SH Namespace Reference


class  DiskList
 an interface for listing directory contents, locally or on a file server More...
class  DiskListEOS
 a DiskList implementation for EOS More...
class  DiskListLocal
 a DiskList implementation for local directories More...
class  DiskListSRM
 a DiskList implementation for the SRM protocol More...
class  DiskListXRD
 a DiskList implementation for the XRD protocol More...
class  DiskOutput
 a class representing an output location for files More...
class  DiskOutputLocal
 an implementation of DiskOutput for local disks More...
class  DiskOutputXRD
 an implementation of DiskOutput using the XRD protocol More...
class  DiskWriter
 an interface that manages writing a single output file More...
class  DiskWriterLocal
 an implementation of DiskWriter for local files More...
class  DiskWriterXRD
 an implementation of DiskWriter for the XRD protocol More...
struct  RucioListDidsEntry
 one entry from the rucio-list-dids command More...
struct  RucioListFileReplicasEntry
 one entry from the rucio-list-file-replicas command More...
struct  RucioDownloadResult
 the result from rucio_download More...
class  Meta
 A base class for classes that implement arbitrary meta-data. More...
class  MetaData
 A class implementing a templatized version of the meta-data. More...
struct  MetaDataQuery
 an object containing the result of an AMI meta-data query More...
struct  MetaDataSample
 all the meta-data fields that we may try to read from AMI. More...
struct  MetaFields
 This class contains the known meta-data names. More...
struct  MetaNames
 the names of common meta-data More...
class  MetaObject
 A class that manages meta-data to be associated with an object. More...
class  MetaVector
 This class defines a templatized version of the meta-data in vector form. More...
class  Sample
 a base class that manages a set of files belonging to a particular data set and the associated meta-data. More...
class  SampleComposite
 This module defines an implementation of Sample that contains composite samples. More...
class  SampleGrid
 This class implements a Sample located on the grid. More...
class  SampleHandler
 A class that manages a list of Sample objects. More...
class  SampleHist
 A sample that represents a single histogram file. More...
class  SampleLocal
 A Sample based on a simple file list. More...
class  SampleMeta
 A Sample that consists only of Meta-Information. More...
class  SamplePtr
 A smart pointer class that holds a single Sample object. More...
struct  ScanDir
 the class used for scanning local directories and file servers for samples More...
class  TagList
 A class that manages a list of tags for identifying samples. More...


void fetchMetaData (MetaDataQuery &query)
void fetchMetaData (SH::SampleHandler &sh, bool override)
bool checkVomsProxy ()
 return whether we have a valid VOMS proxy available
void ensureVomsProxy ()
 ensure that we have a valid VOMS proxy available
std::vector< std::string > faxListFilesGlob (const std::string &name, const std::string &filter)
 list the FAX URLs for all the files in the dataset or dataset container matching the given filter (as glob expression)
std::vector< std::string > faxListFilesRegex (const std::string &name, const std::string &filter)
 list the FAX URLs for all the files in the dataset or dataset container matching the given filter (as regular expression)
std::vector< RucioListDidsEntryrucioListDids (const std::string &dataset)
 run rucio-list-dids for the given dataset
< RucioListFileReplicasEntry
rucioListFileReplicas (const std::string &dataset)
 run rucio-list-file-replicas for the given dataset
std::map< std::string,
std::unique_ptr< MetaObject > > 
rucioGetMetadata (const std::set< std::string > &datasets)
 run rucio-get-metadata for the given list of datasets
RucioDownloadResult rucioDownload (const std::string &location, const std::string &dataset)
 run rucio-download
std::vector< RucioDownloadResultrucioDownloadList (const std::string &location, const std::vector< std::string > &datasets)
 run rucio-download with multiple datasets
std::string dbg (const Meta &, unsigned)
std::string dbg (const TagList &obj, unsigned)
void scanDir (SampleHandler &sh, DiskList &list, const std::string &pattern, const std::string &samplePattern, const std::string &samplePostfix)
void scanDir (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &dir)
void scanDir (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &dir, const std::string &prefix)
void scanFiles (SampleHandler &sh, DiskList &list, const std::string &pattern)
SamplemakeFromTChain (const std::string &name, const TChain &chain)
void scanSingleDir (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &name, DiskList &list, const std::string &pattern)
void scanDQ2 (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &pattern)
void scanRucio (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &pattern, bool alwaysQuery=false)
 make a list of grid datasets using the given pattern
void addGrid (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &ds)
void makeGridDirect (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &disk, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, bool allow_partial)
void scanForTrees (SampleHandler &sh, const Sample &sample, const std::string &pattern)
void scanForTrees (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &pattern)
void readFileList (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &name, const std::string &file)
void printDuplicateEvents (const Sample &sample)
void printDuplicateEventsSplit (const SampleHandler &sh)
void printDuplicateEventsJoint (const SampleHandler &sh)
void mergeSamples (SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &sampleName, const std::string &pattern)
void readSusyMeta (const SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &inputFile)
void readSusyMetaDir (const SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &inputDir)
std::unique_ptr< TFile > openFile (const std::string &name, const MetaObject &options)
 open a file with the given options
std::unique_ptr< SampleLocalmergeFiles (const Sample &sample, const std::string &location, bool overwrite)
 merge all the files in the sample into a single file in the given location
SampleHandler mergeFiles (const SampleHandler &sh, const std::string &location, bool overwrite)
 merge all the files in the sample handles into a single file per sample in the given location
void scanNEvents (SampleHandler &sh)
void scanNEvents (Sample &sample)
SampleHandler splitSample (Sample &sample, const Long64_t nevt)

