Program Listing for File TrackSelector.cxx¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (Root/TrackSelector.cxx
#include <EventLoop/Job.h>
#include <EventLoop/Worker.h>
#include "AthContainers/ConstDataVector.h"
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/HelperFunctions.h"
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/TrackSelector.h"
#include "InDetTrackSelectionTool/InDetTrackSelectionTool.h"
// ROOT include(s):
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
// c++ include(s):
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <sstream>
using std::vector;
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
TrackSelector :: TrackSelector () :
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: setupJob (EL::Job& job)
// Here you put code that sets up the job on the submission object
// so that it is ready to work with your algorithm, e.g. you can
// request the D3PDReader service or add output files. Any code you
// put here could instead also go into the submission script. The
// sole advantage of putting it here is that it gets automatically
// activated/deactivated when you add/remove the algorithm from your
// job, which may or may not be of value to you.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Calling setupJob");
job.useXAOD ();
xAOD::Init( "TrackSelector" ).ignore(); // call before opening first file
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: histInitialize ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done at the very
// beginning on each worker node, e.g. create histograms and output
// trees. This method gets called before any input files are
// connected.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Calling histInitialize");
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algInitialize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: fileExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done exactly once for every
// single file, e.g. collect a list of all lumi-blocks processed
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Calling fileExecute");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: changeInput (bool /*firstFile*/)
// Here you do everything you need to do when we change input files,
// e.g. resetting branch addresses on trees. If you are using
// D3PDReader or a similar service this method is not needed.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Calling changeInput");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: initialize ()
// Here you do everything that you need to do after the first input
// file has been connected and before the first event is processed,
// e.g. create additional histograms based on which variables are
// available in the input files. You can also create all of your
// histograms and trees in here, but be aware that this method
// doesn't get called if no events are processed. So any objects
// you create here won't be available in the output if you have no
// input events.
if(m_useCutFlow) {
TFile *file = wk()->getOutputFile (m_cutFlowStreamName);
m_cutflowHist = (TH1D*)file->Get("cutflow");
m_cutflowHistW = (TH1D*)file->Get("cutflow_weighted");
m_cutflow_bin = m_cutflowHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m_name.c_str());
// parse and split by comma
std::string token;
std::istringstream ss(m_passAuxDecorKeys);
while(std::getline(ss, token, ',')){
while(std::getline(ss, token, ',')){
if( m_inContainerName.empty() ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "InputContainer is empty!");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Number of events in file: " << m_event->getEntries() );
m_numEvent = 0;
m_numObject = 0;
m_numEventPass = 0;
m_numObjectPass = 0;
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "Initializing InDetTrackSelectionTool..." );
if(m_pT_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minPt", m_pT_min));
if(m_p_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minP", m_p_min));
if(m_eta_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxAbsEta", m_eta_max));
if(m_d0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxD0", m_d0_max));
if(m_sigmad0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxSigmaD0", m_sigmad0_max));
if(m_d0oversigmad0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxD0overSigmaD0", m_d0oversigmad0_max));
if(m_z0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxZ0", m_z0_max));
if(m_z0sinT_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxZ0SinTheta", m_z0sinT_max));
if(m_sigmaz0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxSigmaZ0", m_sigmaz0_max));
if(m_sigmaz0sintheta_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxSigmaZ0SinTheta", m_sigmaz0sintheta_max));
if(m_z0oversigmaz0_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxZ0overSigmaZ0", m_z0oversigmaz0_max));
