Program Listing for File TauCalibrator.cxx¶
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* Interface to CP Tau calibration tool.
* F. Scutti (
// c++ include(s):
#include <iostream>
// EL include(s):
#include <EventLoop/Job.h>
#include <EventLoop/StatusCode.h>
#include <EventLoop/Worker.h>
// EDM include(s):
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "xAODTau/TauJetContainer.h"
#include "xAODTau/TauJet.h"
#include "xAODTau/TauxAODHelpers.h"
#include "xAODBase/IParticleHelpers.h"
#include "xAODBase/IParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODBase/IParticle.h"
#include "AthContainers/ConstDataVector.h"
#include "AthContainers/DataVector.h"
#include "xAODCore/ShallowCopy.h"
// package include(s):
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/HelperFunctions.h"
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/HelperClasses.h"
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/TauCalibrator.h"
#include "PATInterfaces/CorrectionCode.h" // to check the return correction code status of tools
using HelperClasses::ToolName;
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
TauCalibrator :: TauCalibrator () :
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: setupJob (EL::Job& job)
// Here you put code that sets up the job on the submission object
// so that it is ready to work with your algorithm, e.g. you can
// request the D3PDReader service or add output files. Any code you
// put here could instead also go into the submission script. The
// sole advantage of putting it here is that it gets automatically
// activated/deactivated when you add/remove the algorithm from your
// job, which may or may not be of value to you.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Calling setupJob");
job.useXAOD ();
xAOD::Init( "TauCalibrator" ).ignore(); // call before opening first file
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: histInitialize ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done at the very
// beginning on each worker node, e.g. create histograms and output
// trees. This method gets called before any input files are
// connected.
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algInitialize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: fileExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done exactly once for every
// single file, e.g. collect a list of all lumi-blocks processed
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: changeInput (bool /*firstFile*/)
// Here you do everything you need to do when we change input files,
// e.g. resetting branch addresses on trees. If you are using
// D3PDReader or a similar service this method is not needed.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: initialize ()
// Here you do everything that you need to do after the first input
// file has been connected and before the first event is processed,
// e.g. create additional histograms based on which variables are
// available in the input files. You can also create all of your
// histograms and trees in here, but be aware that this method
// doesn't get called if no events are processed. So any objects
// you create here won't be available in the output if you have no
// input events.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Initializing TauCalibrator Interface... ");
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Number of events in file: " << m_event->getEntries() );
m_outAuxContainerName = m_outContainerName + "Aux."; // the period is very important!
// shallow copies are made with this output container name
m_outSCContainerName = m_outContainerName + "ShallowCopy";
m_outSCAuxContainerName = m_outSCContainerName + "Aux."; // the period is very important!
if ( m_inContainerName.empty() ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "InputContainer is empty!");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_numEvent = 0;
m_numObject = 0;
// ************************************************
// initialize the TauAnalysisTools::TauSmearingTool
// ************************************************
// Options summarised here:
if (!m_RecommendationTag.empty()) ANA_CHECK(m_tauSmearingTool_handle.setProperty("RecommendationTag",m_RecommendationTag));
if (!m_generator.empty()) ANA_CHECK(m_tauSmearingTool_handle.setProperty("Generator",m_generator));
if (!m_campaign.empty()) ANA_CHECK(m_tauSmearingTool_handle.setProperty("Campaign",m_campaign));
if ( isFastSim() ){
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Setting simulation flavour to Fast Sim");
ANA_CHECK(m_tauSmearingTool_handle.setProperty("useFastSim", 1));
} else {
ANA_CHECK(m_tauSmearingTool_handle.setProperty("useFastSim", 0));
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Retrieved tool: " << m_tauSmearingTool_handle);
// Get a list of recommended systematics for this tool
const CP::SystematicSet& recSyst = m_tauSmearingTool_handle->recommendedSystematics();
ANA_MSG_INFO(" Initializing Tau Calibrator Systematics :");
// Make a list of systematics to be used, based on configuration input
// Use HelperFunctions::getListofSystematics() for this!
