SG::unordered_set< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code > Class Template Reference

Inheritance diagram for SG::unordered_set< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code >:
SG::hashtable< Value, Value, Alloc, Internal::identity< Value >, Pred, Hash, Internal::mod_range_hashing, Internal::default_ranged_hash, Internal::prime_rehash_policy, cache_hash_code, true, true > rehash_base hash_code_base map_base

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Base::size_type size_type
typedef Base::hasher hasher
typedef Base::key_equal key_equal
typedef Base::allocator_type allocator_type

Public Member Functions

 unordered_set (size_type n=10, const hasher &hf=hasher(), const key_equal &eql=key_equal(), const allocator_type &a=allocator_type())
template<typename InputIterator >
 unordered_set (InputIterator f, InputIterator l, size_type n=10, const hasher &hf=hasher(), const key_equal &eql=key_equal(), const allocator_type &a=allocator_type())

template<class Value, class Hash = hash<Value>, class Pred = std::equal_to<Value>, class Alloc = std::allocator<Value>, bool cache_hash_code = false>
class SG::unordered_set< Value, Hash, Pred, Alloc, cache_hash_code >

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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1