xAOD::Vertex_v1 Class Reference

#include <Vertex_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::Vertex_v1:
SG::AuxElement SG::IAuxElement

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Vertex_v1 ()
 Default constructor.
 Vertex_v1 (const Vertex_v1 &other)
 Copy constructor.
Vertex_v1operator= (const Vertex_v1 &tp)
 Assignment operator. This can involve creating and copying an Auxilary store, and so should be used sparingly.
Type::ObjectType type () const
 A little helper function for identifying the type in template code.
float x () const
 Returns the x position.
void setX (float value)
 Sets the x position.
float y () const
 Returns the y position.
void setY (float value)
 Sets the y position.
float z () const
 Returns the z position.
void setZ (float value)
 Sets the z position.
const std::vector< float > & covariance () const
 Returns the covariance matrix as a simple vector of values.
void setCovariance (const std::vector< float > &value)
 Sets the covariance matrix as a simple vector of values.
const Amg::Vector3D & position () const
 Returns the 3-pos.
void setPosition (const Amg::Vector3D &position)
 Sets the 3-position.
const AmgSymMatrix (3)&covariancePosition() const
 Returns the vertex covariance matrix.
void setCovariancePosition (const AmgSymMatrix(3)&covariancePosition)
 Sets the vertex covariance matrix.
VxType::VertexType vertexType () const
 The type of the vertex.
void setVertexType (VxType::VertexType vType)
 Set the type of the vertex.
< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > & 
vxTrackAtVertex ()
 Non-const access to the VxTrackAtVertex vector.
const std::vector
< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > & 
vxTrackAtVertex () const
 Const access to the vector of tracks fitted to the vertex (may not exist!).
bool vxTrackAtVertexAvailable () const
 Check if VxTrackAtVertices are attached to the object.
void resetCache ()
 Reset the internal cache of the object.

Track particle contents operations

typedef std::vector
< ElementLink
< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > > 
 Type for the associated track particles.
typedef std::vector
< ElementLink
< xAOD::NeutralParticleContainer > > 
 Type for the associated neutral particles.
const TrackParticleLinks_ttrackParticleLinks () const
 Get all the particles associated with the vertex.
void setTrackParticleLinks (const TrackParticleLinks_t &trackParticles)
 Set all track particle links at once.
const std::vector< float > & trackWeights () const
 Get all the track weights.
void setTrackWeights (const std::vector< float > &weights)
 Set all the track weights.
const NeutralParticleLinks_tneutralParticleLinks () const
 Get all the particles associated with the vertex.
void setNeutralParticleLinks (const NeutralParticleLinks_t &neutralParticles)
 Set all neutral particle links at once.
const std::vector< float > & neutralWeights () const
 Get all the neutral weights.
void setNeutralWeights (const std::vector< float > &weights)
 Set all the neutral weights.
const TrackParticletrackParticle (size_t i) const
 Get the pointer to a given track that was used in vertex reco.
float trackWeight (size_t i) const
 Get the weight of a given track in the vertex reconstruction.
size_t nTrackParticles () const
 Get the number of tracks associated with this vertex.
const NeutralParticleneutralParticle (size_t i) const
 Get the pointer to a given neutral that was used in vertex reco.
float neutralWeight (size_t i) const
 Get the weight of a given neutral in the vertex reconstruction.
size_t nNeutralParticles () const
 Get the number of neutrals associated with this vertex.
void addTrackAtVertex (const ElementLink< TrackParticleContainer > &tr, float weight=1.0)
 Add a new track to the vertex.
void addNeutralAtVertex (const ElementLink< NeutralParticleContainer > &tr, float weight=1.0)
 Add a new neutral to the vertex.
void clearTracks ()
 Remove all tracks from the vertex.
void clearNeutrals ()
 Remove all neutrals from the vertex.

Fit quality functions

float chiSquared () const
 Returns the $ \chi^2 $ of the vertex fit as float.
float numberDoF () const
 Returns the number of degrees of freedom of the vertex fit as float.
void setFitQuality (float chiSquared, float numberDoF)
 Set the 'Fit Quality' information.

Detailed Description

Class describing a Vertex.

Kirill Prokofiev <Kirill.Prokofev@cern.ch>
Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch>
Ruslan Mashinistov <Ruslan.Mashinistov@cern.ch>

Member Function Documentation

void xAOD::Vertex_v1::resetCache (  ) 

Reset the internal cache of the object.

This function is used by ROOT to reset the object after a new object was read into an existing memory location.

const std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > & xAOD::Vertex_v1::vxTrackAtVertex (  )  const

Const access to the vector of tracks fitted to the vertex (may not exist!).

This function can be used to access the Athena-only, reconstruction specific decoration on the object.

Keep in mind that this decoration is not available for most of the vertices. When calling this function on an object that doesn't have this decoration, an exception will be thrown. Use the vxTrackAtVertexAvailable() function to check if this function will succeed or not.

A constant reference to the decoration
std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex > & xAOD::Vertex_v1::vxTrackAtVertex (  ) 

Non-const access to the VxTrackAtVertex vector.

This function can be used to attach an Athena-only, reconstruction specific information to the object. The data is attached as a dynamic auxiliary property. And it needs to be explicitly disabled for writing out, as we don't have a valid dictionary for it. Not to mention that these objects are very large.

A modifiable object, creating it if necessary
bool xAOD::Vertex_v1::vxTrackAtVertexAvailable (  )  const

Check if VxTrackAtVertices are attached to the object.

This function can be used to check whether this Athena-only, reconstruction-specific decoration is available on the object. In most cases it isn't.

The availablility of the decoration

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1