xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1 Class Reference

MET component descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters. More...

#include <MissingETComponent_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1:
SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.


class  Weight
 Kinematic weight descriptor. More...

Public Member Functions

 MissingETComponent_v1 (bool createStore=false)
 Default constructor.
 MissingETComponent_v1 (const MissingET *pmetObj, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Construct with a link to a MissingET object.
 MissingETComponent_v1 (const MissingET *pmetObj, const IParticle *pPart, const Weight &wght=Weight(), MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Construct with a link to a MissingET and a link to an IParticle object, and a Weight.
 MissingETComponent_v1 (const MissingET *pmetObj, const IParticle *pPart, double wpx, double wpy, double wet, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Construct with a link to a MissingET and a link to an IParticle object, and indivdual numerical weight components.
 MissingETComponent_v1 (const MissingETComponent_v1 &compDescr)
 Copy constructor.
 MissingETComponent_v1 (const MissingETComponent_v1 &compDescr, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw)
 Copy constructor with new status word.
MissingETComponent_v1operator= (const MissingETComponent_v1 &compDescr)
virtual ~MissingETComponent_v1 ()
 Assignment operator.
Set MET object

Base class destructor

bool setMET (const MissingET *pmetObj, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Set MET object by object pointer reference.
bool setMET (const MissingETContainer_v1 *pmetCont, size_t pmedIdx, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Set MET object by container pointer and index reference.
Adding data to the MET component description

bool addObject (const IParticle *pPart, const Weight &wght=Weight())
 Add object (particle) from pointer reference with optional kinematic weight.
bool addObject (const IParticle *pPart, double wpx, double wpy, double wet)
 Add object (particle) from pointer reference with individual kinematic weight components.
Conventional and dedicated getter and setters

const std::vector< double > & wpx () const
 Get the vector of $ w_{x} $ weight components.
double wpx (const IParticle *pPart) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given object referenced by pointer.
double wpx (size_t pIdx) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given object referenced by index.
bool setWpx (const std::vector< double > &wcv)
 Set the vector of $ w_{x} $ weight components.
bool setWpx (const IParticle *pPart, double wpx)
 Set kinematic weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given contributing object referenced by pointer.
bool setWpx (size_t pIdx, double wpx)
 Set kinematic weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given contributing object referenced by index.
const std::vector< double > & wpy () const
 Get the vector of $ w_{y} $ weight components.
double wpy (const IParticle *pPart) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{y} $ for a given object referenced by pointer.
double wpy (size_t pIdx) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{y} $ for a given object referenced by index.
bool setWpy (const std::vector< double > &wpyVector)
 Set the vector of $ w_{y} $ weight components.
bool setWpy (const IParticle *pPart, double wpy)
 Set kinematic weight component $ w_{y} $ for a given contributing object referenced by pointer.
bool setWpy (size_t pIdx, double wpy)
 Set kinematic weight component $ w_{y} $ for a given contributing object referenced by index.
const std::vector< double > & wet () const
 Get the vector of $ w_{\rm T} $ weight components.
double wet (const IParticle *pPart) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{\rm T} $ for a given object referenced by pointer.
double wet (size_t pIdx) const
 Get the weight component $ w_{\rm T} $ for a given object referenced by index.
bool setWet (const std::vector< double > &wcv)
 Set the vector of $ w_{\rm T} $ weight components.
bool setWet (const IParticle *pPart, double wet)
 Set kinematic weight $ w_{\rm T} $ for a given contributing object referenced by pointer.
bool setWet (size_t pIdx, double wet)
 Set kinematic weight $ w_{\rm T} $ for a given contributing object referenced by index.
bool setWeight (const IParticle *pPart, const Weight &wght=Weight())
 Set the kinematic weight of an object contribution referenced by pointer.
bool setWeight (const IParticle *pPart, double wpx, double wpy, double wet)
 Set the kinematic weight components of an object contribution referenced by pointer.
bool setWeight (size_t pIdx, const Weight &wght=Weight())
 Set the kinematic weight of an object contribution referenced by index.
bool setWeight (size_t pIdx, double wpx, double wpy, double wet)
 Set the kinematic weight components of an object contribution referenced by index.
metLink () const
 Get the link to the MET object.
bool setMetLink (const MissingETBase::Types::metlink_t &metLnk)
 Set the link to the MET object.
objectLinks () const
 Get the vector of links to the contributing physics or signal objects.
bool setObjectLinks (const MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t &objLnks)
 Set the vector of links to the contributing physics or signal objects.
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t statusWord () const
 Get the statusword.
bool setStatusWord (MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
 Set the statusword of a MET term.
Specific methods for manipulating the component description data