if(m_z0sinthetaoversigmaz0sintheta_max!= 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxZ0SinThetaoverSigmaZ0SinTheta",m_z0sinthetaoversigmaz0sintheta_max));
if(m_nInnermostPixel_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNInnermostLayerHits", m_nInnermostPixel_min));
if(m_nNextToInnermostPixel_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNNextToInnermostLayerHits", m_nNextToInnermostPixel_min));
if(m_nBothInnermostLayersHits_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNBothInnermostLayersHits", m_nBothInnermostLayersHits_min));
if(m_nSi_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNSiHits", m_nSi_min));
if(m_nSiPhysical_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNSiHitsPhysical", m_nSiPhysical_min));
if(m_nSiSharedHits_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNSiSharedHits", m_nSiSharedHits_max));
if(m_nSiHoles_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNSiHoles", m_nSiHoles_max));
if(m_nPixelHits_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNPixelHits", m_nPixelHits_min));
if(m_nPixelHitsPhysical_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNPixelHitsPhysical", m_nPixelHitsPhysical_min));
if(m_nPixelSharedHits_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNPixelSharedHits", m_nPixelSharedHits_max));
if(m_nPixHoles_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNPixelHoles", m_nPixHoles_max));
if(m_nSctHits_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNSctHits", m_nSctHits_min));
if(m_nSctHitsPhysical_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minNSctHitsPhysical", m_nSctHitsPhysical_min));
if(m_nSctSharedHits_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNSctSharedHits", m_nSctSharedHits_max));
if(m_nSctHoles_max != 2e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNSctHoles", m_nSctHoles_max));
if(m_nSiSharedModules_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxNSiSharedModules", m_nSiSharedModules_max));
if(m_chi2Prob_min != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("minProb", m_chi2Prob_min));
if(m_chi2NdofCut_max != 1e8)ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("maxChiSqperNdf", m_chi2NdofCut_max));
if(m_cutLevelString != "" )ANA_CHECK(m_trkSelTool_handle.setProperty("CutLevel", m_cutLevelString));
ANA_CHECK( m_trkSelTool_handle.retrieve() );
ANA_MSG_DEBUG( "TrackSelector Interface succesfully initialized!" );
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: execute ()
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Applying Track Selection... " << m_name);
const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(eventInfo, m_eventInfoContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
// MC event weight
float mcEvtWeight(1);
if ( eventInfo->eventType(xAOD::EventInfo::IS_SIMULATION) )
mcEvtWeight = eventInfo->mcEventWeight();
return executeTracksInJets();
} else{
return executeTrackCollection(mcEvtWeight);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: executeTrackCollection (float mcEvtWeight)
// get the collection from TEvent or TStore
const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* inTracks(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inTracks, m_inContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
// get primary vertex
const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(vertices, m_vertexContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
const xAOD::Vertex *pvx = HelperFunctions::getPrimaryVertex(vertices, msg());
// create output container (if requested) - deep copy
ConstDataVector<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>* selectedTracks = 0;
if(m_createSelectedContainer) {
selectedTracks = new ConstDataVector<xAOD::TrackParticleContainer>(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
xAOD::TrackParticleContainer::const_iterator trk_itr = inTracks->begin();
xAOD::TrackParticleContainer::const_iterator trk_end = inTracks->end();
int nPass(0); int nObj(0);
for( ; trk_itr != trk_end; ++trk_itr ){
// if only looking at a subset of tracks make sure all are decorrated
if( m_nToProcess > 0 && nObj >= m_nToProcess ) {
if(m_decorateSelectedObjects) {
(*trk_itr)->auxdecor< char >( "passSel" ) = -1;
} else {
int passSel = this->PassCuts( (*trk_itr), pvx );
if(m_decorateSelectedObjects) {
(*trk_itr)->auxdecor< char >( "passSel" ) = passSel;
if(passSel) {
if(m_createSelectedContainer) {
selectedTracks->push_back( *trk_itr );
m_numObject += nObj;
m_numObjectPass += nPass;
// apply event selection based on minimal/maximal requirements on the number of objects per event passing cuts
if( m_pass_min > 0 && nPass < m_pass_min ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if( m_pass_max >= 0 && nPass > m_pass_max ) {
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// add output container to TStore
if( m_createSelectedContainer ) {
ANA_CHECK( m_store->record( selectedTracks, m_outContainerName ));
