Amg Namespace Reference


struct  CalculateCompressedSize
struct  CalculateCompressedSize< 1 >
struct  Vector3DComparer
struct  VectorVector3DComparer


typedef Eigen::Matrix< double,
Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > 
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double,
Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > 
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double,
Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > 
typedef Eigen::Quaternion< double > Rotation3D
typedef Eigen::Translation
< double, 3 > 
typedef Eigen::AngleAxisd AngleAxis3D
typedef Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > RotationMatrix3D
typedef std::set
< Amg::Vector3D,
typedef std::set< std::vector
< Amg::Vector3D >
, VectorVector3DComparer


enum  AxisDefs {
  x = 0, y = 1, z = 2, px = 0,
  py = 1, pz = 2


double error (const Amg::MatrixX &mat, int index)
template<int N>
double error (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&mat, int index)
template<int N>
void compress (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&covMatrix, std::vector< float > &vec)
void compress (const MatrixX &covMatrix, std::vector< float > &vec)
template<int N>
void expand (std::vector< float >::const_iterator it, std::vector< float >::const_iterator, AmgSymMatrix(N)&covMatrix)
void expand (std::vector< float >::const_iterator it, std::vector< float >::const_iterator it_end, MatrixX &covMatrix)
template<int N>
double largestDifference (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&m1, const AmgSymMatrix(N)&m2, bool relative=false)
template<int N>
int largestDifference (const AmgVector(N)&m1, const AmgVector(N)&m2, bool relative=false)
template<int N>
std::pair< int, int > compare (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&m1, const AmgSymMatrix(N)&m2, double precision=1e-9, bool relative=false)
template<int N>
int compare (const AmgVector(N)&m1, const AmgVector(N)&m2, double precision=1e-9, bool relative=false)
template<int N>
bool isSymMatrix (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&m)
double roundWithPrecision (double val, int precision)
std::string toString (const MatrixX &matrix, int precision=4, std::string offset="")
std::string toString (const CLHEP::HepGenMatrix &matrix, int precision=4, std::string offset="")
template<class T >
std::string AsString (const T &m)
Amg::Transform3D CLHEPTransformToEigen (const HepGeom::Transform3D &CLHEPtransf)
RotationMatrix3D CLHEPRotationToEigen (const CLHEP::HepRotation &CLHEProtation)
Translation3D CLHEPTranslationToEigen (const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &CLHEPtranslation)
Amg::Transform3D CLHEPTranslate3DToEigen (const HepGeom::Translate3D &CLHEPtranslate3D)
HepGeom::Transform3D EigenTransformToCLHEP (const Amg::Transform3D &eigenTransf)
Amg::Vector3D Hep3VectorToEigen (const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &CLHEPvector)
CLHEP::Hep3Vector EigenToHep3Vector (const Amg::Vector3D &eigenvector)
Amg::Vector3D convert_CLHEPPhiThetaPsi_to_EigenEulerAngles (Amg::Vector3D clhep_angles, int convention=0)
Amg::Vector3D convert_EigenEulerAngles_to_CLHEPPhiThetaPsi (Amg::Vector3D eigen_angles, int convention=0)
Amg::Vector3D getPhiThetaPsi (Amg::RotationMatrix3D mat, int convention=0)
Amg::RotationMatrix3D setPhi (Amg::RotationMatrix3D mat, double angle, int convention=0)
double angle (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2)
float distance2 (const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2)
float distance (const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2)
void setPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double phi)
void setThetaPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double theta, double phi)
void setRThetaPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double r, double theta, double phi)
void setTheta (Amg::Vector3D &v, double theta)
void setPerp (Amg::Vector3D &v, double perp)
void setMag (Amg::Vector3D &v, double mag)
double deltaPhi (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2)
double deltaR (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2)
void setVector3DCartesian (Amg::Vector3D &v1, double x1, double y1, double z1)
double mag2Vector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1)
double magVector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1)
double rVector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1)
Amg::Vector3D transform (Amg::Vector3D &v, Amg::Transform3D &tr)
Amg::Transform3D getTransformFromRotTransl (Amg::RotationMatrix3D rot, Amg::Vector3D transl_vec)
void getAngleAxisFromRotation (Amg::RotationMatrix3D &rotation, double &rotationAngle, Amg::Vector3D &rotationAxis)
Amg::Vector3D getTranslationVectorFromTransform (const Amg::Transform3D &tr)
Amg::Rotation3D getRotation3DfromAngleAxis (double angle, Amg::Vector3D &axis)
Amg::Transform3D getRotateX3D (double angle)
Amg::Transform3D getRotateY3D (double angle)
Amg::Transform3D getRotateZ3D (double angle)
std::string toString (const Amg::Translation3D &translation, int precision=4)
std::string toString (const Amg::Transform3D &transform, int precision=4, std::string offset="")
std::string toString (const CLHEP::HepRotation &rot, int precision=4, std::string offset="")
std::string toString (const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &translation, int precision=4)
std::string toString (const CLHEP::Hep2Vector &translation, int precision=4)
std::string toString (const HepGeom::Transform3D &transf, int precision=4, std::string offset="")