Detailed Description

This module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules. As such it doesn't fall into the user vs. expert classification. This module is considered to be in the pre-alpha stage.

This module defines utility functions used for joining samples. The interface provided in this module is intended for the general user. The module is considered to be in the pre-alpha stage.

This module defines utility functions used for splitting samples. The interface provided in this module is intended for the general user. The module is considered to be in the pre-alpha stage.

Function Documentation

void SH::addGrid ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  ds 

effects: add a grid dataset for dataset ds guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II requires: ds.find ("*") == std::string::npos

bool SH::checkVomsProxy (  ) 

return whether we have a valid VOMS proxy available

grid utility failures
void SH::ensureVomsProxy (  ) 

ensure that we have a valid VOMS proxy available

First this checks whether we have a valid PROXY, and if not it sets up a new certificate.

grid utility failures
failure to set up new VOMS proxy
std::vector< std::string > SH::faxListFilesGlob ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  filter 

list the FAX URLs for all the files in the dataset or dataset container matching the given filter (as glob expression)

grid utility failures
name.find('*') == std::string::npos
std::vector< std::string > SH::faxListFilesRegex ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  filter 

list the FAX URLs for all the files in the dataset or dataset container matching the given filter (as regular expression)

grid utility failures
name.find('*') == std::string::npos
void SH::fetchMetaData ( SampleHandler &  sh,
bool  override 

effects: fetch information on all the samples in the sample handler. if override is specified it will override the existing meta-data fields, otherwise they will only be used if the given fields do not yet exist guarantee: basic

void SH::fetchMetaData ( MetaDataQuery &  query  ) 

effects: fetch information on all the samples/datasets specified guarantee: basic

Sample * SH::makeFromTChain ( const std::string &  name,
const TChain &  chain 

effects: create a sample with the given name from the given TChain object guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

void SH::makeGridDirect ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  disk,
const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  to,
bool  allow_partial 

effects: update all grid samples in the sample handler that are located on the given disk to be opened directly. for that it replaces the from part of the file with the to part. if allow_partial is set, it allows for partial datasets (meaning you may lose some files that are not there). guarantee: basic, may convert only some samples failures: out of memory III failures: dq2-ls errors failures: from not part of file name

SampleHandler SH::mergeFiles ( const SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  location,
bool  overwrite 

merge all the files in the sample handles into a single file per sample in the given location

This is mostly meant to allow merging histogram files (particularly in EventLoop), but in some cases it can also be used to merge n-tuple files together.

a sample handler containing the merged files
i/o errors
out of memory III
std::unique_ptr< SampleLocal > SH::mergeFiles ( const Sample &  sample,
const std::string &  location,
bool  overwrite 

merge all the files in the sample into a single file in the given location

This is mostly meant to allow merging histogram files (particularly in EventLoop), but in some cases it can also be used to merge n-tuple fiels together.

a sample containing the merged file
i/o errors
out of memory III
void SH::mergeSamples ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  sampleName,
const std::string &  pattern 

effects: remove all samples matching the name pattern, and join them into a single sample named sampleName guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II failures: i/o errors

std::unique_ptr< TFile > SH::openFile ( const std::string &  name,
const MetaObject &  options 

open a file with the given options

for now this is to allow opening files with retries, but in the future there may be other options as well.