bool removeContrib (const IParticle *pPart)
 Remove a contribution referenced by an object pointer.
bool removeContrib (size_t pIdx)
 Remove a contribution referenced by an index.
bool removeContrib ()
 Remove all contributions.
bool resetContrib (const IParticle *pPart)
 Reset the contribution parameters of an object referenced by a pointer.
bool resetContrib (size_t pIdx)
 Reset the contribution parameters of an object referenced by an index.
bool resetContrib ()
 Reset all contribution parameters.
bool mergeStatusWord (MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw)
 Merge patterns into the MET term status.
bool clearStatusWord ()
 Clear statusword.
Dedicated accessors for linked objects

const MissingETmetObject () const
 Access MET object.
const MissingETContainer_v1metObjectContainer () const
 Access MET object container holding MET object.
size_t metObjectIndex () const
 Access index of MET object in its container.
std::vector< const IParticle * > objects () const
 Access contributing objects.
std::vector< const IParticle * > objects (std::vector< Weight > &kinePars) const
 Access contributing objects and retrieve kinematic weights.
std::vector< const IParticle * > objects (const std::vector< double > *&wpxPtr, const std::vector< double > *&wpyPtr, const std::vector< double > *&wetPtr) const
 Access contributing objects and retrieve kinematic weight components.
Weight weight (const IParticle *pPart) const
 Get kinematic weight for a given object.
Weight weight (size_t pIdx) const
 Get kinematic weight for a given entry (index) in the contributing object list.
Allocating and accessing objects in the contribution

size_t findIndex (const IParticle *pPart) const
 Find index of given object in contributing object store.
List management and information

void updateLinks ()
 Update all internally used ElementLink instances.
void updateMETLink ()
 Update link MissingET object only.
size_t size () const
bool empty () const
 Empty list of contributing objects indicator.

[in] contrib reference to non-modifiable contribution object to compare to.

bool operator== (const MissingETComponent_v1 &contrib) const
bool operator!= (const MissingETComponent_v1 &contrib) const

Protected Member Functions

void createPrivateStore ()
 Function initialising the object to work in standalone mode.
Internal non-const accessors

The underlying data model uses the auxiliary store MissingETAuxComposition_v1, which only employs low level data structures and ElementLinks. The accessors forward their specific request to static accessors, which retrieve the data by internally used names.

MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_tf_objectLinks ()
 Non-const link reference.
MissingETBase::Types::metlink_tf_metLink ()
 Non-const link reference.
std::vector< double > & f_wpx ()
std::vector< double > & f_wpy ()
std::vector< double > & f_wet ()
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_tf_statusWord ()

bool f_removeContrib (size_t pIdx)
 Copy the contribution data from a source
void copyData (const MissingETComponent_v1 &compDescr, MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t sw=MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
template<class POBJ , class LINK >
void f_setObject (const POBJ *pObj, LINK &elemLink)
 Generalized link manager.
template<class LINK >
bool f_setLink (LINK &elemLink)

Detailed Description

MET component descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters.


This class provides a data object with links to physics or signal objects contributing to a given MET term. Each component object features (1) a link to the MissingET object it describes, (2) the reconstruction status of the MET term, (3) links to the contributing signal/physics objects, and (4) a list of kinematic weights characterizing each object contribution.

MissingETComponent_v1 supports adding and removing objects from a MET contribution, and the modification of the kinematic weights of existing entries. It provides constructors for a non-functional default object without data store attached, and for various fully functional objects with (initially internal) data store wwith different initial data loads. The most basic functional object is constructed with just a link to the corresponding xAOD::MissingET object and an optional statusword . Other options construct objects with the link to the MET object, the optional statusword, and a reference to the first contributing physics or signal object and the associated kinematic weight, which can be provided using a xAOD::MissingETComponent::Weight object , or by three weight parameters .

The MET component object is not storable by itself. It needs to collected into a xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1, with an attached xAOD::MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 object implementing the storable data structure..

