HLT Namespace Reference

Helper functions to be used by the Hypo algorithms. More...


class  TypedHolder< TrigRoiDescriptor, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection >
class  BaseHolder
class  ComboIteratorBase
 Base class for iterator used to loop over multi-particle combinations. More...
class  ComboIterator
 Iterator used to loop over multi-particle combinations. More...
class  ComboIteratorTopo
struct  ITrigHolderFactory
class  StandaloneNavigation
class  TriggerElement
 TriggerElement is the basic ingreedient of the interface between HLT algorithms and the navigation It holds navigation links by itself but they are not exposed. The way to work with the navigation is only via the Navigation class. More...
class  TriggerElementFactory
 The factory of TriggerElements Creation in controlled way. More...
class  TrigHolderStructure
class  TrigNavStructure
class  TypedHolder
 doubly templated class interfacing access to feature containers in StoreGate. More...
class  TypelessHolder
class  Chain
struct  Action
struct  Reason
struct  SteeringInternalReason
class  ErrorCode
 The definition of error codes in HLT. This is a class (note; before was simple enum) to enable safer operations. Each ErrorCode is composed out of 3 parts:

  1. desired action which is one of enums defined in class Action
  2. explnation of the reson of that action, defined in class Reason
  3. explnation of the reson which is internal to the steering rather than algorithms, defined in SteeringInternalReason.
class  HLTExtraData
class  HLTResult
 HLT::HLTResult is sumarising result of trigger decision evaluation (online/offline) It contains basically 3 parts:. More...
class  RobRequestInfo


typedef uint32_t teid_type
typedef uint16_t sub_index_type
typedef uint32_t index_type
typedef uint32_t class_id_type
typedef std::vector
< HLT::TriggerElement * > 
typedef uint32_t te_id_type
typedef boost::variant
< sub_index_type, std::string > 


enum  ChainStatus { ChainInvalid = 0, ConfigOnlyChain, ChainOK }
enum  HLTLevel { L2 = 0, EF, HLT, UNKNOWN }


MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const Chain &)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Chain &)
std::string strErrorCode (const ErrorCode code)
int getErrorCodePosFromStr (const std::string &ec)
void reportErrorCode (ErrorCode &e1, ErrorCode e2)
void swap (HLTExtraData &, HLTExtraData &)
void swap (HLTResult &lhs, HLTResult &rhs)
double wrapPhi (double phi)
double phiMean (double phimin, double phimax)
double deltaPhi (double phimax, double phimin)
template<class CONTAINER >
TrigPassBitsmakeTrigPassBits (const CONTAINER *cont)
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void markPassing (TrigPassBits *bits, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container)
 Set the bit for the object in the associated bits object.
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
bool isPassing (const TrigPassBits *bits, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container)
 Check the bit for the object in the associated bits object.
template<class CONTAINER >
TrigPassFlagsmakeTrigPassFlags (const CONTAINER *cont, const unsigned int flagSize)
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void setFlagBit (TrigPassFlags *flags, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container, const unsigned int bitPosition, const bool bitValue=true)
 Set bit of the flag at index position for a given TrigPassFlags object.
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void setFlag (TrigPassFlags *flags, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container, const std::vector< bool > &flag)
 Set the flag at index position.
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
bool getFlagBit (const TrigPassFlags *flags, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container, const unsigned int position, const unsigned int bitPosition)
 Returns the bit 'bitPosition' of the flag at index position.
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
const std::vector< bool > & getFlag (const TrigPassFlags *flags, const T *obj, const CONTAINER *container, const size_t position)
 Returns the flag at index position.
template<typename T >
std::vector< bool > AsFlag (T flag_t, const size_t size)
template<typename T >
T FlagAs (const std::vector< bool > flag)

Detailed Description

Helper functions to be used by the Hypo algorithms.

Function Documentation

template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void HLT::markPassing ( TrigPassBits bits,
const T obj,
const CONTAINER *  container 
) [inline]

Set the bit for the object in the associated bits object.

The helper function should be used in the HLT algorithms instead of the raw TrigPassBits accessors.

std::ostream & HLT::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Chain c 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream

template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void HLT::setFlag ( TrigPassFlags flags,
const T obj,
const CONTAINER *  container,
const std::vector< bool > &  flag 
) [inline]

Set the flag at index position.

obj trigger object to which the flag corresponds
container container of trigger objects (same pointer as given in the constructor)
flag value of the flag (use helper functions to convert from int or long to vector<bool>)
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 15 Apr 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1