DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > Class Template Reference

Base specialization for DataVector<T>. More...

#include <DataVector.h>

Inheritance diagram for DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >:
SG::AuxVectorBase SG::AuxVectorData

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef DataModel_detail::NoBase DataVector_BASE
typedef DataModel_detail::NoBase DVL_BASE
typedef boost::true_type isSequence
 Mark as a sequence, for DataLink / ElementLink.
typedef std::vector< T * > PtrVector
typedef std::vector< T * > BaseContainer
typedef T *& reference
typedef T *const & const_reference
typedef PtrVector::size_type size_type
typedef PtrVector::difference_type difference_type
typedef Tvalue_type
typedef PtrVector::allocator_type allocator_type
typedef T ** pointer
typedef T *const * const_pointer
typedef const Tconst_value_type
typedef T base_value_type
< DataVector
typedef PtrVector::const_iterator const_iterator
 Standard const_iterator.
< DataVector
typedef std::reverse_iterator
< const_iterator
 Standard const_reverse_iterator.
typedef std::reverse_iterator
< iterator

Public Member Functions

Constructors, destructors, assignment.

 DataVector (SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy=SG::OWN_ELEMENTS, SG::IndexTrackingPolicy trackIndices=SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES)
 Default constructor.
 DataVector (size_type n, SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy=SG::OWN_ELEMENTS, SG::IndexTrackingPolicy trackIndices=SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES)
 Sized constructor.
 DataVector (const DataVector &rhs)
 Copy constructor.
template<class InputIterator >
 DataVector (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy=SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS, SG::IndexTrackingPolicy trackIndices=SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES, SG::IAuxStore *store=0)
 Constructor from iterators.
DataVectoroperator= (const DataVector &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
template<class InputIterator >
void assign (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Assign from iterators.
virtual ~DataVector ()
Size and capacity.

size_type size () const
 Returns the number of elements in the collection.
virtual size_type size_v () const
 Returns the number of elements in the collection.
size_type max_size () const
 Returns the size() of the largest possible collection.
void resize (size_type sz)
 Resizes the collection to the specified number of elements.
size_type capacity () const
 Returns the total number of elements that the collection can hold before needing to allocate more memory.
virtual size_type capacity_v () const
 Returns the total number of elements that the collection can hold before needing to allocate more memory.
bool empty () const
 Returns true if the collection is empty.
void reserve (size_type n)
 Attempt to preallocate enough memory for a specified number of elements.
Element access.

const Toperator[] (size_type n) const
 Access an element, as an rvalue.
const Tget (size_type n) const
 Access an element, as an rvalue.
ElementProxy operator[] (size_type n)
 Access an element, as an lvalue.
const Tat (size_type n) const
 Access an element, as an rvalue.
ElementProxy at (size_type n)
 Access an element, as an lvalue.
const Tfront () const
 Access the first element in the collection as an rvalue.
const Tback () const
 Access the last element in the collection as an rvalue.
ElementProxy front ()
 Access the first element in the collection as an lvalue.
ElementProxy back ()
 Access the last element in the collection as an lvalue.
Iterator creation.

const_iterator begin () const
 Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
const_iterator end () const
 Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
iterator begin ()
 Return an iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
iterator end ()
 Return an iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Return a reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Return a reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
const_iterator cend () const
 Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
 Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
const_reverse_iterator crend () const
 Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
Insertion operations.

void push_back (value_type pElem)
 Add an element to the end of the collection.
void emplace_back (value_type pElem)
 Add an element to the end of the collection.
iterator insert (iterator position, value_type pElem)
 Add a new element to the collection.
iterator emplace (iterator position, value_type pElem)
 Add a new element to the collection.
template<class InputIterator >
void insert (iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Add a group of new elements to the collection.
Erasure operations.

iterator erase (iterator position)
 Remove element at a given position.
iterator erase (iterator first, iterator last)
 Remove a range of elements.
void pop_back ()
 Remove the last element from the collection.
void clear ()
 Erase all the elements in the collection.

