Trig::IBunchCrossingTool Class Reference

Interface for all the bunch crossing tools. More...

#include <IBunchCrossingTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for Trig::IBunchCrossingTool:
asg::IAsgTool Trig::BunchCrossingConfProviderBase Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase Trig::LHCBunchCrossingTool Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool Trig::TrigConfBunchCrossingTool Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool Trig::LHCBunchCrossingTool Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool Trig::TrigConfBunchCrossingTool Trig::WebBunchCrossingTool Trig::xAODBunchCrossingTool

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  BeamType { Beam1 = 0, Beam2 = 1, Crossing = 2 }

Types of the return values of the bcIntensity function.

enum  BunchCrossingType {
  Empty = 0, FirstEmpty = 1, MiddleEmpty = 2, Single = 100,
  Front = 200, Middle = 201, Tail = 202, Unpaired = 300

Simplified type for a given bunch crossing.

enum  BunchDistanceType { NanoSec, BunchCrossings, FilledBunches }

Enumeration specifying the units in which to expect the bunch distance type.

enum  BunchFillType {
  CollidingBunch = 0, UnpairedBunch = 1, EmptyBunch = 2, UnpairedBeam1 = 3,
  UnpairedBeam2 = 4

Enumeration specifying what kind of bunch to use in the gap functions.

typedef unsigned int bcid_type
 Declare the interface that this class provides.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool isFilled (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 The simplest query: Is the bunch crossing filled or not?
virtual bool isInTrain (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 Function deciding if a given bunch crossing is in a filled train.
virtual bool isUnpaired (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 Function deciding if a given bunch crossing has an unpaired bunch.
virtual bool isBeam1 (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 1" in this bunch crossing.
virtual bool isBeam2 (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 2" in this bunch crossing.
virtual float bcIntensity (bcid_type bcid=0, BeamType type=Crossing) const =0
 Function returning the "intensity" of a given bunch(-crossing).
virtual BunchCrossingType bcType (bcid_type bcid=0) const =0
 Get the type of the specific bunch crossing.
virtual int distanceFromFront (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const =0
 The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the front of the train.
virtual int distanceFromTail (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const =0
 The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the tail of the train.
virtual int gapBeforeTrain (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const =0
 Gap before the train this BCID is in.
virtual int gapAfterTrain (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const =0
 Gap after the train this BCID is in.
virtual int gapBeforeBunch (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType dtype=NanoSec, BunchFillType ftype=CollidingBunch) const =0
 Gap before a particular bunch.
virtual int gapAfterBunch (bcid_type bcid=0, BunchDistanceType dtype=NanoSec, BunchFillType ftype=CollidingBunch) const =0
 Gap after a particular bunch.
virtual std::vector< bool > bunchesInFront (bcid_type bcid=0, int bunches=10) const =0
 Function returning whether the previous bunches were filled, and how.
virtual std::vector< bool > bunchesAfter (bcid_type bcid=0, int bunches=10) const =0
 Function returning whether the following bunches were filled, and how.
virtual std::vector< float > bunchIntInFront (bcid_type bcid=0, int bunches=10, BeamType type=Crossing) const =0
virtual std::vector< float > bunchIntAfter (bcid_type bcid=0, int bunches=10, BeamType type=Crossing) const =0
virtual unsigned int numberOfFilledBunches () const =0
 Get the number of filled bunches in the current configuration.
virtual unsigned int numberOfUnpairedBunches () const =0
 Get the number of unpaired bunches in the current configuration.
virtual unsigned int numberOfBunchTrains () const =0
 Get the number of the bunch trains in the current configuration.
virtual int bunchTrainSpacing (BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const =0
 Get the bunch spacing in the trains.

Detailed Description

Interface for all the bunch crossing tools.

This is the dual-use inteface of all the bunch crossing tools. It no longer uses the framework independent IIBunchCrossingTool class...

Attila Krasznahorkay <>
2014-09-24 10:53:05 +0200 (Wed, 24 Sep 2014)

Member Typedef Documentation

Declare the interface that this class provides.

Convenience type definition

Member Enumeration Documentation

Types of the return values of the bcIntensity function.

The different information sources provide the "bunch intensity" information in quite different ways, and the information can mean different things actually. This enumeration is used to specify what exact type of information the user is looking for.


The returned intensity should be for "beam 1".


The returned intensity should be for "beam 2".


The returned intensity should describe the BC.

Simplified type for a given bunch crossing.

This enumeration can specify what kind of bunch crossing one BCID belongs to. The types could easily be extended later on.


An empty bunch far away from filled bunches.


The first empty bunch after a train.


An empty BCID in the middle of a train.


This is a filled, single bunch (not in a train).


The BCID belongs to the first few bunches in a train.


The BCID belongs to the middle bunches in a train.


The BCID belongs to the last few bunces in a train.


