/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/ASG/AnalysisBase/2.4.30/AthContainers/AthContainers/tools/DVLInfo.icc File Reference

Holder to implement conversion copies for DataVector/DataList. More...

#include "AthContainers/OwnershipPolicy.h"
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "SGTools/BaseInfo.h"


template<class CONTAINER , class ELT >
void DataModel_detail::dvlPush (CONTAINER &cont, ELT *elt, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::true_type &)
 Helper function to do push_back on a container.
template<class CONTAINER , class ELT >
void DataModel_detail::dvlPush (CONTAINER &cont, ELT *elt, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::false_type &)
 Helper function to do push_back on a container.
template<class ITERATOR >
const void * DataModel_detail::dvlGetPointer (ITERATOR &it, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::true_type &)
 Helper function to return a pointer from an iterator.
template<class ITERATOR >
const void * DataModel_detail::dvlGetPointer (ITERATOR &it, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::false_type &)
 Helper function to return a pointer from an iterator.
template<class T >
SG::AuxVectorBaseDataModel_detail::dvlGetBase (T *p, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::true_type &)
 Helper for converting a container to AuxVectorBase.
template<class T >
SG::AuxVectorBaseDataModel_detail::dvlGetBase (T *, const SG_STD_OR_BOOST::false_type &)
template<class T >
size_t DataModel_detail::dvl_size_const (const T &c)
 Return container size in constant time, or 0.
template<class T >
size_t DataModel_detail::dvl_size_const (const std::list< T > &)
 Return container size in constant time, or 0.
template<class T >
void * DataModel_detail::dvl_convert (const T &src, const DVLInfoBase &targ_info)
 Perform DataVector/DataList conversion copying.
template<class T >
void * DataModel_detail::dvl_convert (const T &src, const std::type_info &targ_tinfo, DVLInfoBase *&targ_info)
 Perform DataVector/DataList conversion copying.
template<class T >
void * DataModel_detail::dvl_convert (const T &src, CLID clid, DVLInfoBase *&targ_info)
 Perform DataVector/DataList conversion copying.
template<class T >
void DataModel_detail::dvl_update (const T &src, void *target, const DVLInfoBase *targ_info)
 Update the elements in the target container from the source.
template<class CONTAINER >
void dvl_makecontainer (size_t, CONTAINER *&cont)
 Construct a new container.

Detailed Description

Holder to implement conversion copies for DataVector/DataList.

scott snyder
Mar, 2008 Template and inline implementations.

Function Documentation

template<class CONTAINER >
void dvl_makecontainer ( size_t  ,
CONTAINER *&  cont 
) [inline]

Construct a new container.

nreserve Number of elements for which to reserve space. (Ignored if not appropriate.)
cont[out] Pointer to the constructed container. (Returned via an argument to allow for template argument deduction.)

This is broken out from the make method to allow specializing just this method. (Needs to be in the global namespace for proper resolution.)

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