xAOD::Egamma_v1 Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::Egamma_v1:
xAOD::IParticle SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement xAOD::Electron_v1 xAOD::Photon_v1

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

xAOD::Egamma Assignment operator

Egamma_v1operator= (const Egamma_v1 &eg)
 Assignment Operator. Using the assignment of SG::AuxElement.
xAOD::Egamma 4-Mom functions

void setP4 (float pt, float eta, float phi, float m)
 set the 4-vec
void setPt (float pt)
 set the Pt
void setEta (float eta)
 set the eta
void setPhi (float phi)
 set the phi
void setM (float m)
 set the Mass
xAOD::Egamma author (i.e. which reco algorithm was used)

uint16_t author (uint16_t bitmask=EgammaParameters::AuthorALL) const
 Get author.
void addAuthor (uint16_t)
 add author
void setAuthor (uint16_t)
 set author
xAOD::Egamma Shower shape Accesors

If 'information' is stored in this xAOD::Egamma and is of the correct type, then the function fills 'value' and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.

bool showerShapeValue (float &value, const EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType information) const
 Accessor for ShowerShape values.
float showerShapeValue (const EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType information) const
 Accessor to ShowerShape values , this just returns the value without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the variable is not available.
bool setShowerShapeValue (float value, const EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType information)
 Set method for Shower Shape values.
xAOD::Egamma Isolation value Accesors

If 'information' is stored in this xAOD::Egamma and is of the correct type, then the function fills 'value' and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.

bool isolation (float &value, const Iso::IsolationType information) const
 Accessor for Isolation values.
float isolation (const Iso::IsolationType information) const
 Accessor to Isolation values , this just returns the value without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setIsolation (float value, const Iso::IsolationType information)
 set method for Isolation values.
bool isolationValue (float &value, const Iso::IsolationType information) const
 old Accessor for Isolation values.
float isolationValue (const Iso::IsolationType information) const
 old Accessor to Isolation values , this just returns the value without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available
bool setIsolationValue (float value, const Iso::IsolationType information)
 old set method for Isolation values.
xAOD::Egamma Isolation correction Accesors

If 'information' is stored in this xAOD::Egamma and is of the correct type, then the function fills 'value' and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.

bool isolationCaloCorrection (float &value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, const Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param) const
 Accessor for flavour and type depended Isolation Calo correction.
float isolationCaloCorrection (const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, const Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param) const
 Accessor for flavour and type depended Isolation Calo corrections , this just returns the correction without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setIsolationCaloCorrection (float value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, const Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param)
 set method for flavour and type depended Isolation Calo Corrections.
bool isolationCaloCorrection (float &value, Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr) const
 Accessor for type depended Isolation Calo correction.
float isolationCaloCorrection (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr) const
 Accessor for type depended Isolation Calo corrections , this just returns the correction without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setIsolationCaloCorrection (float value, Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr)
 set method for type depended Isolation Calo Corrections.
bool isolationTrackCorrection (float &value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr) const
 Accessor for Isolation Track correction.
float isolationTrackCorrection (const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr) const
 Accessor to Isolation Track corrections , this just returns the correction without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setIsolationTrackCorrection (float value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour, const Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr)
 Set method for Isolation Track Corrections.
bool isolationCorrectionBitset (std::bitset< 32 > &value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour) const
 Accessor for Isolation corection Bitset.
std::bitset< 32 > isolationCorrectionBitset (const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour) const
 Accessor to Isolation corection Bitset , this just returns the bitset without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setIsolationCorrectionBitset (uint32_t value, const Iso::IsolationFlavour flavour)
 Set method for Isolation corection Bitset.
xAOD::Egamma object quality of the calorimeter cluster

bool isGoodOQ (uint32_t mask) const
 Check object quality. Return True is it is Good Object Quality.
uint32_t OQ () const
 Return the object quality bit word.
void setOQ (uint32_t newOQ)
 Set the object quality.
xAOD::Egamma selector methods with enums

Check if the egamma object pass a selection menu If the menu decision is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the decision (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.

