xAOD::Photon_v1 Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::Photon_v1:
xAOD::Egamma_v1 xAOD::IParticle SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

xAOD::Photon constructors

 Photon_v1 ()
 Default constructor.
 Photon_v1 (const Photon_v1 &ph)
 Copy ctor. This involves copying the entire Auxilary store (Deep copy), and is a slow operation which should be used sparingly.
xAOD::Photon Assignment

Photon_v1operator= (const Photon_v1 &el)
 Assignment Operator. Ends up using the assignment of AuxElement for the store.
xAOD::Photon ObjectType

virtual Type::ObjectType type () const ATH_FINAL
 The type of the object as a simple enumeration.
xAOD::Photon vertex to cluster matching values.

bool vertexCaloMatchValue (float &value, const EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType information) const
 Accessor to vertex to Calo Match Values If 'information' is stored in this xAOD::Egamma and is of the correct type, then the function fills 'value' and returns 'true', otherwise it returns 'false', and does not touch 'value'.
float vertexCaloMatchValue (const EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType information) const
 Accessor to vertex to Calo Match Values , this just returns the value without internaly checking if it exists. Will lead to an exception if the information is not available.
bool setVertexCaloMatchValue (float &value, const EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType information)
 Set method for CaloMatch values.
xAOD::EgammaParameters::ConversionType conversionType () const
 return the photon conversion type (see EgammaEnums)
float conversionRadius () const
 return the photon conversion radius

xAOD::vertex Pointers to vertices

typedef std::vector
< ElementLink< VertexContainer > > 
 Helper type definition.
const xAOD::Vertexvertex (size_t index=0) const
 Pointer to the xAOD::Vertex/es that match the photon candidate.
const ElementLink
< VertexContainer > & 
vertexLink (size_t index=0) const
 ElementLink to the xAOD::vertex/es that match the electron candidate.
const VxELVec_tvertexLinks () const
 Get all vertex links.
void setVertexLinks (const VxELVec_t &links)
 set Pointer to the xAOD::vertex/vertices that match the photon candidate
size_t nVertices () const
 Return the number xAOD::Vertex/vertices that match the photon candidate.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1