Detailed Description

Event primitives helper functions

Niels van Eldik
Robert Johannes Langenberg <>
Andreas Salzburger <>

Definition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg)

This is based on the Eigen geometry module:

Robert Johannes Langenberg <>
Andreas Salzburger <>

Geometry primitives helper functions

Niels van Eldik
Robert Johannes Langenberg <>
Andreas Salzburger <>

Typedef Documentation

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Amg::MatrixX

Dynamic Matrix - not recommended

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Amg::VectorX

Dynamic Vector - not recommended

Enumeration Type Documentation

elment for code readability

  • please use these for access to the member variables if needed, e.g. double z = position[Amg::z]; double px = momentum[Amg::px];

Function Documentation

double Amg::angle ( const Amg::Vector3D &  v1,
const Amg::Vector3D &  v2 
) [inline]

calculates the opening angle between two vectors

template<class T >
std::string Amg::AsString ( const T m  )  [inline]

write an Amg Eigen object to std::string

template<int N>
int Amg::compare ( const AmgVector(N)&  m1,
const AmgVector(N)&  m2,
double  precision = 1e-9,
bool  relative = false 
) [inline]

compare two vectors, returns the indices of the first element that fails the condition, returns <-1,-1> if all is ok Users can provide the required precision and whether the difference should be evaluate relative to the values or absolutely

template<int N>
std::pair<int, int> Amg::compare ( const AmgSymMatrix(N)&  m1,
const AmgSymMatrix(N)&  m2,
double  precision = 1e-9,
bool  relative = false 
) [inline]

compare two matrices, returns the indices of the first element that fails the condition, returns <-1,-1> if all is ok Users can provide the required precision and whether the difference should be evaluate relative to the values or absolutely

Amg::Vector3D Amg::convert_CLHEPPhiThetaPsi_to_EigenEulerAngles ( Amg::Vector3D  clhep_angles,
int  convention = 0 
) [inline]

Convert CLEHP Phi,Theta,Psi angles to Eigen euler angles using Z-X-Z convention

N.B. if "convention = 0" --> "Z-X-Z" convention ==> DEFAULT!! if "convention = 1" --> "Z-Y-Z"

Amg::Vector3D Amg::convert_EigenEulerAngles_to_CLHEPPhiThetaPsi ( Amg::Vector3D  eigen_angles,
int  convention = 0 
) [inline]

Convert Eigen euler angles to CLEHP Phi,Theta,Psi angles

N.B. if "convention = 0" --> "Z-X-Z" convention ==> DEFAULT!! if "convention = 1" --> "Z-Y-Z" convention

Note: as explained in: eigen / Eigen / src / Geometry / EulerAngles.h the returned angles are in the ranges [0:pi]x[-pi:pi]x[-pi:pi]

(source here:

N.B.!! CLHEP's Phi, Theta, Psi correspond to eulerAngles[2], [1] and [0] respectively, with the sign inverted.

float Amg::distance ( const Amg::Vector3D &  p1,
const Amg::Vector3D &  p2 
) [inline]

calculates the distance between two point in 3D space

float Amg::distance2 ( const Amg::Vector3D &  p1,
const Amg::Vector3D &  p2 
) [inline]

calculates the squared distance between two point in 3D space

double Amg::error ( const Amg::MatrixX mat,
int  index 
) [inline]

return diagonal error of the matrix caller should ensure the matrix is symmetric and the index is in range

