ElementLinkVector< CONTAINER > Class Template Reference

ElementLinkVector implementation for standalone ROOT. More...

#include <ElementLinkVector.h>

Inheritance diagram for ElementLinkVector< CONTAINER >:
SelectNoInstance ElementLinkVectorBase

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef ElementLinkVector
 Definition of the current type.
typedef ElementLink< CONTAINER > ElemLink
 Type of the EL that we have a vector of.
typedef ElementLinkVector
 Helper definition.
STL-like type definitions

typedef ElemLink value_type
 Standard typedef for the type of the held objects.
typedef ElemLinkreference
 Type of the reference pointing to one element link.
typedef const ElemLinkconst_reference
 Type of the constant reference pointing to one element link.
typedef std::vector< ElemLink >
 Type of the iterator for traversing the vector.
typedef std::vector< ElemLink >
 Type of the constant iterator for traversing the vector.
typedef std::vector< ElemLink >
 Type of the reverse iterator for traversing the vector.
typedef std::vector< ElemLink >
 Type of the constant reverse iterator for traversing the vector.
typedef std::vector< ElemLink >
 Type of the size of the vector.

Public Member Functions

ElemLinkVecoperator= (const ElemLinkVec &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
virtual bool toTransient ()
 Reset the object's internal cache.
bool toPersistent ()
 Function copying the transient data into the persistent variables.

 ElementLinkVector ()
 Default constructor.
 ElementLinkVector (size_type n, const ElemLink &link=ElemLink())
 Constructor creating a vector of a given size.
 ElementLinkVector (const ElemLinkVec &parent)
 Copy constructor.
Vector iterator functions

iterator begin ()
 Get an iterator pointing at the first element.
const_iterator begin () const
 Get a constant iterator pointing at the first element.
iterator end ()
 Get an iterator pointing at the end of the container.
const_iterator end () const
 Get a constant iterator pointing at the end of the container.
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Get a reverse iterator pointing at the last element.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Get a constant reverse iterator pointing at the last element.
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Get a reverse iterator pointing at the beginning of the container.
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Get a constant reverse iterator pointing at the beginning of the container.
Vector capacity functions

size_type size () const
 Get the size of the vector.
size_type max_size () const
 Get the maximal size of the object.
size_type capacity () const
 Get the capacity of the currently allocated object.
void resize (size_type sz, const ElemLink &link=ElemLink())
 Resize the vector to the specified size.
void reserve (size_type sz)
 Reserve some slots in the vector.
bool empty () const
 Function checking if the vector is empty.
Vector element accessors

const_reference operator[] (size_type n) const
 Get the element at a given index.
const_reference at (size_type n) const
 Get the element at a given index (with size check).
const_reference front () const
 Get the first element.
const_reference back () const
 Get the last element.
Vector modifiers

void push_back (const ElemLink &el)
 Add a new element link at the end of the vector.
void pop_back ()
 Remove the last element from the vector.
iterator erase (iterator position)
 Erase one element from the vector.
iterator erase (iterator first, iterator last)
 Erase a set of elements from the vector.
void swap (ElemLinkVec &vec)
 Swap the container's contents with another object's.
template<class InputIterator >
void assign (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Fill the vector with the contents of another container.
void assign (size_type n, const ElemLink &link)
 Fill the vector with N identical links.
iterator insert (iterator position, const ElemLink &link)
 Insert a link in a certain position.
void insert (iterator position, size_type n, const ElemLink &link)
 Insert a number of identical links in a certain position.
void clear ()
 Clear the object.

Public Attributes

< kTransient > 
 Mark all transient members:.

Detailed Description

template<class CONTAINER>
class ElementLinkVector< CONTAINER >

ElementLinkVector implementation for standalone ROOT.

This class provides part of the interface provided by the offline implementation of ElementLinkVector. Just enough to make the code meaningfully usable in ROOT. But the plan is not to provide the full flexibility of the offline class.

Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
2015-02-23 17:51:40 +0100 (Mon, 23 Feb 2015)

Member Function Documentation

template<class CONTAINER >
bool ElementLinkVector< CONTAINER >::toPersistent (  )  [inline]

Function copying the transient data into the persistent variables.

In a few cases the simplest way of syncronising the transient and persistent data of the object is to simply re-create the persistent data from scratch. This function does this.

true in case of success, and false in case of failure

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1