TauShotVariableHelpers Namespace Reference

implementation of photon shot variable calculation More...


std::vector< std::vector
< const CaloCell * > > 
getCellBlock (xAOD::PFO *shot, const CaloCell_ID *calo_id)
 get cell block with (currently) 5x2 cells in correct order for variable calculations
float mean_eta (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float mean_pt (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float ptWindow (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, int windowSize, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float ws5 (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float sdevEta_WRTmean (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float sdevEta_WRTmode (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float sdevPt (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float deltaPt12_min (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float Fside (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, int largerWindow, int smallerWindow, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float fracSide (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, int largerWindow, int smallerWindow, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float ptWindowFrac (vector< vector< const CaloCell * > > shotCells, int largerWindow, int smallerWindow, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &m_caloWeightTool)
float mean_eta (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 mean eta, used by other functions
float mean_pt (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 mean pt, used by other functions
float ptWindow (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, int, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 pt in windows
float ws5 (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 ws5 variable (egamma)
float sdevEta_WRTmean (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 standard deviation in eta WRT mean
float sdevEta_WRTmode (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 standard deviation in eta WRT mode
float sdevPt (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 normalized standard deviation in pt
float deltaPt12_min (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 pT diff b/w lead and sub-lead cell
float Fside (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, int, int, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 Fside variable (egamma).
float fracSide (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, int, int, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 similar than Fside but in unit of eta instead of number of cells
float ptWindowFrac (std::vector< std::vector< const CaloCell * > >, int, int, ToolHandle< IHadronicCalibrationTool > &)
 pt window fraction

Detailed Description

implementation of photon shot variable calculation

Will Davey <will.davey@cern.ch>
Benedict Winter <benedict.tobias.winter@cern.ch>
Stephanie Yuen <stephanie.yuen@cern.ch>
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