Program Listing for File PhotonSelector.h

Return to documentation for file (xAODAnaHelpers/PhotonSelector.h)

#ifndef xAODAnaHelpers_PhotonSelector_H
#define xAODAnaHelpers_PhotonSelector_H

// algorithm wrapper
#include <xAODAnaHelpers/Algorithm.h>
#include <xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h>
#include <xAODEgamma/PhotonContainer.h>
#include <EgammaAnalysisInterfaces/IAsgDeadHVCellRemovalTool.h>

namespace CP {
  class IsolationSelectionTool;

#include <TH1D.h>

class PhotonSelector : public xAH::Algorithm

  bool m_useCutFlow = true;

  std::string    m_inContainerName = "";
  std::string    m_outContainerName = "";
  std::string    m_inputAlgoSystNames = "";
  std::string    m_outputAlgoSystNames = "PhotonSelector_Syst";
  bool           m_decorateSelectedObjects = true;
  bool           m_createSelectedContainer = true;
  int            m_nToProcess = -1;
  int            m_pass_min = -1;
  int            m_pass_max = -1;
  float          m_pT_max = 1e8;
  float          m_pT_min = 1e8;
  float          m_eta_max = 1e8;
  bool           m_vetoCrack = true;
  bool           m_doAuthorCut = true;
  bool           m_doOQCut = true;
  bool m_applyDeadHVCellVeto = false;
  bool           m_readOQFromDerivation = false;

  /* photon PID */
  std::string    m_photonIdCut = "None";

  /* isolation */
  std::string    m_MinIsoWPCut = "";
  std::string    m_IsoWPList = "FixedCutTightCaloOnly,FixedCutTight,FixedCutLoose";

  std::string    m_outAuxContainerName;

  int m_numEvent;
  int m_numObject;
  int m_numEventPass;
  int m_weightNumEventPass;
  int m_numObjectPass;

  /* event-level cutflow */

  TH1D* m_cutflowHist = nullptr;
  TH1D* m_cutflowHistW = nullptr;
  int   m_cutflow_bin;

  /* object-level cutflow */

  TH1D* m_ph_cutflowHist_1 = nullptr;

  int   m_ph_cutflow_all;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_author_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_OQ_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_PID_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_deadHVCell_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_ptmax_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_ptmin_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_eta_cut;
  int   m_ph_cutflow_iso_cut;

  std::vector<std::string> m_IsoKeys;

  /* tools */
  CP::IsolationSelectionTool* m_IsolationSelectionTool = nullptr;

  asg::AnaToolHandle<IAsgDeadHVCellRemovalTool> m_deadHVTool;


  /* this is a standard constructor */

  PhotonSelector ();


  /* these are the functions inherited from Algorithm */

  virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob (EL::Job& job);
  virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput (bool firstFile);
  virtual EL::StatusCode initialize ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode execute ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode finalize ();
  virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize ();

  /* these are the functions not inherited from Algorithm */

  bool executeSelection( const xAOD::PhotonContainer* inPhotons, float mcEvtWeight, bool countPass,
              ConstDataVector<xAOD::PhotonContainer>* selectedPhotons );
  virtual bool passCuts( const xAOD::Photon* photon );

  ClassDef(PhotonSelector, 1);


#endif //#ifndef xAODAnaHelpers_PhotonSelector_H