(1) Link to MissingET object

This link is realized by an ElementLink (EL) from the component to the xAOD::MissingET object. The specific type of this EL is given by MissingETBase::Types::metlink_t. The EL can be incomplete, meaning it can be instantiated with a plain-old-data (POD) MissingET object not collected into a storable MissingETContainer_v1 yet. Once the MissingET object is collected into a container, the link can be updated using MissingETComponent_v1::updateMETLink().

(2) Status

The MET term can be qualified with a status indicator as provided in MissingETBase::Status. Logical combinations of these status indicators are possible. The status is a dataword of type MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t. The statusword is typically set by the tool reconstructing a specific MET term. It should not be confused with the source of the MET object, which hhholds different information using the same MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t.

(3) Links to contributing objects

The links to the objects contributing to a given MET object are stored in a vector of type MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t. Each signal/physics object should contribute only once to a given MET. Any attempt to add the same object reference again leads to addition of the provided kinematic weights to the stored kinematic weights. This behaviour can produce unrealistic weights this way, suggesting that adding physics or signal objects should be done within the well controlled context of a MET reconstruction tool.

(4) Kinematic weights

The kinematic weights $ (w_{x},w_{y},w_{\rm T}) $ are scale factors applied to the object kinematics $ (p_{x},p_{y},p_{\rm T}) $ such that the contribution to the corresponding MET variables $ (p_{x}^{\rm miss}, p_{y}^{\rm miss}, \Sigma E_{\rm T}) $ is given by $ (w_{x} p_{x}, w_{y} p_{y}, w_{\rm T} p_{\rm T}) $. The overall MET contribution of all $ i = 1 \ldots N $ objects of the same type (e.g., electrons, photons, jets,...) is then given by

\begin{eqnarray} p_{x}^{\rm miss} & = & - \sum_{i = 1}^{N} w_{x,i} p_{x,i} \ \ p_{y}^{\rm miss} & = & - \sum_{i = 1}^{N} w_{y,i} p_{y,i} \ \ \Sigma E_{\rm T} & = & \sum_{i = 1}^{N} w_{{\rm T},i} p_{{\rm T},i} \end{eqnarray}

The individual weights are stored in vectors index-parallel to the link vector.

Setting data in a MET component (link to code documentation)

These methods establish a link to the xAOD::MissingET object in a (new) MET contribution. The link list to the contributing object and the lists storing the kinematic weights and the list of statuswords are empty. One of these methods needs to be invoked before attempting to set object data for the referenced MET object.

If this method is invoked for a component which already had links to contributing objects, the corresponding lists are purged, and the EL to the xAOD::MissingET object may be overwritten, if the pointer refers to a different object than the one in the original EL. This method acts like a reset of the MET component object.

Adding data to the contribution (link to code documentation)

Add a signal or physics object contribution to the MET object. A new link is added to linked object list if the referenced object is not yet in this list. If the referenced object is already in the list, the given kinematic weights are added to the weights already stored for the contribution. No new list entry is generated in this case.

Manipulating the contribution data (link to code documentation)

The parameters of the contribution from a given object to MET can be modified after the MET component object is created. This involves a linear search in the list of contributing objects. In addition, objects can be removed from the linked object vector. This again involves a linear search. Some behaviour is implemented to suppress searches for the same entities and just use the result from the previous search,

Other functions allow updating the EL to the MissingET object, and all other linked physics and signal objects. This is done by setting the container pointer in these ELs. At most, it involves a loop on all contributing objects, plus the update of the MissingET link

Allocating and accessing contributing objects (link to code documentation)

All allocators (finders) allow to parse the list of contributing objects and find contributions from a given object, as specified by its pointer. A linear search is performed to find the correct entries in the object lists. The returned results are represented by iterators referencing valid link objects (ElementLinks) if the requested object is in the contributing store, else a reference to the end of the store is returned.

Contributing objects and their associated parameters can be accessed individually using iterators for const and non-const access. In addition, public references to the whole contributing object store are available.

Accessing MET and contributing object, object container, and object index does not include an internal validity check. A returned object pointer can be NULL. It is necessary for clients to test the returned pointer value. The returned value for the index in case of an invalid ElementLink is the default value of this data type.

Comparisons (link to code documentation)

Comparators apply equality rules as follows: two MissingETComponent_v1 objects are identical if (1) the are linked to the same MissingET object, (2) they have the same status, (3) they have the same number of contributing objects, and (4) they have identical lists of contributing objects and kinematic weights. The comparisons are applied in the numerical order displayed. The MissingETComponent_v1::operator!= operator is implemented, as it allows a (fast) return when the first difference between the compared data words is detected.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( bool  createStore = false  ) 

Default constructor.

