/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.30/CxxUtils/CxxUtils/libcalg/queue.h File Reference

Double-ended queue. More...

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#define QUEUE_NULL   ((void *) 0)


typedef struct _Queue Queue
typedef void * QueueValue


Queuequeue_new (void)
void queue_free (Queue *queue)
int queue_push_head (Queue *queue, QueueValue data)
QueueValue queue_pop_head (Queue *queue)
QueueValue queue_peek_head (Queue *queue)
int queue_push_tail (Queue *queue, QueueValue data)
QueueValue queue_pop_tail (Queue *queue)
QueueValue queue_peek_tail (Queue *queue)
int queue_is_empty (Queue *queue)

Detailed Description

Double-ended queue.

A double ended queue stores a list of values in order. New values can be added and removed from either end of the queue.

To create a new queue, use queue_new. To destroy a queue, use queue_free.

To add values to a queue, use queue_push_head and queue_push_tail.

To read values from the ends of a queue, use queue_pop_head and queue_pop_tail. To examine the ends without removing values from the queue, use queue_peek_head and queue_peek_tail.

Define Documentation

#define QUEUE_NULL   ((void *) 0)

A null QueueValue.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _Queue Queue

A double-ended queue.

typedef void* QueueValue

A value stored in a Queue.

Function Documentation

void queue_free ( Queue queue  ) 

Destroy a queue.

queue The queue to destroy.
int queue_is_empty ( Queue queue  ) 

Query if any values are currently in a queue.

queue The queue.
Zero if the queue is not empty, non-zero if the queue is empty.
Queue* queue_new ( void   ) 

Create a new double-ended queue.

A new queue, or NULL if it was not possible to allocate the memory.
QueueValue queue_peek_head ( Queue queue  ) 

Read value from the head of a queue, without removing it from the queue.

queue The queue.
Value at the head of the queue, or QUEUE_NULL if the queue is empty.
QueueValue queue_peek_tail ( Queue queue  ) 

Read a value from the tail of a queue, without removing it from the queue.

queue The queue.
Value at the tail of the queue, or QUEUE_NULL if the queue is empty.
QueueValue queue_pop_head ( Queue queue  ) 

Remove a value from the head of a queue.

queue The queue.
Value that was at the head of the queue, or QUEUE_NULL if the queue is empty.
QueueValue queue_pop_tail ( Queue queue  ) 

Remove a value from the tail of a queue.

queue The queue.
Value that was at the head of the queue, or QUEUE_NULL if the queue is empty.
int queue_push_head ( Queue queue,
QueueValue  data 

Add a value to the head of a queue.

queue The queue.
data The value to add.
Non-zero if the value was added successfully, or zero if it was not possible to allocate the memory for the new entry.
int queue_push_tail ( Queue queue,
QueueValue  data 

Add a value to the tail of a queue.

queue The queue.
data The value to add.
Non-zero if the value was added successfully, or zero if it was not possible to allocate the memory for the new entry.
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Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1