Static Public Attributes

static const bool has_virtual = false

Internal operations.

class DataModel_detail::ElementProxy< DataVector >
class ConstDataVector< DataVector >
void test2_assignelement1 ()
void test2_assignelement2 ()
SG::OwnershipPolicy m_ownPolicy
PtrVector m_pCont
 This actually holds the elements.
void resortAux (iterator beg, iterator end)
 Reset indices / reorder aux data after elements have been permuted.
void testInsert (const char *op)
 Test if we can insert; raise an exception if not.
void testInsertOol (const char *op)
 Test if we can insert; raise an exception if not.
static int baseOffset1 (const char *p, const DataVector &dv, const std::type_info &ti)
 Helper for baseOffset.
static const Tdo_cast (const typename PtrVector::value_type p)
 Helper to shorten calls to DataModel_detail::DVLCast.
PtrVector::iterator erase_base (typename PtrVector::iterator position)
 Helper for erase(). Remove element at a given position.
PtrVector::iterator erase_base (typename PtrVector::iterator first, typename PtrVector::iterator last)
 Helper for erase(). Remove a range of elements.
void clearMostDerived ()
 Clear m_isMostDerived for this instance and for all bases.
virtual void setMostDerived ()
 Set m_isMostDerived for this instance and clear it for all bases.

Swap and sort.

void swap (DataVector &rhs)
 Swap this collection with another.
void sort ()
 Sort the container.
template<class COMPARE >
void sort (COMPARE comp)
 Sort the container with a user-specified comparison operator.
static void iter_swap (iterator a, iterator b)
 Swap the referents of two DataVector iterators.

Non-standard operations.

void swapElement (size_type index, value_type newElem, reference oldElem)
 Swap one element out of the container.
void swapElement (iterator pos, value_type newElem, reference oldElem)
 Swap one element out of the container.
const PtrVectorstdcont () const
 Return the underlying std::vector of the container.
SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy () const
 Return the ownership policy setting for this container.
void clear (SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy)
 Erase all the elements in the collection, and reset the ownership mode.
void clear (SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy, SG::IndexTrackingPolicy trackIndices)
 Erase all the elements in the collection, and reset the ownership mode.
virtual const
dvlinfo_v () const
 Return the DV/DL info struct for this class.
const SG::AuxVectorBaseauxbase () const
 Convert to AuxVectorBase.
static const
dvlinfo ()
 Return the DV/DL info struct for this class.
static int baseOffset (const std::type_info &ti)
 Return the offset of a base DataVector class.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >

Base specialization for DataVector<T>.

This is used for the case where T does not derive from other classes. This is the class which actually holds the vector of pointers.

See the file comments for full details.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T >
typedef T DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::base_value_type

The T value used as the template parameter. Note that this is different from value_type (that's T*).

This type is used to proxy lvalue accesses to DataVector elements, in order to handle ownership.

Standard iterator. Note that lvalue references here will yield an ElementProxy, not a reference.

template<class T >
typedef std::vector<T*> DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::PtrVector

This is the type of the underlying std::vector (what stdcont returns).

template<class T >
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::reverse_iterator

Standard reverse_iterator. Note that lvalue references here will yield an ElementProxy, not a reference.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T >
DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::DataVector ( SG::OwnershipPolicy  ownPolicy = SG::OWN_ELEMENTS,
SG::IndexTrackingPolicy  trackIndices = SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES 
) [explicit]

Default constructor.

ownPolicy The ownership mode for the container.
trackIndices The index tracking policy.

By default, a DataVector will own its elements. To avoid this, pass SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS for ownPolicy.

template<class T >
DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::DataVector ( size_type  n,
SG::OwnershipPolicy  ownPolicy = SG::OWN_ELEMENTS,
SG::IndexTrackingPolicy  trackIndices = SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES 
) [explicit]

Sized constructor.

n The size of the container.
ownPolicy The ownership mode for the container.
trackIndices The index tracking policy.

Note that unlike the standard vector constructor, you can't specify an initial value here. The container will be initialized with 0's.

By default, a DataVector will own its elements. To avoid this, pass SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS for ownPolicy.

template<class T >
DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::DataVector ( const DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > &  rhs  ) 

Copy constructor.

rhs The container from which to copy.

This is a `shallow' copy; the new container will not own its elements.

template<class T >
template<class InputIterator >
DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::DataVector ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
SG::OwnershipPolicy  ownPolicy = SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS,
SG::IndexTrackingPolicy  trackIndices = SG::DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES,
SG::IAuxStore store = 0 
) [inline]

Constructor from iterators.

first The start of the range to put in the new container.
last The end of the range to put in the new container.
ownPolicy The ownership mode for the container.
trackIndices The index tracking policy.
store An associated auxiliary data store.