Instantiates a MissingETComponent_v1 object.

[in] createStore controls the creation of dedicated store for this data object (optional, default is false - no store created).
The capabilities of the generated object are strongly depend on the input parameter. If the default argument or an explicit argument false is used, the created object not have a store for its data. It cannot be used as a plain old data (POD) object in this case, and any attempt to set or get data will likely cause undesired behaviour and/or program crashes. When instantiated with this state, It needs to be stored in a xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1 object prior to any use. Providing an explicit argument true instantiates a standalone, fully functional POD object with a private store attached. When this object is stored in a MissingETComponentMap_v1, the data content of this store is copied to the attached MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 object and the private store is disabled.
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( const MissingET pmetObj,
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t  sw = MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus() 

Construct with a link to a MissingET object.

Instantiates an empty component descriptor for a given MET (xAOD::MissingET) object with a private store attached.

The object instantiated with this constructor is a fully functional, yet empty (no links to any contributing object, but with a link to a MET object), POD object. To persistify its data content, it needs to be store in a xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1 object.
[in] pmetObj pointer to non-modifiable xAOD::MissingET object
[in] sw status word characterizing the MET term (optional, default is MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
If the xAOD::MissingET object pointed to is not associated with a xAOD::MissingETContainer_v1, the link stored here is incomplete. It is therefore highly recommended to first store the xAOD::MissingET_V1 object before creating a component descriptor. There is also a recovery method xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::updateMETLink() available to perform a link update after the MET object is stored in its container.
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( const MissingET pmetObj,
const IParticle pPart,
const Weight wght = Weight(),
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t  sw = MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus() 

Construct with a link to a MissingET and a link to an IParticle object, and a Weight.

This allows construction of a MissingETComponent_v1 object with an initial contribution. This object has then all the features and behaviours as the one instantiated by xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1(const MissingET*,MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t), but a contributing objects link store and the corresponding stores for the kinematic weights filled with first data.

[in] pmetObj pointer to object representing a MET term
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable IParticle typed object
[in] wght kinematic weights (optional, default are xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::Weight object defaults)
[in] sw status word (optional, default is MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( const MissingET pmetObj,
const IParticle pPart,
double  wpx,
double  wpy,
double  wet,
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t  sw = MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus() 

Construct with a link to a MissingET and a link to an IParticle object, and indivdual numerical weight components.

Instantiates the same object as xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1(const MissingET*,const IParticle*,const Weight&,MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t), but allows to use individual weight components instead of weight components collected into a xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::Weight typed object.

[in] pmetObj pointer to object representing a MET term
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable IParticle typed object
[in] wpx weight $ w_{x} $
[in] wpy weight $ w_{y} $
[in] wet weight $ w_{\rm T} $
[in] sw status word (optional, default is MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( const MissingETComponent_v1 compRef  ) 

Copy constructor.

This constructor performs a deep copy. The link to the source auxiliary store is severed for the copy, and a POD xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1 object is instantiated. The ElementLink objects used to establish the links to the xAOD::MissingET object and the contributing signal objects are copied, as well as the lists of kinematic weights and the status word.

in[] compRef reference to non-modifiable MET component description (the source).
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::MissingETComponent_v1 ( const MissingETComponent_v1 compRef,
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t  sw 

Copy constructor with new status word.

This constructor performs a deep copy. The link to the source auxiliary store is severed for the copy, and a POD xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1 object is instantiated. The ElementLink objects used to establish the links to the xAOD::MissingET object and the contributing signal objects are copied, as well as the lists of kinematic weights. A new status word can be specified (can be same as the as the one in the source object - no restriction on value).

[in] compRef reference to non-modifiable MET component description (the source).
[in] sw status word

Member Function Documentation

bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::addObject ( const IParticle pPart,
const Weight wght = Weight() 
) [inline]

Add object (particle) from pointer reference with optional kinematic weight.

true if new contribution is added. A return value of false indicates that the referenced object already contributes to the MET term. There is no specific failure mode for this operation.
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable xAOD::IParticle object
[in] wght kinematic weight of object in MET (optional, default is defined in the xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::Weight::Weight() constructor
If a contribution from the referenced xAOD::IParticle object already exists, the weights are summed by applying the rules implemented in xAOD::MissingETCompnent_v1::Weight::operator+=(const Weight&) .