This is an unpaired bunch (either beam1 or beam2).

Enumeration specifying the units in which to expect the bunch distance type.

To make it clear for the following functions what units to interpret their return values in, it is possible to request their return values in different units.


Distance in nanoseconds.


Distance in units of 25 nanoseconds


Distance in units of filled bunches (depends on filling scheme).

Enumeration specifying what kind of bunch to use in the gap functions.

The following functions can be used to calculate the gap before and after a specific BCID to some other bunch type. The gap can actually be wrt. two different types of bunches. The user may be interested between the space of two filled bunches, the space between an unpaired bunch and the previous filled bunch, the space between two unpaired bunches, or the space between a filled bunch and the previous unpaired bunch.

The empty type is just put here for completeness. Maybe once we'll be using 25 ns spacing in the bunch trains, this will be a useful parameter as well.

This enumeration helps in answeing all of these questions.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest colling bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest unpaired bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest empty bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest unpaired bunch from beam 1


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest unpaired bunch from beam 2

Member Function Documentation

virtual float Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bcIntensity ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const [pure virtual]

Function returning the "intensity" of a given bunch(-crossing).

Some imeplementations are able to return an "intensity" per BCID. The exact meaning of this intensity is actually context sensitive, as it could mean quite different things for pile-up MC and data samples.

The tool implementations that don't know about the bunch intensities will return 1.0 for filled bunch crossings and 0.0 for empty ones.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
The "intensity" of the bcid in question

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual BunchCrossingType Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bcType ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the type of the specific bunch crossing.

This function could be used as a single entry point to this tool in principle. It gives a summary about a specific BCID. Remember however that the exact meaning of many of the return values of this function are configuration dependent.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
The type of the bcid in question

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual std::vector< bool > Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bunchesAfter ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
int  bunches = 10 
) const [pure virtual]

Function returning whether the following bunches were filled, and how.

This function is here to provide uniformity between the python and C++ implementations. It works pretty much like the bunchesInFron(...) function.

The indexing is such that return[0] means the reference bunch, return[1] means the first bunch after that one, etc. The boolean value true means that the bunch was filled, false means that is was empty.

It's really just another way of getting the same information as what isFilled(...) is providing...

bcid The bcid that should be checked
bunches The number of bunches about which the return value should have info
The bunch pattern after the reference bunch

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual std::vector< bool > Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bunchesInFront ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
int  bunches = 10 
) const [pure virtual]

Function returning whether the previous bunches were filled, and how.

To get a concrete idea of how the bunch structure looks like in front of the bcid under investigation, this function returns a vector representing the previous bunches.

The indexing is such that return[0] means the reference bunch, return[1] means the first bunch before that one, etc. The boolean value true means that the bunch was filled, false means that is was empty.

It's really just another way of getting the same information as what isFilled(...) is providing...

bcid The bcid that should be checked
bunches The number of bunches about which the return value should have info
The bunch pattern before the reference bunch

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual std::vector< float > Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bunchIntAfter ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
int  bunches = 10,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const [pure virtual]

Function returning the intensities of the bunch crossings after the reference In some cases one does not only want to know if the following bunches were filled, but also their intensities. This intensity has a context sensitive meaning, as the MC and data bunch intensities can't be directly compared in general, but in both cases the intensities are described by floating point numbers.

The indexing is the same as with the bunchesAfter(...) function.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
bunches The number of bunches about which the return value should have info
type The intensity "type" the user is interested in
The intensities of the bunch crossings after of the reference BC

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual std::vector< float > Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bunchIntInFront ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
int  bunches = 10,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const [pure virtual]

Function returning the intensities of the bunch crossings before the reference In some cases one does not only want to know if the previous bunches were filled, but also their intensities. This intensity has a context sensitive meaning, as the MC and data bunch intensities can't be directly compared in general, but in both cases the intensities are described by floating point numbers.

The indexing is the same as with the bunchesInFront(...) function.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
bunches The number of bunches about which the return value should have info
type The intensity "type" the user is interested in
The intensities of the bunch crossings in front of the reference BC

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bunchTrainSpacing ( BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the bunch spacing in the trains.

This function can be used to easily find out what was the bunch spacing in the bunch trains. This could come in handy in some circumstances.

Note that a return value type of FilledBunches makes no sense, so the code will complain if you request the value with that parameter.

type The type of the requested return value
The bunch spacing in the requested units

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::distanceFromFront ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const [pure virtual]

The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the front of the train.

Get the distance of the specified bunch crossing from the front of the bunch train. If the specified bunch crossing is not part of a bunch train, then the function returns -1.

The distance can be returned in multiple units. By default it is returned in nanoseconds. If one specifies BunchCrossings, then the distance is returned in nanosec_distance / 25. Finally, if one specifies FilledBunches, then the distance is returned in the units of the bunch spacing within the train.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
type The type of the requested return value
The distance of the bcid in question from the front of its bunch train

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::distanceFromTail ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const [pure virtual]

The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the tail of the train.

