Todo List

Group Author
- update and add documentation.

Class EL::DuplicateChecker
add documentation

Group Functions implementing the xAOD::IParticle interface

Add mappings of e.g. isPrimary, isDecayed, isPrompt, isFromDecay, hasHadronicDecay, hasLeptonicDecay, isHadronic/LeptonicTau ...

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Member generator_name
This scheme doesn't work anymore...

File GeneratorName.h
This thing is a mess that completely breaks down with LHE files and new gens. REMOVE!

Group Links
finish documentation

Member MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t
Check behaviour of ElementLinkVector<xAOD::IParticleContainer> if incomplete ElementLink<xAOD::IParticleContainer> may exist!

Class ORUtils::MuJetOverlapTool

TODO document all the new properties!

Class ORUtils::ToolBox

Add some more usage details.

Group Summary information
Add documentation.

Member xAOD::AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthEvent_v1, std::vector< float >, weights, setWeights) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthEvent_v1
Need upgrade to allow string-valued map-like access... or access a corresponding vector of names

Member xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv (const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelperPV_MIN_A0)
: In case the refitted vertices are augmented with links to the original primary vertices, method origPv will resolve the links and return the original PVs.

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::area () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::etaMax () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::etaMin () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::etCos () const

Write documentation

Write documentation

Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::etSin () const

Write documentation

Write documentation

Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::layer () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::nCells () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::rho () const
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setArea (float value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setEtaMax (float value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setEtaMin (float value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setEtCos (const std::vector< float > &value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setEtSin (const std::vector< float > &value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setLayer (int value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setNCells (int value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::HIEventShape_v2::setRho (float value)
Write documentation

Member xAOD::Muon_v1::clusterLink () const
Why just one?

Member xAOD::Muon_v1::muonSegmentLinks () const
complete the various calo energy additions (i.e. depositInCalo etc)

Member xAOD::Muon_v1::parameter (float &value, const ParamDef parameter) const
Finish documentation include matchChi2, muonentrancechi2 (instead of outerMatchChi2). Store chi2/dof instead of two? fitChi2 comes from TrackParticle.

Member xAOD::Muon_v1::Quality
Finish documentation

Member xAOD::Muon_v1::setMuonType (MuonType type)
- do we actually need this? Deduce it from other information?

Member xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1::p4 () const
Get value from somewhere. Also, the TrackParticle took the Pion mass - do we really want to do this? We have ParticleHypo?

Member xAOD::TrackParticle_v1::numberOfParameters () const
- Can we do this in a better way? Not great to force retrieval of one specific parameter - any would do.

Member xAOD::TrackParticle_v1::p4 () const
Get value from somewhere. Also, the TrackParticle took the Pion mass - do we really want to do this? We have ParticleHypo?

Member xAOD::TrackParticle_v1::trackProperties () const
- fix the above (or make something nicer)

Member xAOD::TruthEvent_v1::setWeights (const std::vector< float > &weights)
Need to add named weight access: vector<string>

Member xAOD::TruthEvent_v1::weights () const
Need to add the map-like interface for the weights: very important!

Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::abseta () const
Remove this when/if supported in xAOD::IParticle

Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::absrapidity () const
Remove this when/if supported in xAOD::IParticle

Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::Polarization::Polarization ()
Use C++11 inline member init when allowed

Member xAOD::TruthPileupEvent_v1::type () const
Some identifying info about the type of pile-up, bunch xing, etc.?
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1