bool passSelection (bool &value, const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionMenu menu) const
 Selectors / isEM and all that.
bool passSelection (const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionMenu menu) const
 Check if the egamma object pass a selection menu If the particular menu decision is not stored in this xAOD::Egamma, an exception will occur.
void setPassSelection (bool value, const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionMenu menu)
 Set the selection decision for a menu.
bool selectionisEM (unsigned int &value, const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionisEM isEM) const
 Return the isEM word for a selection menu If the menu isEM is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the isEM (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.
unsigned int selectionisEM (const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionisEM isEM) const
 Return the isEM word for a selection menu If the particular isEM word is not stored in this xAOD::Egamma, an exception will occur.
void setSelectionisEM (unsigned int value, const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionisEM isEM)
 Set the isEM word for a selection menu.
xAOD::Egamma selector / isEM methods using the menu name

bool passSelection (bool &value, const std::string &menu) const
 Check if the egamma object pass a selection menu (using the name) If the menu decision is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the decision (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.
bool passSelection (const std::string &menu) const
 Check if the egamma object pass a selection menu (using the name) If the particular menu decision is not stored in this xAOD::Egamma, an exception will occur.
void setPassSelection (bool value, const std::string &menu)
 Set the selection decision for a menu (using the name).
bool selectionisEM (unsigned int &value, const std::string &isEM) const
 Return the isEM word for a selection menu If the menu isEM is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the isEM (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.
unsigned int selectionisEM (const std::string &isEM) const
 Return the isEM word for a selection menu (using the name) If the particular isEM word is not stored in this xAOD::Egamma, an exception will occur.
void setSelectionisEM (unsigned int value, const std::string &isEM)
 Set the isEM word for a selection menu (using the name).
bool likelihoodValue (float &value, const std::string &LHValue=std::string("LHValue")) const
 Return the LH value as float If the LH decision is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the decision (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.
float likelihoodValue (const std::string &LHValue=std::string("LHValue")) const
 Return the LH value as float If the LH Value is not stored in this xAOD::Egamma, an exception will occur.
void setLikelihoodValue (float value, const std::string &LHValue=std::string("LHValue"))
 Set the LHValue as float.

Protected Member Functions

xAOD::Egamma constructors

The xAOD::Egamma is not supposed to be created directly, only via xAOD::Electron and xAOD::Photon. xAOD::Egamma is an abstract class. It does not define the type() pure virtual function from IParticle The default constructors is protected

 Egamma_v1 ()
 Default constructor.
 Egamma_v1 (const Egamma_v1 &eg)
 Copy constructor (default implementation).

xAOD::IParticle functions

These are already virtual due to IParticle

typedef IParticle::FourMom_t FourMom_t
 Definition of the 4-momentum type.
virtual double pt () const ATH_FINAL
 The transverse momentum ($p_T$) of the particle.
virtual double eta () const ATH_FINAL
 The pseudorapidity ($\eta$) of the particle.
virtual double phi () const ATH_FINAL
 The azimuthal angle ($\phi$) of the particle.
virtual double m () const ATH_FINAL
 The invariant mass of the particle.
virtual double e () const ATH_FINAL
 The total energy of the particle.
virtual double rapidity () const ATH_FINAL
 The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
virtual const FourMom_tp4 () const ATH_FINAL
 The full 4-momentum of the particle as a TLoretzVector.
virtual Type::ObjectType type () const ATH_OVERRIDE=0
 The type of the object as a simple enumeration, remains pure virtual in e/gamma.

xAOD::Egamma 4x4 Covariance Matrix

typedef Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4 > EgammaCovMatrix_t
 4x4 Covariance Matrix in EtEtaPhiM (needs decision)
EgammaCovMatrix_t covMatrix () const
 Returns the 4x4 symmetric covariance matrix .
void setCovMatrix (const EgammaCovMatrix_t &cov)
 set the 4x4 symmetric covariance matrix .

xAOD::Egamma Pointer to CaloClusters

typedef std::vector
< ElementLink
< CaloClusterContainer > > 
 Helper type definition.
size_t nCaloClusters () const
 Return the number of xAOD::CaloClusters that define the electron candidate.
const xAOD::CaloClustercaloCluster (size_t index=0) const
 Pointer to the xAOD::CaloCluster/s that define the electron candidate.
const ElementLink
< CaloClusterContainer > & 
caloClusterLink (size_t index=0) const
 ElementLink to the xAOD::CaloCluster/s that match the electron candidate.
const CLELVec_tcaloClusterLinks () const
 Get all cluster links.
void setCaloClusterLinks (const CLELVec_t &links)
 set Pointer to the xAOD::CaloCluster

Member Function Documentation

size_t xAOD::Egamma_v1::nCaloClusters (  )  const

Return the number of xAOD::CaloClusters that define the electron candidate.

Implementation of the CaloCluster accessor functions

bool xAOD::Egamma_v1::passSelection ( bool &  value,
const std::string &  menu 
) const

Check if the egamma object pass a selection menu (using the name) If the menu decision is stored in this xAOD::Egamma, then the function fills 'value' with the decision (reference) and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.

Then with strings (full flexibility when adding new menus dynamically)

bool xAOD::Egamma_v1::passSelection ( bool &  value,
const xAOD::EgammaParameters::SelectionMenu  menu 
) const

Selectors / isEM and all that.

First with enums (static accessor no lookup => faster but less flexible)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1