Amg::Vector3D Amg::getPhiThetaPsi ( Amg::RotationMatrix3D  mat,
int  convention = 0 
) [inline]

Get the equivalents to CLHEP Phi, Theta, Psi Euler angles

phi = vector[0] theta = vector[1] psi = vector[2]

N.B. if "convention = 0" --> "Z-X-Z" convention ==> DEFAULT!! if "convention = 1" --> "Z-Y-Z" convention

N.B.!! for normal usage, use the default notation (simply leave it empty, or use convention=0), or, alternatively, be sure to use the same convention in both setPhi() and getPhiThetaPsi().

we extract the Euler Angles from the Eigen matrix,

Amg::Transform3D Amg::getRotateX3D ( double  angle  )  [inline]

get a rotation transformation around X-axis

Amg::Transform3D Amg::getRotateY3D ( double  angle  )  [inline]

get a rotation transformation around Y-axis

Amg::Transform3D Amg::getRotateZ3D ( double  angle  )  [inline]

get a rotation transformation around Z-axis

Amg::Rotation3D Amg::getRotation3DfromAngleAxis ( double  angle,
Amg::Vector3D &  axis 
) [inline]

get a AngleAxis from an angle and an axis.

to replace the CLHEP constructor: CLHEP::Rotate3D::Rotate3D(double a, cconst Vector3D< double > & v)

Amg::Vector3D Amg::getTranslationVectorFromTransform ( const Amg::Transform3D &  tr  )  [inline]

Get the Translation vector out of a Transformation

template<int N>
int Amg::largestDifference ( const AmgVector(N)&  m1,
const AmgVector(N)&  m2,
bool  relative = false 
) [inline]

get largest difference betweem two vectors Users can decide whether the difference should be evaluate relative to the values or absolutely

template<int N>
double Amg::largestDifference ( const AmgSymMatrix(N)&  m1,
const AmgSymMatrix(N)&  m2,
bool  relative = false 
) [inline]

get largest difference between two matrices Users can decide whether the difference should be evaluate relative to the values or absolutely

double Amg::mag2Vector3D ( const Amg::Vector3D &  v1  )  [inline]

Gets magnitude squared of the vector.

double Amg::magVector3D ( const Amg::Vector3D &  v1  )  [inline]

Gets magnitude of the vector.

double Amg::roundWithPrecision ( double  val,
int  precision 
) [inline]


inline methods for conversion of EventPrimitives (Matrix) to std::string.

This is to enhance formatted screen ouput and for ASCII based testing.

The offset can be used to offset the lines (starting from line 2) wrt to the zero position for formatting reasons.

double Amg::rVector3D ( const Amg::Vector3D &  v1  )  [inline]

Gets r-component in spherical coordinate system

void Amg::setMag ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  mag 
) [inline]

scales the vector length without changing the angles

void Amg::setPerp ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  perp 
) [inline]

scales the vector in the xy plane without changing the z coordinate nor the angles

void Amg::setPhi ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  phi 
) [inline]

sets the phi angle of a vector without changing theta nor the magnitude

void Amg::setRThetaPhi ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  r,
double  theta,
double  phi 
) [inline]

sets radius, the theta and phi angle of a vector. Angles are measured in RADIANS

void Amg::setTheta ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  theta 
) [inline]

sets the theta of a vector without changing phi nor the magnitude

void Amg::setThetaPhi ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
double  theta,
double  phi 
) [inline]

sets the theta and phi angle of a vector without changing the magnitude

void Amg::setVector3DCartesian ( Amg::Vector3D &  v1,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  z1 
) [inline]

Sets components in cartesian coordinate system.

std::string Amg::toString ( const Amg::Translation3D &  translation,
int  precision = 4 
) [inline]


static methods for conversion of GeoPrimitives and will call the EventPrimitives converter (Matrix) to std::string.

This is to enhance formatted screen ouput and for ASCII based testing.

The offset can be used to offset the lines (starting from line 2) wrt to the zero position for formatting reasons.

Amg::Vector3D Amg::transform ( Amg::Vector3D &  v,
Amg::Transform3D &  tr 
) [inline]

Transform a point from a Trasformation3D

from CLHEP::Point3D::transform:

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