PMGTools::PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for PMGTools::PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool:
IWeightTool asg::AsgTool asg::IAsgTool asg::IAsgTool

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool (const std::string &name="PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool")
 Standard tool constructor, with name.
Interface inherited from asg::IAsgTool

virtual StatusCode initialize () override final
 Initialize is required by AsgTool base class.
Interface inherited from IWeightTool

virtual double getWeight () const override
Functions used in calculating the event weight

double getSherpa22VJets_NJetCorrection (size_t ntag) const
 Return correction for given jet multiplicity.
double getSherpa22VJets_NJetCorrection (const std::string &jetcontainer) const
size_t getSherpa22VJets_NJet (const std::string &jetcontainer) const
 Function returns number of jets required for correction.

Member Function Documentation

double PMGTools::PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool::getSherpa22VJets_NJetCorrection ( const std::string &  jetcontainer  )  const

Input is the truth collection string Antikt4TruthJets or Antikt4TruthWZJets

virtual double PMGTools::PMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool::getWeight (  )  const [override, virtual]

Sherpa 2.2 V+jets jet multiplicity reweight to fix issue from scale settings used in pTV sliced samples

Finds truth collections on the input file and returns weight (returns 0 if no collections found)

The weight to be used. Or 0 if no truth het container is found.

Implements IWeightTool.

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 1 Dec 2017 for RootCore Packages by  doxygen 1.6.1