Program Listing for File PhotonHistsAlgo.h

Return to documentation for file (xAODAnaHelpers/PhotonHistsAlgo.h)

#ifndef xAODAnaHelpers_PhotonHistsAlgo_H
#define xAODAnaHelpers_PhotonHistsAlgo_H

#include "xAODAnaHelpers/IParticleHistsAlgo.h"

class PhotonHistsAlgo : public IParticleHistsAlgo
  // put your configuration variables here as public variables.
  // that way they can be set directly from CINT and python.

  // variables that don't get filled at submission time should be
  // protected from being send from the submission node to the worker
  // node (done by the //!)
  // Tree *myTree; //!
  // TH1 *myHist; //!

  // this is a standard constructor
  PhotonHistsAlgo ();

  // these are the functions inherited from Algorithm
  virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob (EL::Job& job);
  virtual EL::StatusCode execute ();

  // these are the functions not inherited from Algorithm
  virtual EL::StatusCode AddHists( std::string name );

  // this is needed to distribute the algorithm to the workers
  ClassDef(PhotonHistsAlgo, 1);

