Program Listing for File Writer.cxx¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (Root/Writer.cxx
#include <EventLoop/Job.h>
#include <EventLoop/StatusCode.h>
#include <EventLoop/Worker.h>
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/Writer.h>
#include "EventLoop/OutputStream.h"
#include "xAODCore/ShallowCopy.h"
#include "xAODJet/JetContainer.h"
#include "xAODJet/JetAuxContainer.h"
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/HelperFunctions.h>
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
Writer :: Writer () :
EL::StatusCode Writer :: setupJob (EL::Job& job)
// Here you put code that sets up the job on the submission object
// so that it is ready to work with your algorithm, e.g. you can
// request the D3PDReader service or add output files. Any code you
// put here could instead also go into the submission script. The
// sole advantage of putting it here is that it gets automatically
// activated/deactivated when you add/remove the algorithm from your
// job, which may or may not be of value to you.
// let's initialize the algorithm to use the xAODRootAccess package
job.useXAOD ();
xAOD::Init( "Writer" ).ignore(); // call before opening first file
m_jetContainerNames = HelperFunctions::SplitString( m_jetContainerNamesStr, ',' );
m_electronContainerNames = HelperFunctions::SplitString( m_electronContainerNamesStr, ',' );
m_muonContainerNames = HelperFunctions::SplitString( m_muonContainerNamesStr, ',' );
if ( m_outputLabel.Length() == 0 ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( "No OutputLabel specified!");
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// tell EventLoop about our output xAOD:
EL::OutputStream out(m_outputLabel.Data());
job.outputAdd (out);
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: histInitialize ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done at the very
// beginning on each worker node, e.g. create histograms and output
// trees. This method gets called before any input files are
// connected.
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algInitialize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: fileExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done exactly once for every
// single file, e.g. collect a list of all lumi-blocks processed
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: changeInput (bool /*firstFile*/)
// Here you do everything you need to do when we change input files,
// e.g. resetting branch addresses on trees. If you are using
// D3PDReader or a similar service this method is not needed.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: initialize ()
// Here you do everything that you need to do after the first input
// file has been connected and before the first event is processed,
// e.g. create additional histograms based on which variables are
// available in the input files. You can also create all of your
// histograms and trees in here, but be aware that this method
// doesn't get called if no events are processed. So any objects
// you create here won't be available in the output if you have no
// input events.
m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();
m_store = wk()->xaodStore();
m_numEvent = 0;
// output xAOD
TFile * file = wk()->getOutputFile (m_outputLabel.Data());
ANA_CHECK( m_event->writeTo(file));
//FIXME add this as well
// Set which variables not to write out:
// event->setAuxItemList( "AntiKt4LCTopoJetsAux.", "-NumTrkPt1000.-NumTrkPt500" );
// // Set which variable to do write out:
// event->setAuxItemList( "GoodJetsAux.", "JetGhostArea.TrackCount" );
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: execute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done on every single
// events, e.g. read input variables, apply cuts, and fill
// histograms and trees. This is where most of your actual analysis
// code will go.
// try to find the containers in m_event - if there then copy entire container directly
// if not found in m_event, look in m_store - user created - write aux store as well
for( auto contName : m_jetContainerNames ) {
const xAOD::JetContainer* inJetsConst(nullptr);
// look in event
if ( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inJetsConst, contName.Data(), m_event, 0, msg()).isSuccess() ) {
// without modifying the contents of it:
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Write a collection " << contName.Data() << inJetsConst->size() );
m_event->copy( contName.Data() );
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Wrote a collection " << contName.Data());
// look in store
xAOD::JetContainer* inJets(nullptr);
if ( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inJets, contName.Data(), 0, m_store, msg()).isSuccess() ){
// // FIXME add something like this
// jets_shallowCopy.second->setShallowIO( false ); // true = shallow copy, false = deep copy
// // if true should have something like this line somewhere:
// Record the objects into the output xAOD:
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Write a collection " << contName.Data() << inJets->size() );
if( ! m_event->record( inJets, contName.Data() ) ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR(m_name << ": Could not record " << contName.Data());
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Wrote a collection " << contName.Data());
// get pointer to associated aux container
xAOD::JetAuxContainer* inJetsAux = 0;
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Wrote a aux store " << contName.Data());
TString auxName( contName + "Aux." );
if ( HelperFunctions::retrieve(inJetsAux, auxName.Data(), 0, m_store, msg()).isSuccess() ){
ANA_MSG_ERROR(m_name << ": Could not get Aux data for " << contName.Data());
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
ANA_MSG_INFO( " Wrote a aux store " << contName.Data());
if( ! m_event->record( inJetsAux, auxName.Data() ) ) {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( m_name << ": Could not record aux store for " << contName.Data());
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// could not find the container - problems
else {
ANA_MSG_ERROR( m_name << ": Could not find " << contName.Data());
return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;
// add similar loop for electron and muons
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: postExecute ()
// Here you do everything that needs to be done after the main event
// processing. This is typically very rare, particularly in user
// code. It is mainly used in implementing the NTupleSvc.
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: finalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of initialize(), meaning it gets
// called after the last event has been processed on the worker node
// and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// initialize() before they are written to disk. This is actually
// fairly rare, since this happens separately for each worker node.
// Most of the time you want to do your post-processing on the
// submission node after all your histogram outputs have been
// merged. This is different from histFinalize() in that it only
// gets called on worker nodes that processed input events.
// finalize and close our output xAOD file ( and write MetaData tree )
TFile * file = wk()->getOutputFile(m_outputLabel.Data());
ANA_CHECK( m_event->finishWritingTo( file ));
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EL::StatusCode Writer :: histFinalize ()
// This method is the mirror image of histInitialize(), meaning it
// gets called after the last event has been processed on the worker
// node and allows you to finish up any objects you created in
// histInitialize() before they are written to disk. This is
// actually fairly rare, since this happens separately for each
// worker node. Most of the time you want to do your
// post-processing on the submission node after all your histogram
// outputs have been merged. This is different from finalize() in
// that it gets called on all worker nodes regardless of whether
// they processed input events.
ANA_CHECK( xAH::Algorithm::algFinalize());
return EL::StatusCode::SUCCESS;