Athena_test Namespace Reference


struct  RNG
 Generator compatible with the STL RandomNumberGenerator. More...
struct  URNG
 Generator compatible with the C++11 STL UniformRandomNumberGenerator. More...


bool initGaudi (ISvcLocator *&pSvcLoc)
 minimal gaudi initialization for AthenaServices unit testing
bool initGaudi (const std::string &jobOptsFile, ISvcLocator *&pSvcLoc)
 minimal gaudi initialization for AthenaServices unit testing
bool floatEQ (float lhs, float rhs)
bool floatNEQ (float lhs, float rhs)
bool isEqual (double x1, double x2, double thresh=1e-6)
uint32_t rng_seed (uint32_t &seed)
 Generate a random number between 0 and rngmax.
float randf_seed (uint32_t &seed, float rmax, float rmin=0)
 Generate a floating-point random number between rmin and rmax.
int randi_seed (uint32_t &seed, int rmax, int rmin=0)
 Generate an integer random number between rmin and rmax.
uint32_t rng ()
int randi (int rmax, int rmin=0)
float randf (float rmax, float rmin=0)


uint32_t seed = 1

Detailed Description

functions & macros to test the difference between floats

Function Documentation

bool Athena_test::initGaudi ( const std::string &  jobOptsFile,
ISvcLocator *&  pSvcLoc 

minimal gaudi initialization for AthenaServices unit testing

jobOptsFile job opts file name (located at ../share/jobOptFiles)
pSvcLoc returns a pointer to the Gaudi ServiceLocator
bool Athena_test::initGaudi ( ISvcLocator *&  pSvcLoc  ) 

minimal gaudi initialization for AthenaServices unit testing

pSvcLoc returns a pointer to the Gaudi ServiceLocator
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1