By default, a DataVector will own its elements (and take ownership of the pointers passed to this constructor). To avoid this, pass SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS for ownPolicy.

template<class T >
virtual DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::~DataVector (  )  [virtual]


If this container owns its elements, the contained elements will be deleted as well. Before doing this, the destructor will scan for duplicate pointers (takes $n \log n$ time); duplicates are only destroyed once. Duplicates should, however, be considered an error; don't rely on this behavior.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T >
template<class InputIterator >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::assign ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 
) [inline]

Assign from iterators.

first The start of the range to put in the container.
last The end of the range to put in the container.

Any existing owned elements will be released. The DataVector's ownership policy determines whether it will take ownership of the new elements.

template<class T >
ElementProxy DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::at ( size_type  n  ) 

Access an element, as an lvalue.

n Array index to access.
Proxy to the element at n.

Will raise std::out_of_range if the index is out-of-bounds. Note that we return a proxy object rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::at ( size_type  n  )  const

Access an element, as an rvalue.

n Array index to access.
The element at n.

Will raise std::out_of_range if the index is out-of-bounds. Note that we return a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
const SG::AuxVectorBase& DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::auxbase (  )  const

Convert to AuxVectorBase.

Needed to get AuxVectorBase from a ConstDataVector. Present in DataVector as well for consistency.

template<class T >
ElementProxy DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::back (  ) 

Access the last element in the collection as an lvalue.

Proxy to the last element in the collection.

No checking is done to ensure that the container is not empty. Note that we return a proxy object rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::back (  )  const

Access the last element in the collection as an rvalue.

The last element in the collection.

No checking is done to ensure that the container is not empty. Note that we return a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
static int DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::baseOffset ( const std::type_info &  ti  )  [static]

Return the offset of a base DataVector class.

ti std::type_info of the desired class.

If ti represents a DataVector base class of this one, then return the offset of that base class. Otherwise, return -1.

This function is here due to limitations of root 6, which can't calculate these offsets correctly from the dictionary if virtual derivation is used.

template<class T >
static int DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::baseOffset1 ( const char *  p,
const DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > &  dv,
const std::type_info &  ti 
) [static]

Helper for baseOffset.

p Pointer to the start of the top-level object.
dv Reference to the DataVector object.
ti std::type_info of the desired class.

If ti represents a DataVector base class of this one, then return the offset of that base class. Otherwise, return -1.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::begin (  ) 

Return an iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

An iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a proxy rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::begin (  )  const

Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

A const_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
virtual size_type DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::capacity_v (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the total number of elements that the collection can hold before needing to allocate more memory.

This version is virtual, to be callable from the AuxData base class.

Implements SG::AuxVectorData.

template<class T >
const_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::cbegin (  )  const

Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

A const_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
const_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::cend (  )  const

Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

A const_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::clear ( SG::OwnershipPolicy  ownPolicy,
SG::IndexTrackingPolicy  trackIndices 

Erase all the elements in the collection, and reset the ownership mode.

ownPolicy The new ownership policy of the container.
trackIndices The index tracking policy.

If the container owns its elements, then the removed elements will be deleted. Any duplicates will be removed in this process, but don't rely on this.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::clear ( SG::OwnershipPolicy  ownPolicy  ) 

Erase all the elements in the collection, and reset the ownership mode.

ownPolicy The new ownership policy of the container.

If the container owns its elements, then the removed elements will be deleted. Any duplicates will be removed in this process, but don't rely on this.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::clear (  ) 

Erase all the elements in the collection.

If the container owns its elements, then the removed elements will be deleted. Any duplicates will be removed in this process, but don't rely on this.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::clearMostDerived (  )  [protected]

Clear m_isMostDerived for this instance and for all bases.

Called from the constructor after setting m_isMostDerived.

template<class T >
const_reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::crbegin (  )  const

Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

A const_reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
const_reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::crend (  )  const

Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

A const_reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
static const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::do_cast ( const typename PtrVector::value_type  p  )  [static]

Helper to shorten calls to DataModel_detail::DVLCast.

p The value to convert.
The value as a const T*.

This is a no-op for the base class.

template<class T >
static const DataModel_detail::DVLInfoBase& DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::dvlinfo (  )  [static]

Return the DV/DL info struct for this class.

