/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.29/TruthUtils/TruthUtils/GeneratorName.h File Reference

Enum and tools for decoding generator information from the process code -- yuck! More...

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

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enum  GeneratorName {
  PYTHIA = 110000000, HERWIG = 20000000, ISAJET = 30000000, SINGLE = 40000000,
  HIJING = 50000000, PHOJET = 60000000, Sherpa = 70000000, CASCADE = 80000000,
  JIMMY = 90000000, HYDJET = 100000000, EPOS = 120000000, COMPHEP = 100000,
  USER = 200000, ACERMC = 300000, ALPGEN = 400000, MADGRAPH = 500000,
  MADCUP = 600000, TOPREX = 700000, LHAEXT = 800000, MCATNLO = 900000,
  CHARYBDIS = 1001000000, HORACE = 1001100000, LHEF = 1001200000, MATCHIG = 1001300000,
  HVGEN = 1001400000, EXOGRAVITON = 1001500000, PYTHIABC = 1001600000, PROTOS = 1001700000,
  GRAVADD = 1001800000, HELAC = 1001900000, PYTHIASGLUON = 1002000000, TAUOLA = 10000,
  PHOTOS = 20000, TAUOLA_PHOTOS = 30000, UNKNOWN = -999


GeneratorName generator_name (const int &index)
GeneratorName first_generator (const int &index)
GeneratorName second_generator (const int &index)
GeneratorName third_generator (const int &index)
int generator_process (int &index)
void GeneratorName_print (int &id)
std::string generator_string (const int &index)
int generator_int (std::string &name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, GeneratorName rhs)
bool isNewGenCoding (const int &index)

Detailed Description

Enum and tools for decoding generator information from the process code -- yuck!

This thing is a mess that completely breaks down with LHE files and new gens. REMOVE!

Enumeration Type Documentation

Sherpa cannot be used with capital letters as it interferes with the namespace name from external Sherpa package.
New generators need to be added in genames.inc too EML 12.12.2008
PYTHIA instead of a special number 1010000000 is now 110000000 (the special number may be used when we run out of other numbers) EML 19.01.2009

Function Documentation

int generator_int ( std::string &  name  ) 

Sherpa cannot be written with capital letters as it interferes with the namespace name from external Sherpa package. EML 11.12.2008

GeneratorName generator_name ( const int &  index  ) 
This scheme doesn't work anymore...
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1