(More info)

bool MissingETComponent_v1::f_removeContrib ( size_t  pIdx  )  [protected]

Copy the contribution data from a source

[in] contrib reference to non-modifiable contribution object (the source).
template<class POBJ , class LINK >
template< class POBJ, class LINK > void xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::f_setObject ( const POBJ *  pObj,
LINK &  elemLink 
) [inline, protected]

Generalized link manager.

Inserts link data into ElementLink, even if incomplete. At least, the pointer of linked object will be set (except if NULL).

Template Parameters:
POBJ linked object type
LINK specific ElementLink type
[in] pObj pointer to non-modifiable object to be linked
[in] elemLink reference to modifiable ElementLink object. Initial data content of this object are overwritten.
This is the generalized implementation for e.g. MissingETComponent_v1::setMET and MissingETComponent_v1::addObject
size_t MissingETComponent_v1::findIndex ( const IParticle pPart  )  const

Find index of given object in contributing object store.

The returned index is valid for the contributing object store and the parameter stores (index-parallel stores).

A valid index $ i \in \{ 0 \ldots N_{\rm objects} - 1 \} $, where $ N_{\rm objects} $ is the total number of contributing objects to the MET contribution. If the given object is not in the store with the requested status, MissingETBase::Numerical::invalidIndex() is returned.

This method makes use of a cache. If the pointer to the checked object is the same as the last one successfully searched for, the index is returned from a cached data word. If the pointer is not the same, xAOD::MissingETComponent::findIndex(const IParticle*) is invoked. If this method finds the referenced object, the cache is updated and the valid index is returned. In case the object is not found, MissingETBase::Nummerical::invalidIndex() is returned.

Valid object index $ i = 0 \ldots N_{\rm objects} - 1 $ if object found in list, else MissingETBase::Numerical::invalidIndex().
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable object
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable object in the list of contributing objects
const MissingETBase::Types::metlink_t & xAOD::MissingETComponent::metLink (  )  const [inline]

Get the link to the MET object.

Retrieve the link to the MET object.

Reference to non-modifiable link object holding the link to the xAOD::MissingET object.
const xAOD::MissingET * xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::metObject (  )  const [inline]

Access MET object.

Pointer to non-modifiable object representing the MET object the linked objects (see MissingETComponent_v1::objects() ) contribute to.
size_t xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::metObjectIndex (  )  const [inline]

Access index of MET object in its container.

Index of MET object in its container.
const MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t & xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::objectLinks (  )  const [inline]

Get the vector of links to the contributing physics or signal objects.

Retrieve the vector of links to the contributing objects.

Reference to a non-modifiable vector of link objects holding references to contributing physics or signal objects.
Scanning just the vector of links to contributing objects is insufficient to understand the contribution to MET, as this is only fully described when the associated kinematic weights are included.
std::vector< const xAOD::IParticle * > xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::objects ( std::vector< Weight > &  kinePars  )  const

Access contributing objects and retrieve kinematic weights.

This method returns pointer references to all objects stored in the link list, and fills vectors with (index-parallel) kinematic weights and status words.

List of non-modifiable contributing objects pointers.
[out] kinePars reference to modifiable list of kinematic weights
The kinematic parameter list is cleared, to assure index-parallel filling with the returned object pointer list.
std::vector< const xAOD::IParticle * > xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::objects (  )  const

Access contributing objects.

This method returns all objects stored in the link list.

List of non-modifiable contributing objects pointers.
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1 & xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::operator= ( const MissingETComponent_v1 compRef  ) 
Reference to component description object with data copied from the source.
[in] compRef reference to non-modifiable MET component description (the source).

Reimplemented from SG::AuxElement.

bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::resetContrib ( const IParticle pPart  )  [inline]

Reset the contribution parameters of an object referenced by a pointer.

Presently only resets the kinematic weight to its default value (defined in xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::Weight::Weight()).

The default weight is not necessarily (wpx=0, wpy=0, wet=0) (check MissingETBase::Numerical::wpxDefault(), MissingETBase::Numerical::wpyDefault() and MissingETBase::Numerical::wetDefault() for the respective default values)! If zero weights are desired, xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWeight(const IParticle*,const Weight&) should be used with argument wght = Weight(0.,0.,0.) (failsafe with this respect).
true if object is found and successfully reset, false if object not found in list of contributing objects.
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable object searched for in the list of contributing objects
This method has the same behaviour as the xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWeight method with its default arguments.
xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setMET ( const MissingET pmetObj,
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t  sw = MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus() 

Set MET object by object pointer reference.