This can be used to make sure that it's instantiated.

template<class T >
virtual const DataModel_detail::DVLInfoBase& DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::dvlinfo_v (  )  const [virtual]

Return the DV/DL info struct for this class.

This can be used to make sure that it's instantiated.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::emplace ( iterator  position,
value_type  pElem 

Add a new element to the collection.

position Iterator before which the element will be added.
pElem The element to add to the collection.
An iterator that points to the inserted data.

The container's ownership policy will determine if it takes ownership of the new element.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

For DataVector, this is just the same as insert. It's included just for interface compatibility with `stdvector`.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::emplace_back ( value_type  pElem  ) 

Add an element to the end of the collection.

pElem The element to add to the collection.

The container's ownership policy will determine if it takes ownership of the new element.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

For DataVector, this is just the same as push_back. It's included just for interface compatibility with `stdvector`.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::end (  ) 

Return an iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

An iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a proxy rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::end (  )  const

Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

A const_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::erase ( iterator  first,
iterator  last 

Remove a range of elements.

first Iterator pointing to the first element to be removed.
last Iterator pointing one past the last element to be removed.
An iterator pointing to the element pointed to by last prior to erasing (or end()).

If the container owns its elements, then the removed elements will be deleted. Any duplicates will be removed in this process, but don't rely on this.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::erase ( iterator  position  ) 

Remove element at a given position.

position Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.
An iterator pointing to the next element (or end()).

If the container owns its elements, then the pointed-to element will be deleted.

template<class T >
PtrVector::iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::erase_base ( typename PtrVector::iterator  first,
typename PtrVector::iterator  last 
) [protected]

Helper for erase(). Remove a range of elements.

first Iterator pointing to the first element to be removed.
last Iterator pointing one past the last element to be removed.
An iterator pointing to the element pointed to by last prior to erasing (or end()).

This function factors out common code between erase() in the base and derived DataVector classes. It deals with the std::vector iterators directly.

template<class T >
PtrVector::iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::erase_base ( typename PtrVector::iterator  position  )  [protected]

Helper for erase(). Remove element at a given position.

position Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.
An iterator pointing to the next element (or end()).

This function factors out common code between erase() in the base and derived DataVector classes. It deals with the std::vector iterators directly.

template<class T >
ElementProxy DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::front (  ) 

Access the first element in the collection as an lvalue.

Proxy to the first element in the collection.

No checking is done to ensure that the container is not empty. Note that we return a proxy object rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::front (  )  const

Access the first element in the collection as an rvalue.

The first element in the collection.

No checking is done to ensure that the container is not empty. Note that we return a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::get ( size_type  n  )  const

Access an element, as an rvalue.

n Array index to access.
The element at n.

This is a synonym for operator[] const, to be used when calling from root (where we can't readily call just the const version of a method).

template<class T >
template<class InputIterator >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::insert ( iterator  position,
InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last 
) [inline]

Add a group of new elements to the collection.

position Iterator before which the element will be added.
first The start of the range to put in the container.
last The end of the range to put in the container.

The container's ownership policy will determine if it takes ownership of the new element.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::insert ( iterator  position,
value_type  pElem 

Add a new element to the collection.

position Iterator before which the element will be added.
pElem The element to add to the collection.
An iterator that points to the inserted data.

The container's ownership policy will determine if it takes ownership of the new element.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
static void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::iter_swap ( iterator  a,
iterator  b 
) [static]

Swap the referents of two DataVector iterators.

a The first iterator for the swap.
b The second iterator for the swap/
template<class T >
DataVector& DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::operator= ( const DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > &  rhs  ) 

Assignment operator.

rhs The DataVector from which to assign.
This object.

This is a `shallow' copy; after the completion of this, the DataVector will not own its elements. Any elements it owned prior to this call will be released.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
ElementProxy DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::operator[] ( size_type  n  ) 

Access an element, as an lvalue.

n Array index to access.
Proxy to the element at n.

No bounds checking is done. Note that we return a proxy object rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const T* DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::operator[] ( size_type  n  )  const

Access an element, as an rvalue.

n Array index to access.
The element at n.

No bounds checking is done. Note that we return a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::pop_back (  ) 

Remove the last element from the collection.

If the container owns its elements, then the removed element will be deleted.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::push_back ( value_type  pElem  ) 

Add an element to the end of the collection.

pElem The element to add to the collection.

