IP3D_errD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Err, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(d0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (d0Val, eventWeight);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<jet->IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks.size(); i++){
float z0Sig=jet->IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float z0Val=jet->IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks[i];
float z0Err=z0Val/z0Sig;
m_IP3D_errZ0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (z0Err, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (z0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks_l->Fill(z0Sig, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks->Fill (z0Val, eventWeight);
for(float weightB : jet->IP3D_weightBofTracks) m_IP3D_weightBofTracks->Fill(weightB, eventWeight);
for(float weightC : jet->IP3D_weightCofTracks) m_IP3D_weightCofTracks->Fill(weightC, eventWeight);
for(float weightU : jet->IP3D_weightUofTracks) m_IP3D_weightUofTracks->Fill(weightU, eventWeight);
m_IP3D_pu -> Fill(jet->IP3D_pu , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_pb -> Fill(jet->IP3D_pb , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_pc -> Fill(jet->IP3D_pc , eventWeight );
m_IP3D -> Fill( jet->IP3D , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_c -> Fill( jet->IP3D_c , eventWeight );
m_IP3D_cu -> Fill( jet->IP3D_cu, eventWeight );
// truth
m_truthLabelID ->Fill(jet->ConeTruthLabelID , eventWeight);
m_truthCount ->Fill(jet->TruthCount , eventWeight);
m_truthDr_B->Fill(jet->TruthLabelDeltaR_B, eventWeight);
m_truthDr_C->Fill(jet->TruthLabelDeltaR_C, eventWeight);
m_truthDr_T->Fill(jet->TruthLabelDeltaR_T, eventWeight);
//m_PartonTruthLabelID->Fill(jet->PartonTruthLabelID, eventWeight);
//m_GhostTruthAssociationFraction->Fill(jet->GhostTruthAssociationFraction, eventWeight);
m_hadronConeExclTruthLabelID->Fill(jet->HadronConeExclTruthLabelID, eventWeight);
m_truthPt ->Fill(jet->truth_p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
//m_truth_pt_m ->Fill(jet->truth_p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
//m_truth_pt_l ->Fill(jet->truth_p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
//m_truth_eta ->Fill(jet->truth_p4.Eta(), eventWeight);
//m_truth_phi ->Fill(jet->truth_p4.Phi(), eventWeight);
// charge
//h_charge->Fill(jet->charge, eventWeight);
float avg_mu=-99;
avg_mu = eventInfo->m_averageMu;
m_avgMu->Fill(avg_mu, eventWeight);
if(avg_mu < 15.0) m_jetPt_avgMu_00_15 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
if(avg_mu >= 15.0 && avg_mu < 25.0) m_jetPt_avgMu_15_25 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
if(avg_mu >= 25.0) m_jetPt_avgMu_25 -> Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), eventWeight);
m_avgMu_vs_jetPt->Fill(jet->p4.Pt(), avg_mu, eventWeight);
if (m_infoSwitch->m_vsActualMu)
float actualMu = eventInfo->m_actualMu;
m_actualMu->Fill(actualMu, eventWeight);
m_etaPhi->Fill(jet->p4.Eta(), jet->p4.Phi(), eventWeight);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode JetHists::finalize() {
delete m_tracksInJet;
return IParticleHists::finalize();