Trig Namespace Reference

The common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools. More...


namespace  FeatureAccessImpl


class  TestTrigSF
class  IBunchCrossingConfProvider
 Inteface for providing the bunch structure information. More...
class  IBunchCrossingTool
 Interface for all the bunch crossing tools. More...
class  binary_compose
 Function adaptor for combining function objects. More...
class  unary_compose
 Function adaptor for combining function objects. More...
class  BunchCrossingConfProviderBase
 Common implementation of the IBunchCrossingConfProvider interface. More...
class  LHCBunchCrossingTool
 Implementation reading the information from the LHC conditions DB. More...
class  MCBunchCrossingTool
 The MC implementation of Trig::IBunchCrossingTool. More...
class  TrigConfBunchCrossingTool
 The trigger config implementation of IBunchCrossingTool. More...
struct  BunchConfig
 Structure describing a bunch configuration. More...
class  BunchCrossing
 A smart integer class representing bunch crossings. More...
class  BunchCrossingToolBase
 Base class for all BunchCrossingTool implementations. More...
class  BunchTrain
 A smart set of BunchCrossing objects. More...
class  D3PDBunchCrossingTool
 Stand-alone bunch crossing tool for processing D3PD files. More...
class  StaticBunchCrossingTool
 Stand-alone bunch group tool knowing some static configurations. More...
class  WebBunchCrossingTool
 Bunch crossing tool reading the configuration from the web. More...
class  xAODBunchCrossingTool
 Bunch crossing tool to use with xAOD input files. More...
class  ITrigDecisionTool
 Basic interface for the TrigDecisionTool. More...
class  CacheGlobalMemory
class  ChainGroup
class  ChainGroupFunctions
class  Combination
class  ConfigurationAccess
class  DecisionAccess
class  DecisionObjectHandle
class  DecisionObjectHandleAthena
 Decision invalidator for Athena (really doing the job). More...
class  DecisionObjectHandleEventInfo
 Decision invalidator for EventInfo (really doing the job). More...
class  DecisionObjectHandleStandalone
 Decision invalidator for ROOT (really doing the job). More...
class  DecisionUnpackerAthena
class  DecisionUnpackerEventInfo
class  DecisionUnpackerStandalone
 Helper class for unpacking the xAOD trigger decision/navigation. More...
class  ExpertMethods
struct  is_storable_type
struct  link_or_not< T, true >
struct  ElementLink_is_not_available_for_non_storable_types
struct  link_or_not< T, false >
class  Feature
class  FeatureContainer
class  IDecisionUnpacker
class  Logger
class  TrigDecisionTool
class  TrigDecisionToolCore
class  TypelessFeature
 Feature class, holding information on Feature attached to navigation. More...
class  IMatchingTool
class  MatchingImplementation
class  MatchingTool
class  ITrigTauMatchingTool
class  TrigTauMatchingTool


template<class BinaryFunction , class UnaryFunction1 , class UnaryFunction2 >
binary_compose< BinaryFunction,
UnaryFunction1, UnaryFunction2 > 
compose2 (BinaryFunction bfn, UnaryFunction1 ufn1, UnaryFunction2 ufn2)
 Helper function for creating binary_compose function objects.
BunchCrossing operator+ (const BunchCrossing &bc1, const BunchCrossing &bc2)
 Operator summing two BunchCrossing objects.
BunchCrossing operator- (const BunchCrossing &bc1, const BunchCrossing &bc2)
 Operator subtracting two BunchCrossing objects.
int distance (const BunchCrossing bc1, const BunchCrossing bc2)
 Function calculating the distance of two bunch crossings.
bool operator< (const BunchTrain &bt1, const BunchTrain &bt2)
 Comparison operator for BunchTrain objects.
template<class UnaryFunction1 , class UnaryFunction2 >
unary_compose< UnaryFunction1,
UnaryFunction2 > 
compose1 (UnaryFunction1 ufn1, UnaryFunction2 ufn2)
 Helper function for creating unary_compose function objects.
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const WebBunchCrossingTool::IOV &iov)
 Output operator for IOV objects.
template<class T >
bool sameObject (const Feature< T > &a, const Feature< T > &b)
std::vector< std::string > convertStringToVector (const std::string &triggerNames)
 makes a split of list of chains into the vector of chains
std::vector< std::string > keyWrap (const std::vector< std::string > &triggerNames)
 normalizes the list of triggers (patterns) by sorting and uniquing them
void BuildTransientTrees (const std::vector< std::string > &PoolFileList, TTree *&eventTree, TTree *&metadataTree)
void DestroyTransientTrees ()
std::string getTEName (const HLT::TriggerElement &te)
 converts TEid to TE name (this may not always work, it depends on the availability of config)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Trig::TypelessFeature &)

Detailed Description

The common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools.

collection of classes which care about invalidating TDT after event is finished

This is the common namespace that all trigger analysis tools use by convention.

2014-09-24 10:53:05 +0200 (Wed, 24 Sep 2014)

Function Documentation

template<class UnaryFunction1 , class UnaryFunction2 >
unary_compose< UnaryFunction1, UnaryFunction2 > Trig::compose1 ( UnaryFunction1  ufn1,
UnaryFunction2  ufn2 
) [inline]

Helper function for creating unary_compose function objects.

This function is here because when you call it, you don't need to explicitly specify the template parameter types. When you create a unary_compose object directly, you do have to.

Attila Krasznahorkay <>
2011-09-05 11:35:49 +0200 (Mon, 05 Sep 2011)
template<class BinaryFunction , class UnaryFunction1 , class UnaryFunction2 >
binary_compose< BinaryFunction, UnaryFunction1, UnaryFunction2 > Trig::compose2 ( BinaryFunction  bfn,
UnaryFunction1  ufn1,
UnaryFunction2  ufn2 
) [inline]

Helper function for creating binary_compose function objects.

This function is here because when you call it, you don't need to explicitly specify the template parameter types. When you create a binary_compose object directly, you do have to.

Attila Krasznahorkay <>
2011-09-05 11:35:49 +0200 (Mon, 05 Sep 2011)
int Trig::distance ( const BunchCrossing  bc1,
const BunchCrossing  bc2 

Function calculating the distance of two bunch crossings.

I need this function only for technical reasons. It just calls BunchCrossing::distance under the hood...

Unfortunately the function can't receive constant references because of the way some of STL is written. :-/

bc1 One BunchCrossing object
bc2 Another BunchCrossing object
The absolute distance of the two objects
BunchCrossing Trig::operator+ ( const BunchCrossing &  bc1,
const BunchCrossing &  bc2 

Operator summing two BunchCrossing objects.

Convenience operator taking advantage of the += operator defined in the BunchCrossing class. Note that using += is much quicker.

bc1 One bunch crossing object
bc2 Another bunch crossing object
The sum of the two bunch crossings
BunchCrossing Trig::operator- ( const BunchCrossing &  bc1,
const BunchCrossing &  bc2 

Operator subtracting two BunchCrossing objects.

Convenience operator taking advantage of the -= operator defined in the BunchCrossing class. Note that using -= is much quicker.

bc1 One bunch crossing object
bc2 Another bunch crossing object
The difference of the two bunch crossings (absolute value depends on order!)
bool Trig::operator< ( const BunchTrain &  bt1,
const BunchTrain &  bt2 

Comparison operator for BunchTrain objects.

This operator is here to be able to put BunchTrain objects into ordered containers like std::set and friends.

bt1 One bunch train object
bt2 Another bunch train object
true if bt1 is considered "lower" than bt2, or false otherwise
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