The container's ownership policy will determine if it takes ownership of the new element.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::rbegin (  ) 

Return a reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

A reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a proxy rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const_reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::rbegin (  )  const

Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.

A const_reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::rend (  ) 

Return a reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

A reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a proxy rather than a reference; the proxy will handle deleting an owned element if it's assigned to.

template<class T >
const_reverse_iterator DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::rend (  )  const

Return a const_reverse_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.

A const_reverse_iterator.

Note that dereferencing the iterator will yield a const T* rather than a reference.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::reserve ( size_type  n  ) 

Attempt to preallocate enough memory for a specified number of elements.

n Number of elements required.
template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::resize ( size_type  sz  ) 

Resizes the collection to the specified number of elements.

sz The new size of the collection.

Note that this function differs from the standard in that it does not allow specifying the value of any inserted elements. They will always be 0.

If the container is shrunk, elements will be deleted as with erase().

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::resortAux ( iterator  beg,
iterator  end 

Reset indices / reorder aux data after elements have been permuted.

beg Start of the range of elements to process.
end End of the range of elements to process.

Call this after some operation that has permuted the elements in the container (such as sort). The index information in the elements will be used to permute all auxiliary data in the same way. Finally, all the indices will be reset in the correct order.

template<class T >
virtual void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::setMostDerived (  )  [protected, virtual]

Set m_isMostDerived for this instance and clear it for all bases.

Called from testInsert if the test fails. The flag may not have been set if this container was made via copy construction, so set it appropriately now so we can test again.

template<class T >
virtual size_type DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::size_v (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the number of elements in the collection.

This version is virtual, to be callable from the AuxData base class.

Implements SG::AuxVectorData.

template<class T >
template<class COMPARE >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::sort ( COMPARE  comp  )  [inline]

Sort the container with a user-specified comparison operator.

comp Functional to compare two values.
template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::sort (  ) 

Sort the container.

This just sorts by pointer value, so it's probably not very useful.

template<class T >
const PtrVector& DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::stdcont (  )  const

Return the underlying std::vector of the container.

Reference to the std::vector actually holding the collection.

Note that DataVector<T>::stdcont does not necessarily return a std::vector<T*> if DataVector inheritance is being used.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::swap ( DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > &  rhs  ) 

Swap this collection with another.

rhs The collection with which to swap.

Ownership is swapped along with the collection content.

Note: this method may only be called using the most-derived DataVector in the hierarchy. The rhs must also be referenced using the most-derived DataVector.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::swapElement ( iterator  pos,
value_type  newElem,
reference  oldElem 

Swap one element out of the container.

pos The element in the container to swap.
newElem New element to put in the container. May be 0.
oldElem Reference to receive the element removed from the container.

Reference oldElem is initialized with element pos of the collection (no bounds checking). Then element index is set to newElem. If the collection owns its elements, then it will take ownership of newElem and release (without deleting) the element returned through oldElem.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::swapElement ( size_type  index,
value_type  newElem,
reference  oldElem 

Swap one element out of the container.

index Index of the element in the container to swap.
newElem New element to put in the container. May be 0.
oldElem Reference to receive the element removed from the container.

Reference oldElem is initialized with element index of the collection (no bounds checking). Then element index is set to newElem. If the collection owns its elements, then it will take ownership of newElem and release (without deleting) the element returned through oldElem.

Note: this method may only be called using the most derived DataVector in the hierarchy.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::testInsert ( const char *  op  ) 

Test if we can insert; raise an exception if not.

op Description of the attempted operation.

In order to maintain type-safety, we can only allow insertions using the most-derived instance of DataVector. This checks this by testing the m_isMostDerived, which is set by the constructors to true only for the most-derived instance. If the test fails, we call to potentially out-of-line code to continue.

template<class T >
void DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::testInsertOol ( const char *  op  ) 

Test if we can insert; raise an exception if not.

op Description of the attempted operation.

This continues the test of testInsert. There is one case where m_isMostDerived may not be set correctly. If this container was made via copy construction, then all the m_isMostDerived flags will be false. So we call setMostDerived to set the flags correctly and test again. If the test fails again, then we raise an exception.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T >
const bool DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >::has_virtual = false [inline, static]

This is true for any DataVector class if we need to use virtual derivation to get to the base DataVector class. Since this is the base DataVector class, set this unconditionally to false.

The ownership policy of this container --- either SG::OWNS_ELEMENTS or SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS.

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