Get the distance of the specified bunch crossing from the tail of the bunch train. If the specified bunch crossing is not part of a bunch train, then the function returns -1.

The distance can be returned in multiple units. By default it is returned in nanoseconds. If one specifies BunchCrossings, then the distance is returned in nanosec_distance / 25. Finally, if one specifies FilledBunches, then the distance is returned in the units of the bunch spacing within the train.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
type The type of the requested return value
The distance of the bcid in question from the tail of its bunch train

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::gapAfterBunch ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  dtype = NanoSec,
BunchFillType  ftype = CollidingBunch 
) const [pure virtual]

Gap after a particular bunch.

The function tells you how far the BCID in question is from the next colliding bunch crossing.

bcid The bcid that should be investigated
dtype The type of the requested return value
ftype The type of the previous bunch to consider
The gap after the specified bcid

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::gapAfterTrain ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const [pure virtual]

Gap after the train this BCID is in.

Get the gap that's between the train that the specified BCID is in, and the next train. This is a useful number for some jet/MET studies.

Note that the function doesn't work with the FilledBunches type, as the size of the gaps doesn't have to be a multiple of the bunch distance within the trains.

Returns "-1" when there's no right answer to the question. (BCID not part of a train.)

bcid The bcid whose train should be investigated
type The type of the requested return value
The gap after the train of the specified bcid

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::gapBeforeBunch ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  dtype = NanoSec,
BunchFillType  ftype = CollidingBunch 
) const [pure virtual]

Gap before a particular bunch.

The function tells you how far the BCID in question is from the previous colliding bunch crossing.

bcid The bcid that should be investigated
dtype The type of the requested return value
ftype The type of the previous bunch to consider
The gap before the specified bcid

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::gapBeforeTrain ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const [pure virtual]

Gap before the train this BCID is in.

Get the gap that's between the train that the specified BCID is in, and the previous train. This is a useful number for some jet/MET studies.

Note that the function doesn't work with the FilledBunches type, as the size of the gaps doesn't have to be a multiple of the bunch distance within the trains.

Returns "-1" when there's no right answer to the question. (BCID not part of a train.)

bcid The bcid whose train should be investigated
type The type of the requested return value
The gap before the train of the specified bcid

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual bool Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::isBeam1 ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 1" in this bunch crossing.

This function is useful for differentiating the unpaired bunch crossings based on which beam provided the unpaired bunch.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
true if the bcid contained a bunch from beam 1, false otherwise

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual bool Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::isBeam2 ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 2" in this bunch crossing.

This function is useful for differentiating the unpaired bunch crossings based on which beam provided the unpaired bunch.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
true if the bcid contained a bunch from beam 2, false otherwise

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual bool Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::isFilled ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

The simplest query: Is the bunch crossing filled or not?

This is the simplest question that one can ask the configuration: Was the current BCID coming from a collision or not? If people properly use the triggers to select their events, then this function is not too useful, but for some special analyses it might be a good idea to have it.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
true if the bcid was a collision bunch crossing, false otherwise

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual bool Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::isInTrain ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Function deciding if a given bunch crossing is in a filled train.

Most of the functionality of the interface only makes sense for bunches which were in trains. So this function can be checked at the beginning of the analysis code, to make sure that the BC in question is interesting.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
true if the bcid is part of a bunch train, false otherwise

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual bool Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::isUnpaired ( bcid_type  bcid = 0  )  const [pure virtual]

Function deciding if a given bunch crossing has an unpaired bunch.

This function can be used to quickly decide whether the current event came from an unpaired bunch. Note that the function doesn't make a difference between "isolated" and "non isolated" unpaired bunches. You have to use the gapBeforeBunch function to decide how isolated an unpaired bunch is.

bcid The bcid that should be checked
true if the bcid belongs to an unpaired bunch, false otherwise

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual unsigned int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::numberOfBunchTrains (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of the bunch trains in the current configuration.

This function gives the total number of bunch trains that were identified in the current configuration. This could come in handy in some circumstances.

The total number of bunch trains in the machine

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

virtual unsigned int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::numberOfFilledBunches (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of filled bunches in the current configuration.

This function gives the total number of filled (colliding) bunches in the current configuration. This could come in handy in some circumstances.

The total number of filled (colliding) bunches in the machine

Implemented in Trig::MCBunchCrossingTool, Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase, and Trig::D3PDBunchCrossingTool.

virtual unsigned int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::numberOfUnpairedBunches (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of unpaired bunches in the current configuration.

This function gives the total number of unpaired bunches in the current configuration. This could come in handy in some circumstances.

The total number of unpaired bunches in the machine

Implemented in Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase.

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