This function sets a new link to the MET object reference given in its first argument. This can mean that a previously stored link is overwritten.

true if no previous ElementLink to the referenced xAOD::MissingET object existed. In case of a reset, false is returned.
[in] pmetObj pointer to non-modifiable MET object.
[in] sw status word (optional, default is MissingETBase::Status::clearedStatus())
If the referenced xAOD::MissingET object is not yet stored in a xAOD::MissingETContainer_v1 container, the ElementLink in the component description is not complete. It can be completed invoking xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::updateMETLink() at any time - assuming the MissingET object is then stored in a container.

(More info)

bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setObjectLinks ( const MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t objLnks  ) 

Set the vector of links to the contributing physics or signal objects.

Set the list of links for objects contributing to MET.

[in] objLnks vector of link objects.
This method is implemented to follow a convention introduced for other data objects in the xAOD framework. In MissingETComponent_v1, the internal data stores are understood to be highly linked (index parallel), and the behaviour of this object is designed to support coherent setting of contributing object links and weight components. Setting this data for a given configuration without taking advantage of the particular behaviour implemented in the xAOD::MissingETComponent::setMET and xAOD::add methods is strongly discouraged. But if these direct setters are used, clients need to make sure that the data is coherent and the store sizes match. Anything else will lead to uncontrollable behaviour and program crashes.
bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWet ( const std::vector< double > &  wcv  ) 

Set the vector of $ w_{\rm T} $ weight components.

bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWpx ( const IParticle pPart,
double  wpx 
) [inline]

Set kinematic weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given contributing object referenced by pointer.

true if referenced object is in list of contributing objects, else false.
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable object searched for in the list of contributing objects
[in] wpx kinematic weight component $ w_{x} $
This is a true setter implementation, the original weight component stored for the referenced particle will be overwritten!
bool xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWpy ( const IParticle pPart,
double  wpy 
) [inline]

Set kinematic weight component $ w_{y} $ for a given contributing object referenced by pointer.

true if referenced object is in list of contributing objects, else false.
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable object searched for in the list of contributing objects
[in] wpy kinematic weight component $ w_{y} $
This is a true setter implementation, the original weight component stored for the referenced particle will be overwritten!
void xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::setWpy ( const std::vector< double > &  wcv  ) 

Set the vector of $ w_{y} $ weight components.

void MissingETComponent_v1::updateLinks (  ) 

Update all internally used ElementLink instances.

This method scans the full list of contributing objects. It invokes MissingETComponent_v1::updateMETLink internally.
const std::vector< double > & xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::wet (  )  const [inline]

Get the vector of $ w_{\rm T} $ weight components.

copydetails xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::wpx()

double xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::wpx ( const IParticle pPart  )  const [inline]

Get the weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given object referenced by pointer.

Stored weight component $ w_{x} $ for a given contributing object if the corresponding objecct reference is found in the contributing obbject list.
[in] pPart pointer to non-modifiable (contributing) object
Involves linear search.
const std::vector< double > & xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::wpx (  )  const [inline]

Get the vector of $ w_{x} $ weight components.

Retrieve the vector containing a weight component for all contributing objects.

Reference to non-modifiable vector of weight components.
This method is implemented to follow a convention introduced for other data objects in the xAOD framework. In MissingETComponent_v1, the internal data stores are understood to be highly linked (index parallel), and the behaviour of this object is designed to support random access to all of these stores in a synchronized fashion (including replacement and removeable). Clients should not directly access these lists, to assure consistent data access.
const std::vector< double > & xAOD::MissingETComponent_v1::wpy (  )  const [inline]

Get the vector of $ w_{y} $ weight components.

Retrieve the vector containing a weight component for all contributing objects.

Reference to non-modifiable vector of weight components.
This method is implemented to follow a convention introduced for other data objects in the xAOD framework. In MissingETComponent_v1, the internal data stores are understood to be highly linked (index parallel), and the behaviour of this object is designed to support random access to all of these stores in a synchronized fashion (including replacement and removeable). Clients should not directly access these lists, to assure consistent data access.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1