m_systList = HelperFunctions::getListofSystematics( recSyst, m_systName, m_systVal, msg() );
ANA_MSG_INFO("Will be using TauSmearingTool systematic:");
auto SystTausNames = std::make_unique< std::vector< std::string > >();
for ( const auto& syst_it : m_systList ) {
if ( m_systName.empty() ) {
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t Running w/ nominal configuration only!");
ANA_MSG_INFO("\t " <<;
ANA_CHECK(m_store->record(std::move(SystTausNames), "taus_Syst"+m_name ));
// Write output sys names
if ( m_writeSystToMetadata ) {
TFile *fileMD = wk()->getOutputFile ("metadata");
HelperFunctions::writeSystematicsListHist(m_systList, m_name, fileMD);
ANA_MSG_INFO( "TauCalibrator Interface succesfully initialized!" );
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: execute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done on every single
// events, e.g. read input variables, apply cuts, and fill
// histograms and trees. This is where most of your actual analysis
// code will go.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Applying Tau Calibration And Smearing ... ");
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(eventInfo, m_eventInfoContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
// get the collections from TEvent or TStore
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(eventInfo, m_eventInfoContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
const xAOD::TauJetContainer* inTaus(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inTaus, m_inContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
// loop over available systematics - remember syst == EMPTY_STRING --> baseline
// prepare a vector of the names of CDV containers
// must be a pointer to be recorded in TStore
auto vecOutContainerNames = std::make_unique< std::vector< std::string > >();
for ( const auto& syst_it : m_systList ) {
std::string outSCContainerName(m_outSCContainerName);
std::string outSCAuxContainerName(m_outSCAuxContainerName);
std::string outContainerName(m_outContainerName);
// always append the name of the variation, including nominal which is an empty string
outSCContainerName +=;
outSCAuxContainerName +=;
outContainerName +=;
vecOutContainerNames->push_back( );
// apply syst
if ( m_tauSmearingTool_handle->applySystematicVariation(syst_it) != EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to configure TauSmearingTool for systematic " <<;
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// create shallow copy for calibration - one per syst
std::pair< xAOD::TauJetContainer*, xAOD::ShallowAuxContainer* > calibTausSC = xAOD::shallowCopyContainer( *inTaus );
// create ConstDataVector to be eventually stored in TStore
ConstDataVector<xAOD::TauJetContainer>* calibTausCDV = new ConstDataVector<xAOD::TauJetContainer>(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
calibTausCDV->reserve( calibTausSC.first->size() );
// now calibrate!
unsigned int idx(0);
if ( isMC() ) {
for ( auto tauSC_itr : *(calibTausSC.first) ) {
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( " uncailbrated tau " << idx << ", pt = " << tauSC_itr->pt()*1e-3 << " GeV");
if ( m_tauSmearingTool_handle->applyCorrection(*tauSC_itr) == CP::CorrectionCode::Error ) { // Can have CorrectionCode values of Ok, OutOfValidityRange, or Error. Here only checking for Error.
ANA_MSG_WARNING( "TauSmearingTool returned Error CorrectionCode"); // If OutOfValidityRange is returned no modification is made and the original tau values are taken.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( " corrected tau pt = " << tauSC_itr->pt()*1e-3 << " GeV");
} // close calibration loop
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "setOriginalObjectLink");
if ( !xAOD::setOriginalObjectLink(*inTaus, *(calibTausSC.first)) ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to set original object links -- MET rebuilding cannot proceed.");
// save pointers in ConstDataVector with same order
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "makeSubsetCont");
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::makeSubsetCont(calibTausSC.first, calibTausCDV, msg()));
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "done makeSubsetCont");
// sort after coping to CDV
if ( m_sort ) {
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "sorting");
std::sort( calibTausCDV->begin(), calibTausCDV->end(), HelperFunctions::sort_pt );
// add SC container to TStore
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "recording calibTausSC");
ANA_CHECK( m_store->record( calibTausSC.first, outSCContainerName ));
ANA_CHECK( m_store->record( calibTausSC.second, outSCAuxContainerName ));
// add ConstDataVector to TStore
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "record calibTausCDV");
ANA_CHECK( m_store->record( calibTausCDV, outContainerName));
} // close loop on systematics
// add vector<string container_names_syst> to TStore
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "record m_outputAlgoSystNames");
ANA_CHECK( m_store->record( std::move(vecOutContainerNames), m_outputAlgoSystNames));
// look what we have in TStore
if(msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) m_store->print();
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Left ");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: postExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done after the main event
// processing. This is typically very rare, particularly in user
// code. It is mainly used in implementing the NTupleSvc.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Calling postExecute");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: finalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of initialize(), meaning it gets
// called after the last event has been processed on the worker node
// and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// initialize() before they are written to disk. This is actually
// fairly rare, since this happens separately for each worker node.
// Most of the time you want to do your post-processing on the
// submission node after all your histogram outputs have been
// merged. This is different from histFinalize() in that it only
// gets called on worker nodes that processed input events.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TauCalibrator :: histFinalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of histInitialize(), meaning it
// gets called after the last event has been processed on the worker
// node and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// histInitialize() before they are written to disk. This is
// actually fairly rare, since this happens separately for each
// worker node. Most of the time you want to do your
// post-processing on the submission node after all your histogram
// outputs have been merged. This is different from finalize() in
// that it gets called on all worker nodes regardless of whether
// they processed input events.
ANA_MSG_INFO( "Calling histFinalize");
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algFinalize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;