Program Listing for File ElectronEfficiencyCorrector.h¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (xAODAnaHelpers/ElectronEfficiencyCorrector.h
#ifndef xAODAnaHelpers_ElectronEfficiencyCorrector_H
#define xAODAnaHelpers_ElectronEfficiencyCorrector_H
// EDM include(s):
#include "xAODEgamma/ElectronContainer.h"
// CP interface includes
#include "PATInterfaces/SystematicRegistry.h"
#include "PATInterfaces/SystematicSet.h"
#include "PATInterfaces/SystematicsUtil.h"
#include "PATInterfaces/SystematicVariation.h"
// external tools include(s):
#include "ElectronEfficiencyCorrection/AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.h"
// algorithm wrapper
#include "xAODAnaHelpers/Algorithm.h"
class ElectronEfficiencyCorrector : public xAH::Algorithm
std::string m_inContainerName = "";
// systematics
std::string m_inputSystNamesElectrons;
bool m_writeSystToMetadata = false;
float m_systValPID = 0.0;
float m_systValIso = 0.0;
float m_systValReco = 0.0;
float m_systValTrig = 0.0;
std::string m_systNamePID = "";
std::string m_systNameIso = "";
std::string m_systNameReco = "";
std::string m_systNameTrig = "";
std::string m_outputSystNamesPID = "EleEffCorr_PIDSyst";
std::string m_outputSystNamesIso = "EleEffCorr_IsoSyst";
std::string m_outputSystNamesReco = "EleEffCorr_RecoSyst";
std::string m_outputSystNamesTrig = "EleEffCorr_TrigSyst";
std::string m_correlationModel = "FULL";
std::string m_WorkingPointPID = "";
std::string m_WorkingPointIso = "";
std::string m_WorkingPointReco = "";
std::string m_WorkingPointTrig = "";
// @brief Get per-electron trigger SF (default: true) [if false it will take into account combinatorics using all electrons from the input electron container]
bool m_usePerElectronTriggerSFs = true;
std::string m_overrideMapFilePath = "";
std::string m_overrideMapFilePathTrig = "";
int m_numEvent;
int m_numObject;
// To include the nominal in the Recp/Iso/Trig/TTVA efficiency SFs output, use "All", or include "Nominal" in the list
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> m_systListPID;
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> m_systListIso;
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> m_systListReco;
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> m_systListTrig;
// tools
AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool *m_asgElEffCorrTool_elSF_PID = nullptr;
std::string m_pidEffSF_tool_name;
AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool *m_asgElEffCorrTool_elSF_Iso = nullptr;
std::string m_IsoEffSF_tool_name;
AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool *m_asgElEffCorrTool_elSF_Reco = nullptr;
std::string m_RecoEffSF_tool_name;
AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool *m_asgElEffCorrTool_elSF_Trig = nullptr;
std::string m_TrigEffSF_tool_name;
AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool *m_asgElEffCorrTool_elSF_TrigMCEff = nullptr;
std::string m_TrigMCEff_tool_name;
// variables that don't get filled at submission time should be
// protected from being send from the submission node to the worker
// node (done by the //!)
// Tree *myTree; //!
// TH1 *myHist; //!
// this is a standard constructor
ElectronEfficiencyCorrector ();
// these are the functions inherited from Algorithm
virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob (EL::Job& job);
virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute ();
virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize ();
virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput (bool firstFile);
virtual EL::StatusCode initialize ();
virtual EL::StatusCode execute ();
virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute ();
virtual EL::StatusCode finalize ();
virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize ();
// these are the functions not inherited from Algorithm
virtual EL::StatusCode executeSF ( const xAOD::ElectronContainer* inputElectrons, bool nominal, bool writeSystNames );
// this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
ClassDef(ElectronEfficiencyCorrector, 1);