if(m_useCutFlow) {
m_cutflowHist ->Fill( m_cutflow_bin, 1 );
m_cutflowHistW->Fill( m_cutflow_bin, mcEvtWeight);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: executeTracksInJets ()
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Applying TracksInJet Selection... " << m_inJetContainerName);
// get input jet collection
const xAOD::JetContainer* inJets(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inJets, m_inJetContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
//const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices(nullptr);
//ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(vertices, m_vertexContainerName, m_event, m_store, msg()) );
//const xAOD::Vertex *pvx = HelperFunctions::getPrimaryVertex(vertices, msg());
int nPass(0); int nObj(0);
// Accessor for adding the output jets
xAOD::Jet::Decorator<vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> > m_track_decoration(m_outContainerName.c_str());
xAOD::Jet::Decorator<const xAOD::Vertex*> m_vtx_decoration ((m_outContainerName+"_vtx").c_str());
// loop on Jets
for ( auto jet_itr : *inJets ) {
// output container with in the jet
vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> outputTracks;
// loop on tracks with in jet
const vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> inputTracks = jet_itr->auxdata< vector<const xAOD::TrackParticle*> >(m_inContainerName);
const xAOD::Vertex* pvx = jet_itr->auxdata< const xAOD::Vertex* >(m_inContainerName+"_vtx");
for(const xAOD::TrackParticle* trkInJet: inputTracks){
// Get cut desicion
int passSel = this->PassCuts( trkInJet, pvx );
// if
if(passSel) {
}// tracks
m_numObject += nObj;
m_numObjectPass += nPass;
m_track_decoration(*jet_itr) = outputTracks;
m_vtx_decoration(*jet_itr) = jet_itr->auxdata<const xAOD::Vertex*>(m_inContainerName+"_vtx");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: postExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done after the main event
// processing. This is typically very rare, particularly in user
// code. It is mainly used in implementing the NTupleSvc.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Calling postExecute");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: finalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of initialize(), meaning it gets
// called after the last event has been processed on the worker node
// and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// initialize() before they are written to disk. This is actually
// fairly rare, since this happens separately for each worker node.
// Most of the time you want to do your post-processing on the
// submission node after all your histogram outputs have been
// merged. This is different from histFinalize() in that it only
// gets called on worker nodes that processed input events.
ANA_MSG_DEBUG("Deleting tool instances...");
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode TrackSelector :: histFinalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of histInitialize(), meaning it
// gets called after the last event has been processed on the worker
// node and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// histInitialize() before they are written to disk. This is
// actually fairly rare, since this happens separately for each
// worker node. Most of the time you want to do your
// post-processing on the submission node after all your histogram
// outputs have been merged. This is different from finalize() in
// that it gets called on all worker nodes regardless of whether
// they processed input events.
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algFinalize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
int TrackSelector :: PassCuts( const xAOD::TrackParticle* trk, const xAOD::Vertex *pvx ) {
// InDetTrackSelectionTool
if ( !m_trkSelTool_handle->accept(*trk, pvx) ) { return 0; }
// Cuts not available with the InDetTrackSelectionTool
// pT_max
if( m_pT_max != 1e8 ) {
if ( trk->pt() > m_pT_max ) { return 0; }
// eta
if( m_eta_min != 1e8 ) {
if( fabs(trk->eta()) < m_eta_min ) { return 0; }
if( m_etaSigned_max != 1e8 ) {
if( trk->eta() > m_etaSigned_max ) { return 0; }
if( m_etaSigned_min != 1e8 ) {
if( trk->eta() < m_etaSigned_min ) { return 0; }
// nBLayer
uint8_t nBL = -1;
if( m_nBL_min != 1e8 ){
// xAOD::numberOfBLayerHits is deprecated, keeping it for compatibility
if(!trk->summaryValue(nBL, xAOD::numberOfBLayerHits)) ANA_MSG_ERROR( "BLayer hits not filled");
if( nBL < m_nBL_min ) {return 0; }
// chi2Prob_max
float chi2 = trk->chiSquared();
float ndof = trk->numberDoF();
if( m_chi2Prob_max != 1e8 ){
float chi2Prob = TMath::Prob(chi2,ndof);
if( chi2Prob > m_chi2Prob_max) { return 0; }
// Pass Keys
for(auto& passKey : m_passKeys){
if(!(trk->auxdata< char >(passKey) == '1')) { return 0; }
// Fail Keys
for(auto& failKey : m_failKeys){
if(!(trk->auxdata< char >(failKey) == '0')) { return 0; }
return 1;