i/o errors
file not found
result != nullptr
void SH::printDuplicateEvents ( const Sample &  sample  ) 

effects: check the given sample for duplicate events and then print them out guarantee: basic, may print partially failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors

void SH::printDuplicateEventsJoint ( const SampleHandler &  sh  ) 

effects: check for duplicate events between all the samples and then print them out guarantee: basic, may print partially failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors

void SH::printDuplicateEventsSplit ( const SampleHandler &  sh  ) 

effects: check each sample for duplicate events and then print them out guarantee: basic, may print partially failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors

void SH::readFileList ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  file 

effects: read a file list from a text file guarantee: strong failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors

void SH::readSusyMeta ( const SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  inputFile 

effects: read the susy-meta-data file and add its information to the samples from the given sample handler guarantee: basic failures: i/o errors warning: there are no checks for duplicate and inconsistent sample definitions

void SH::readSusyMetaDir ( const SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  inputDir 

effects: read an entire directory of susy-meta-data files and add their information to the samples from the given sample handle. for that it assumes that all files ending in ".txt" are susy-meta-data files. guarantee: basic failures: i/o errors warning: there are no checks for duplicate and inconsistent sample definitions

RucioDownloadResult SH::rucioDownload ( const std::string &  location,
const std::string &  dataset 

run rucio-download

grid utility failures
std::vector< RucioDownloadResult > SH::rucioDownloadList ( const std::string &  location,
const std::vector< std::string > &  datasets 

run rucio-download with multiple datasets

grid utility failures
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< MetaObject > > SH::rucioGetMetadata ( const std::set< std::string > &  datasets  ) 

run rucio-get-metadata for the given list of datasets

grid utility failures
!dataset.empty() (for each dataset)
std::vector< RucioListDidsEntry > SH::rucioListDids ( const std::string &  dataset  ) 

run rucio-list-dids for the given dataset

grid utility failures
std::vector< RucioListFileReplicasEntry > SH::rucioListFileReplicas ( const std::string &  dataset  ) 

run rucio-list-file-replicas for the given dataset

grid utility failures
void SH::scanDir ( SampleHandler &  sh,
DiskList &  list,
const std::string &  pattern = "*.root*",
const std::string &  samplePattern = "*",
const std::string &  samplePostfix = "" 

effects: scan the given directory and add all subdirectories as samples that contain root files. if prefix is provided, use that instead of dir when constructing the file names. guarantee: basic, only some samples might be added failures: low level errors IV failures: directory not found failures: duplicate samples rationale: the prefix option is for the Tier 3 prototype, where you scan the local directory, but then access the files through xrootd

void SH::scanDQ2 ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  pattern 

effects: make a list from DQ2 using the given pattern guarantee: basic, may add partially failures: out of memory III failures: dq2-ls errors

void SH::scanFiles ( SampleHandler &  sh,
DiskList &  list,
const std::string &  pattern = "*.root*" 

effects: scan the given directory tree and make a separate sample for each file (using the file name before any "." as the sample name). guarantee: basic, only some samples might be added failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors failures: duplicate samples

void SH::scanForTrees ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const Sample &  sample,
const std::string &  pattern = ".*" 

effects: scan for trees in the given sample (or sample handler), and create a separate sample for each tree. if pattern is specified it is applied to the allowed tree names. guarantee: strong failures: out of memory III failures: i/o errors

void SH::scanNEvents ( Sample &  sample  ) 

effects: scan the given sample and store the number of entries per file in the meta-data guarantee: strong failures: out of memory failures: read errors failures: invalid sample type

void SH::scanNEvents ( SampleHandler &  sh  ) 

effects: scan each sample in the sample handler and store the number of entries per file in the meta-data guarantee: basic, may only scan some failures: out of memory failures: read errors failures: invalid sample type

void SH::scanRucio ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  pattern,
bool  alwaysQuery = false 

make a list of grid datasets using the given pattern

This will first look for dataset containers, and if none are found, it will instead look for datasets. If those are also not found it will produce an error.

For patterns that don't contain a wild-card (i.e. that can only match one dataset/container) it instead adds the dataset directly without querying rucio. This is a performance optimization based on the assumption that you probably checked the dataset names beforehand, and that if you made a mistake it will pop up at a later stage anyways. If you want to query rucio even in those cases set alwaysQuery to true.

basic, may add some datasets
no pattern match
rucio failures
out of memory III
void SH::scanSingleDir ( SampleHandler &  sh,
const std::string &  name,
DiskList &  list,
const std::string &  pattern = "*.root*" 

effects: scan the given directory tree and turn it into a single sample of the given name guarantee: strong failures: out of memory III

SampleHandler SH::splitSample ( Sample &  sample,
Long64_t  nevt 

effects: split the given sample into a set of samples, with each sample containing either exactly one file or at most nevt events side effects: if scanNEvents hasn't been run on this sample, run it. guarantee: strong failures: out of memory failures: scanning errors

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